Sommer/Summers Genealogy The Indiana Branch
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Descendants of Johann Georg "George" (Hans Jorg/Jurg) Sommer Generation No. 1
The New Hanover Lutheran Church was the first German Lutheran church in America as the historical marker below explains.
1. JOHANN GEORG "GEORGE" (HANS JORG/JURG)1 SOMMER was born Abt. 1713 in Palatinate region of Germany and died Bef. April 26, 1787 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., VA. He married MARIA MARGRETHA 1736 in Germany. Notes for JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG) SOMMER: info on Summers family from Summers researchers: From "Colonial Roads to 1750" by Dollarhide, the map at right shows the Great Valley/Wagon Road extending from the Lancaster area of Pennsylvania, southwest through Maryland, across the Potomac River, and then along the Shenandoah River through Virginia. This was the route that our immigrant ancestor took in 1766 to the Toms Brook locale of what is now Augusta County, Virginia. Some Summers genealogists attribute Johann George "George" Sommer's parents as Michael Somer, born 1685, and Catarine Eliza, born 1690. While this is an attractive theory-- since the names in the first three generations fit German patronymics--there is no documentation to prove this connection.
George Sommer moved with his family in 1766 to what is now Toms Brook. From the Shenandoah County web site, the shot below is a general view of Toms Brook which runs into the village of Toms Brook, VA. The Toms Brook Cemetery holds no stone for Johann George "George" Sommer. Also from the Shenandoah County web site, the picture below right is another scenic view of the area.
George Sommer's will written in Shenandoah County, VA, June 19, 1782, and probated on April 26, 1787: Will Book B, page 334-- expenses be paid & discharged as soon as convenient after my decease by my Executor herein after nominated and appointed to this my last will and testament. Secondly I do give and bequeath to my dear beloved wife Mary Margaretha Sommer during her natural life one full third of my real and personal Estate after my decease or if she shall chose her maintenance from out of her third of my Estate with my son Andrew Sommer if they should so agree that is say my said wife Mary Margaretha Sommer shall one full third part of my Estate upon the plantation where I now live in the County of Shenandoah in the state aforesaid during her natural life and after her decease the same shall descend to my said son Andrew Sommer provided that if my said wife should be willing to have her maintenance out of said Estate and land of my said plantation besides her bed & bedsteads and bedcovers everything whereunto ![]() belonging as it shall be at the day of my decease to her as aforesaid during her natural life and peaceable possession in the house wherein I shall live before the day of my decease on the plantation aforesaid and if my said son Andrew and my said wife should not agree amongst themselves for her good maintenance during her natural life out & from my Estate and on my said plantation and have and her coats and bedstead and bed as aforesaid first to her delivered than my said son Andrew Sommer his Executor & Administrator or Afore assigned shall give peaceable house room & possession on my said plantation aforesaid during her natural life and the one full third of my aforesaid and I further give and bequeath to my sons Johannes Sommer and Michael Sommers decd heirs John Sommer Paul Sommer and Andrew Sommer and my daughters Elizabeth Yeager and Eve Black all my two thirds and remainder of my personal estate remaining of the debts first paid and my said wife's part taken from it I give the two other third & remainder as aforesaid to my said sons and daughters here above mentioned to them & their several heirs and assigned to be equally divided among them the aforesaid and my will and desire is that if the said personal estate aforesaid my said children cannot agree among themselves upon a division as aforesaid among them selves that the same shall be sold by my Executors and the money arriving from such shall be equally divided as aforesaid among them and no more and my real estate and plantation aforesaid in the county aforesaid containing one hundred sixty acres more or less of land I do give ( and wish ?) the same to my youngest son Andrew Sommer to be by him possessed and all appurtenances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining I give the said plantation of one hundred and sixty acres as aforesaid to my said sin Andrew Sommer to him and to his heirs and assigned for ever with all houses and profits after the day of decd. Of my wife Mary Margaretha Sommer for ever and lastly I do hereby nominate constitute & appoint my true friends John Mauk and Phillipe Wendel to be the Executors to this my last will and testament allowing this and no other to be my last will & testament ratifying and disannulling all others by me heretofore at any time by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. "Sealed Signed and Declared by the said George Sommer to be his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribers who have hereunto set our hands as witnesses in the presence of the Testators Alexander Hite, Abraham Hochman, George Sommer, Johannes Jarsman. "At a court held for the County of Shenandoah on Thursday the 26th Day of April 1787. The last will and Testament of George Sommer Decd. was produced to the Court by John Mauk & Phillipe Wendel Executors therein named and was proved by the oaths of Alexander Hite, Abraham Hochman & John Hochman & to be rec'd. on the motion of the said Executors a probate thereof is granted them they having sworn to the same & given Bond & Security according to the law. Teste John Williams. "Know all men by these presents that we John Mauk & Philipe Wendel & George Keller & John Windle are held and firmly bound unto Charles Bird, Jos. Watson Jacob Rinker George Keller E. Jones & Wick Keagle Gentleman Justices of the County of Shenandoah now sitting in the sum of one thousand pounds current money of Virginia to the payment will & truly to be made to the said Justices their successors will bind ourselves our & each of our heirs Exec's and Administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 26th Day of April 1781. "The conditions of the above is such that if the above bounden. John Mauk & Philipe Windle Executors of the Last will and Testament of George Sommer Decd. do make or cause to be made a perfect inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Creditors of the said decedent which have or shall come to the hands or possession of the said John Mauk & Philipe Windle or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them & the same so made do Exhibit or cause to be Exhibited unto the County Court of Shenandoah at such time as they shall be hereunto required by the said Court to the same Goods Chattels & Creditors of the said decd. At the time of his death or any time hereafter shall come to the hands or possession of the said John Mauk & Philipe Windle or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them to do well & truly administer according to law & further do make a just and true account of all their actings & doings therein when there is required by the said Court & also do well & truly pay & deliver all the legacies contained & rectified in the said Testament as far as the said Goods Chattels & Credits will Whereunto extend of the said charges then the above obligation to void else to remain in full force and virtue. "Signed & Sealed in the presence of the Court }Johannes Mauk, Philipe Wendel, George Keller,Johannes Wendel "Know all men by these presents that we Clary Coffett & Henry Huddle & George Harris are held and firmly bound with Jacob Rinker ??? Joseph Watson George Keller & Evan Jones Gentleman Justices of the County Court of Shenandoah now sitting in the sum of one thousand pounds to which payment well and truly to be made to the said Justices and their successors We bind ourselves and each of us we & our heirs Executors and Administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this twenty sixth Day of April 1787." from "The History of
Shenandoah County": Fact 1: arrived in Philadelphia, PA 1738 aboard "St. Andrew"; Fact 2: 1787 will indicates children; At right, is a picture of Toms Brook, taken near where the creek enters the town of Toms Brook, VA. Fact 3: "Palatinate" refers to Rhine River valley in southwest Germany; Fact 4: 1766 received grant of 442 acres on Toms Brook in Frederick Co., (now Shenandoah Co.) VA, from Thomas Lord Fairfax; Fact 5: in "The History of Shenandoah County"; Fact 6: pictures of areas; Children of JOHANN SOMMER and MARIA are: 2. i. JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, b. December 13, 1746; d. May 13, 1803, Augusta Co., VA. 3. ii. JOHANNES SOMMERS, b. 1737, Germany; d. May 28, 1806, Augusta Co., VA. 4. iii. MARGARETHA ELISABETH SOMMERS, b. 1742, prob. New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. Aft. 1800. 5. iv. JOHANN MICHAEL SOMMERS, b. bef. March 03, 1744, New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. May 30, 1782, Shenandoah Co., VA. 6. v. JOHANN PAUL SOMMERS, b. July 28, 1748, New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. Enon, Nicholas Co., (West) Virginia. 7. vi. MARY EVA SOMMERS, b. September 18, 1751, New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. November 07, 1823, Toms Brook, Shenandoah, Virginia. vii. JOHANN JACOB SOMMERS, b. April 24, 1754, New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. April 24, 1754. viii. JOHANN ANDREW SOMMERS, b. January 09, 1757, New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA; d. May 12, 1828, Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., VA; m. VERONICA HEISER, March 04, 1788, Shenandoah Co., VA.
Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born December 13, 1746, and died May 13, 1803 in Augusta Co., VA. He married ELIZABETH Abt. 1774 in Prob. Pennsylvania. She was born Bet. January 28, 1741 - 1742 in Germany, and died 1832 in Augusta Co., VA. Notes for JOHN SUMMERS/SOMMERS: from Jack Ott, Summers genealogist: "There are conflicting dates for the birth of John. Some sources indicate 1737, while others indicate 1740 and 1746. There are also questions whether or not this John Summers married Elizabeth Reidenauer. The conflicts are probably the result of more than one John (Johanne) Summers or Sommer being born in Germany at about the same time and appearing in western Virginia at about the same time. The information shown here reflects the information provided by the majority of researchers." from Summers researcher Tom Fisher: "The maiden name of the wife of John Summers (d. 1803) is unknown, but she is definitely not the Elizabeth Reidannauer who married [a] Johannes Sommer in 1764 in Montgomery Co., PA. She is also not the Margaret Elizabeth Reitenauer, daughter of George Reitenauer and wife Julianna, b. 28 Jan 1751, m. 24 May 1774, d. 28 Dec 1812..." according to Summers researcher Norma Jennings: "Our John Summers from Augusta County, Virginia, who died in 1803, has a will and other records, some in German, that confirm his large family, including Henry, our ancestor, married to "Polly." Our John is buried in St. John's Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA. He provided supplies to army during Revolution which makes him a patriot and qualifies descendents for DAR membership";
A John Summers/Sumers is also listed as a Revolutionary participant in "Virginia Revolutionary Public Claims" Vol. 1, compiled and trans. by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten, Iberian Pub. Co., Athens, GA, p. 98; and The Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Service Claims index Augusta Co., Certificates: 1, lists III, p. 8 (on line). from "DAR Patriot Index," Vol. III, Centennial Edition, 1990, Part 3, SUMMERS: SOMERS, SOMMER, SUMMER: (1) 'John b 12-13-1746 d 5-13-1803 VA md Ellizabeth Reidnauer; PS VA,' and (2) 'John : b 12- -1746 d a 7-28-1806 VA m X Sol VA.' Concerning John Summers' Revolutionary War service, the Summers researchers listed above are convinced that our ancestor was a participant. However, there is much controversy about which John, son of Johann George Sommer, is being referenced in which legal record. Researchers are convinced that the information contained at the DAR is inaccurate as to the two men from Virginia named John Sommer/Summers (both sons of Johann George Sommer). The inaccuracies are understandable since both had the same name, were of roughly the same age, living in the same area, and married to women named Elizabeth. From a thorough analysis of church records in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and the wills in the first two generations of this Sommer/Summers family, researchers now know that the John Summers, b. 1746-d. 1803, did not marry Elizabeth Reidnauer. His wife was an Elizabeth, but her last name is unknown. The second John Summers who died in 1806 was actually born in 1737, and he was the one married to Elizabeth Reidnauer. To further complicate the issue, "A History of Shenandoah County Virginia," by John W. Wayland p. 651 says: "George Summers, immigrant of Flemish origin, settled on the Shenandoah river, 1766. His name appears in the Virginia census of 1783 of Shenandoah as George Sommer. His son, John Summers served under Gen. Muhlenberg, settled near Middlebrook, Augusta County Va and had 15 children, who scattered from North Carolina to Oh. His son, Samuel Summers was an Indiana judge." As Patricia Bevier explains: "The John Summers who had a son named Samuel was the older John, (1737-1806) If Wayland is correct, that would mean that John (1746-1803) was the PS, [private soldier]. So we can't be certain which John was the PS. I, too, believe that John (1746-1803) was most likely the soldier. He is 9 years younger, so he would have been age 30-37 during the war. His brother would have been age 39-46." In other words, while both sons of Johann George Sommer named John Summers from Virginia participated in the Revolution, at this point, we cannot prove which John is being referred to in the various national and state records. St. John's Cemetery (2004), Middlebrook, Augusta Co., VA, is pictured at
right. In the background is the St. John's Lutheran Church.
Melody Summers Hull and husband Th from Summers researcher Judy at site [my enumeration]: 1. land and tax records for John Summers in Augusta Co., VA, in 1782, 1788, 1790; 2. August Co. Deed Book records transactions for 1781, 1789, 1802, 1803: on p. 277: "John Summers, Francis Hull, Henry Rinehart, and Robert Harris had survey made to establish land lines, especially of Francis Hull's land which adjoined the other men named. This was done for their posterity so there would be no fights after they had all gone to the 'room of silence.' The witnesses were Henry Menger, Christian Hess, Frederick Hull. Every signature on this document, with the exception of Robert Harris, is in German." 3. Deed Book for 1809, Augusta Co., VA, son Henry Summers and his wife Polly, sons Jacob and David, etc., shown transacting land deals in March and June; also in September of 1818; 4. Augusta Co., VA Will Book 9, p. 281, April 26, 1803, proved June 27, 1803; written originally in German and translated, signed in German: " wife Elizabeth; son John (already provided for), daughters Mary Doame, Barbara Hull, Elizabeth Pect, to sons David, Henry, Jacob, to children not before named, viz. Margaret, Catharine, Eve. Executors, Daniel Peck (Beck), Daniel Hull, Test: Jno. Young, Frederck Henger, Christian (X) Baird." 5. Will (as above) published in 'Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court records of Augusta County' by Lyman Chalkley, Vol. III, p. 224. 6. "Johannes (John) Summers is buried at St. John's Church near Middlebrook, VA. His name is listed by Dorothy Weaver as John Tobin Summers, Dec., 13, 1740-May 13, 1803. He is next to his wife Elizabeth in Row 5." Also in "Here Lyeth" by Dorothy Weaver, 3rd Ed., 1999, p. 12. 7. Johannes and wife Elizabeth appear in earliest records of St. John's Church in births, baptisms, and sponsorships. "St. John's Church Register German Reformed & Lutheran Augusta Co., VA" compiled by Peggy Shomo Joyner, Portsmouth, VA, 1995. pp. 7,9,11,13,14.
from Marji Turner:
from Marji's compilation: At a court for Shenandoah county on Thursday the 24th of
February 1780. This lease from John Summers & Elizabeth his wife to Peter
Black acknowledged. She being first privately examined and ordered to be
recorded. TEST Jno. Marshall (LS) The will of John Summers (d1803) was written 20 Apr 1803
and proved 27 Jun 1803 in Augusta Co., Va. [Will Book 9, page 281][8]: ![]() Signed sealed published and proclaimed in the presence of Jno Yound John Sommers seal,,Frederick Hanger, Christian C.S. Baird, Joseph Fauber "At a Court held for Augusta County the 27th day of June 1803. This last Will and Testament of John Summers deceased was proved by the oaths of the witness thereto, and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Daniel Peck & Daniel Hull, the Executors therein named, who made oath according to Law, and together with Andrew Peck and Frederick Hanger, their Sureties entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of fifteen hundred Dollars conditioned as the law directs, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form." A close-up right of Elizabeth Summers' gravestone at the St. John's Cemetery shows a star at the top and "In memory of Elisabeth Summers" below. The stone is next to that of her husband John Summers. photo courtesy of Jack Ott;
Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA Fact 1: buried in St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA: 1 mile east of Middlebrook Rd., on a turn off from road, which leads to Bethel Church, Augusta Co., VA; Fact 2: Revolutionary War patriot; listed in DAR Patriot Index-Centennial Edition; Fact 3: recorded in Dorothy Weaver's book "Here Lyeth"; Fact 4: John and Francis Hull owned land next to each other, went to the same church, served on a jury together, buried in the same cemetery; both served in Revolution; both from Germany; Fact 5: confirmed in Lutheran Church, April 29, 1755; Notes for ELIZABETH: from Summers researcher Linda Houser, linhouse at, at site and interesting possibility: "...According to a family history sent by Glenn & Rosemary Wilson in June 2002, her (Elizabeth's) maiden name was Hull. As there were Hull and Hall families in the Augusta County area near the Summers', it is a possibility that the information is correct. Hull burials in the St. Johns Cemetery, Augusta Co., VA are very near those of Elizabeth and John." More About ELIZABETH: Fact 1: buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA; The photo below, courtesy of Jack Ott, shows the family plot at the St. John's Cemetery. John Summers' is the middle stone; wife Elizabeth Summers' is on the right; daughter-in-law Rebecca Engleman's, who married John's son David, is on the left.
Children of JOHN SUMMERS/SOMMERS and ELIZABETH are: i. HENRY SUMMERS, b. July 15, 1784, Augusta Co., VA; d. August 10, 1871, Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. ii. JOHN SUMMERS, b. September 17, 1775, Augusta Co., VA;
d. 1855, Harrison Co., IN; m. CATHERINE ENGLEMAN, October 03, 1798,
Augusta Co., VA; b. December 07, 1780, Augusta Co., VA; d. March 11, 1861,
Floyd Co., IN. iii. MARY BARBARA SUMMERS, b. October 17, 1777, Augusta Co., VA; d. February 24, 1853, Augusta Co., VA; m. DANIEL HULL, SR., Abt. February 15, 1796, Augusta Co., VA; b. March 06, 1768; d. January 11, 1854, Augusta Co., VA. More About MARY BARBARA SUMMERS: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA picture at right;
More About DANIEL HULL, SR.: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Middlebrook, VA Fact 1: 1796 Francis and Margret Hull deeded 215 acres in Augusta Co., to son Danial Hull; picture at right; iv. ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. Abt. 1780, Augusta Co., VA; m. DANIEL BECK (PECK), December 09, 1799, Augusta Co., VA. v. DAVID SUMMERS, b. July 25, 1782, Augusta Co., VA; d. February 23, 1857, Augusta Co., VA. vi. JACOB SUMMERS, b. December 21, 1786, Augusta Co., VA; d. January 24, 1868, Georgetown, Floyd Co., IN. vii. MARY SUMMERS, b. 1779, Augusta Co., VA; d. 1821, Augusta Co., VA; m. JOSEPH DOME (DOHM), April 08, 1797. viii. MARGARET SUMMERS, b. May 23, 1789, Augusta Co., VA; d. June 24, 1877, Callaway Co., MO; m. JOSEPH FAUBER, April 16, 1809; b. October 08, 1787, Shenandoah Co., VA; d. Aft. 1853, Callaway Co., MO. ix. CATHERINE SUMMERS, b. December 12, 1792, Augusta Co., VA; d. 1875, Woodford Co., IL; m. GEORGE LEONARD, October 25, 1813, Augusta Co., VA; b. 1786, Pennsylvania; d. July 24, 1883, Woodford Co., IL. x. MARY EVA SUMMERS, b. November 30, 1795, Augusta Co., VA; d. Abt. 1870, Callaway Co., MO.
3. JOHANNES2 SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born 1737 in Germany, and died May 28, 1806 in Augusta Co., VA. He married ELISABETH REIDENAUR January 24, 1764 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, daughter of GEORGE REIDENAUR and JULIANA. She was born abt. 1743 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.Notes on Johannes Sommers: from Summers researcher Marji
Turner: also from Marji: from Tom Fisher: "The New
Hanover Lutheran Church records show that George Reitenauer and wife
Julianna had (after 1745) Johannes Reitenauer b. 30 Aug 1750, Elisabeth
Reitenauer b. 10 Nov 1753, and Elisabeth Reitenauer b. 1755. They also
had another daughter "Elizabeth Ritenauer, daughter of George, confirmed
25 Dec 1760 at age 17," which makes her born in 1743. This Elizabeth
Ritenauer, b. 1743, is believed to be the one who married Johannes
Sommer in 1764." i. JOHN (JR.) SOMMERS, b. 1775. ii. SAMUEL SOMMERS, b. 1785. iii. CHRISTIANA SOMMERS, b. 1783. iv. ELISABETH SOMMERS, b. 1761. v. ANDREW SOMMERS, b. January 24, 1771. vi. GEORGE SOMMERS, b. 1777. vii. JULIANNA SOMMERS, b. 1781. viii. PHILIP SOMMERS, b. 1779. ix. SARAH SOMMERS, b. January 04, 1775.
4. MARGARETHA ELISABETH2 SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born 1742 in prob. New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, and died Aft. 1800. She married ANDREW YEAGER 1759 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA.Children of MARGARETHA SOMMERS and ANDREW YEAGER are: i. JOHAN GEORGE YEAGER. ii. JOHN P. YEAGER. iii. PETER YEAGER. iv. TOBIAS (?) YEAGER. v. PHILIP YEAGER. vi. CATHERINE YEAGER. vii. MARIA EVA YEAGER.
5. JOHANN MICHAEL2 SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born March 03, 1744 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, and died May 30, 1782 in Shenandoah Co., VA. He married NANCY ANN ZUMWALT Bef. 1776. She was born Abt. 1750.Children of JOHANN SOMMERS and NANCY ZUMWALT are: i. SUSANNAH SOMMERS. ii. CATHERINE SOMMERS. iii. MARGARET SOMMERS.
6. JOHANN PAUL2 SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born July 28, 1748 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, and died in Enon, Nicholas Co., (West) Virginia. He married ELISABETH HULL Abt. 1770 in Frederick Co. (later Shenandoah Co.) VA.More About JOHANN PAUL SOMMERS: Burial: Old Stephenson Place, Enon, WV Children of JOHANN SOMMERS and ELISABETH HULL are: i. ADAM SOMMERS. ii. LEWIS SOMMERS.* iii. JEHU JOHN SOMMERS. iv. PAUL SOMMERS.* v. GEORGE SOMMERS. vi. WILLIAM SOMMERS. vii. SUSANNAH SOMMERS. viii. RACHEL SOMMERS. ix. PHOEBE SOMMERS. *As sons of Johann Paul Summers, Lewis and Paul are both disputed. Until evidence to the contrary comes to light, they are included here since there is a possibility of this kinship. 7. MARY EVA2 SOMMERS (JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born September 18, 1751 in New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, and died November 07, 1823 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah, Virginia. She married JOHANN MARTIN (BLACK) SCHWARTZ, JR. in Frederick Co. (later Shenandoah Co.) VA.Children of MARY SOMMERS and JOHANN SCHWARTZ are: i. MARIA SCHWARTZ. ii. CATHERINE SCHWARTZ. iii. ELIZABETH SCHWARTZ. iv. RACHEL SCHWARTZ. v. JACOB SCHWARTZ. vi. JOHN SCHWARTZ. vii. PETER SCHWARTZ. viii. CHIRSTINA SCHWARTZ.
Generation No. 3 8. HENRY3 SUMMERS (JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born July 15, 1784 in Augusta Co., VA, and died August 10,![]() Notes for HENRY SUMMERS: 2nd wife Julia Rudy King; children: Benjamin, Joseph, Henry, Susan, Eliza E., Sampson King; before Aug. 11, 1858, when 74, married a 3rd time to Margaret; from Tucker's "History of Randolph County," on page 132, recorded as buried in the Heaston (Old Winchester) Cemetery, Winchester, IN, listed as 'Henry Summers, born in Augusta County, VA, July 15, 1784 and died August 10, 1871, 87 years';
The Heaston/Old Winchester Cemetery, Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, is where Henry Summers is buried: "Henry Summers, born in Augusta County, VA, July 15, 1784 and died August 10, 1871, 87 years."
More About HENRY SUMMERS: Burial: Heaston Cemetery, Winchester, IN; Fact 1: 1st wife Mary Ann (Polly) Horn; 2nd Julie King; 3rd Margaret Whelan; Fact 2: in Randolph Co., before 1834; Samson King Summers, son, born that year in RC;. Fact 3: Charles, born 1806 VA, son of H and Polly; Fact 4: Henry and wife Mary came to Dayton, Ohio, with son Charles; Fact 5: recorded in Tucker's "History of Randolph County," p. 132, as 'Henry Summers, born in Augusta County, VA, July 15, 1784, and died August 10, 1871, 87 years,' buried in Old Winchester/Heaston Cemetery, Winchester, Randolph County, IN: Fact 6: 1820 census for Botetourt Co., VA;
More about MARY "POLLY" HORN: info on parents from Patricia Stahler, DAR member and Summers-Horn family historian: daughter of Charles Horn and Elizabeth, Charles's first wife;
in Botetourt Co., VA Will Book E, p. 315---expenses of estate of Charles
Horn paid November 18, 1824; Children of HENRY SUMMERS and MARY HORN are: vii. NANCY SUMMERS. viii. CHARLES SUMMERS, b. October 29, 1806, Augusta (as per Tucker bio.) or Botetourt County (as per gravestone), VA; d. April 20, 1895, Winchester, IN. ix. ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. 1810; d. August 30, 1852, Indiana. x. MARY (POLLY) SUMMERS, b. October 01, 1815, Roanoke, VA; d. June 11, 1898. xi. DAVID SUMMERS, b. 1818; d. January 1889, Cincinnati OH. xii. JOHN SUMMERS, b. Abt. 1820; m. CATHERINE E. BUTLER, August 03, 1848, Randolph County, IN1. xiii. JACOB SUMMERS, b. April 14, 1824, Virginia; d. July 26, 1881, Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. Children of HENRY SUMMERS and JULIA KING are: i. BENJAMIN5 SUMMERS. ii. JOSEPH SUMMERS. iii. HENRY SUMMERS. iv. SUSAN SUMMERS. v. ELIZA E. SUMMERS, m. ? TROXELL. vi. SAMPSON KING SUMMERS, b. October 24, 1834; d. Aft. August 1923.
9. DAVID3 SUMMERS (JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born July 25, 1782 in Augusta Co., VA, and died February 23, 1857 in Augusta Co., VA. He married REBECCA ENGLEMAN December 10, 1807. She was born 1786, and died June 04, 1829 in Augusta Co., VA.More About DAVID SUMMERS: Fact 1: 2nd spouse Juliana Palmer, married Oct. 10, 1831; Child of DAVID SUMMERS and REBECCA ENGLEMAN is:i. SARAH SUMMERS.
10. JACOB3 SUMMERS (JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born December 21, 1786 in Augusta Co., VA, and died January 24, 1868 in Georgetown, Floyd Co., IN. He married CHRISTIANA VENIS 1807, daughter of HENRY FINIS and MARGARET WOLF. She was born 1789 in Virginia, and died January 02, 1859 in Floyd Co., IN.![]() More About JACOB SUMMERS: Fact 1: buried at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Floyd Co., IN; More About CHRISTIANA VENIS: Fact 1: buried at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Floyd Co., IN; Children of JACOB SUMMERS and CHRISTIANA VENIS are: i. DAVID SUMMERS, b. November 11, 1808, Augusta Co., VA; d. September 26, 1887, Milltown, Crawford Co., IN. ii. JACOB (JR.) SUMMERS, b. June 12, 1812, Augusta Co., VA; d. October 29, 1893, Floyd Co., IN. iii. ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. February 18, 1815, Augusta Co., VA; m. JOHN MURPHY, December 10, 1835, Floyd Co., IN. iv. JOSEPH SUMMERS, b. May 02, 1817, Augusta Co., VA; d. May 05, 1893, Georgetown, Floyd Co., IN. v. SARAH SUMMERS, b. April 25, 1820; d. August 07, 1893, Crawford Co., IN; m. JOSEPH ROSS, April 06, 1837, Floyd Co., IN. vi. REBECCA SUMMERS, b. September 10, 1821, Floyd Co., IN; d. March 29, 1899, Floyd Co., IN; m. SOLOMON EVINGER, December 22, 1843, Floyd Co., IN. vii. HANNAH SUMMERS. viii. SUZANNA SUMMERS, b. December 05, 1827, Floyd Co., IN; d. June 06, 1881, Floyd Co., IN; m. HENRY A. WOLFE; b. October 31, 1827. ix. MARY J. SUMMERS, b. 1828, Floyd Co., IN; m. LAFAYETTE YENAWINE, February 14, 1850, Floyd Co., IN; b. 1826; d. 1907, Floyd Co., IN.
11. MARY EVA3 SUMMERS (JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born November 30, 1795 in Augusta Co., VA, and died Abt. 1870 in Callaway Co., MO. She married PETER HUFF February 24, 1812 in Augusta Co., VA. He was born February 02, 1785 in Pennsylvania, and died July 19, 1851 in Callaway Co., MO.Children of MARY SUMMERS and PETER HUFF are: i. SUZANNAH HUFF, b. January 09, 1813. ii. ELIZABETH HUFF. iii. HENRY HUFF. iv. DAVID HUFF. v. MARY B. HUFF. vi. JACOB M. HUFF. vii. JOHN HUFF.
Generation No. 4 12. JACOB4 SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born April 14, 1824 in Virginia, and died July 26, 1881 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. He married (1) ANN EDWARDS April 22, 1848 in Randolph Co., IN. She died Bef. 1860. He married his niece (2) ELVINA SUMMERS November 03, 1860, daughter of CHARLES SUMMERS and SUSANNAH LUDY. She was born December 11, 1833 in near Dayton, OH, and died August 23, 1921 in Winchester IN. Notes for JACOB SUMMERS: Jacob, according to
family story, had lived in the Dayton area at one time, and owned land
that part of Dayton now sits on. Jacob would have traveled with father
Henry and mother Mary as a six year old when Charles brought the Summers
More About JACOB SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Fact 1: mother and father born in VA; occupation: farmer; Fact 2: 1880 census White River Twp., Randolph County, IN; Fact 3: Laura E. Thomas, step-daughter living with them, 1880; Fact 4: 1st wife Ann on 1850 cenus, 24, born in IN; Fact 5: with their son Henry H. 1 year old, born in IN; Fact 6: Jacob, father Henry, and brother Charles moved to IN before 1849 (pro. c. 1827); Fact 7: 1860 census shows Henry H., 11, and Laura Thomas step-sister; Fact 8: has gravestone with inscription; section 8 next to road and Henry H., son; Fact 9: on 1865 plat map for White River Township, Randolph County, IN, in sec. 26 SW quarter, 20 acres (2 1/2 miles east of cemetery entrance, 5/8 mile south, 1/4 mile east); Fact 10: picture; Notes for ELVINA SUMMERS: See Elvina Summers below. She is the daughter of Charles Summers and Susanna Ludy, and since her husband, Jacob, is her father's brother, this makes Jacob her uncle. Children of JACOB SUMMERS and ELVINA SUMMERS are: ii. JOHN ELSWORTH SUMMERS, b. August 18, 1864, Winchester, Randolph County, IN; d. January 01, 1930, Anderson, IN. iii. ANNA JANE SUMMERS, b. November 1860, Randolph Co., IN; d. Aft. 1921. iv. SARAH ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. Abt. 1870. v. ALVA JACOB SUMMERS, b. 1866, Winchester, IN; d. October 1915, Winchester, IN. More About ALVA JACOB SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN
13. CHARLES SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born October 29, 1806 in Augusta (as per Tucker bio.) or Botetourt County (as per gravestone), VA; and died April 20, 1895 in Winchester, IN. He married (1) SUSANNAH LUDY February 28, 1833, daughter of NICOLAUS LUDI and CHRISTINA MARTIN. She was born February 04, 1813 in Frederick County, MD, and died September 15, 1847 in Winchester, IN. He married (2) REBECCA (MARGARETH) LUDY June 06, 1848 in Randolph Cty, IN, daughter of NICOLAUS LUDI and CHRISTINA MARTIN. She was born December 18, 1814 in Frederick Co., MD, and died September 25, 1887 in Winchester, IN. At right, descendents John Phillip Summers and Dorothy Summers Ayers at the gravestone of Charles Summers, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. Notes for CHARLES SUMMERS: Obituary in Winchester, IN, unidentified newspaper, April 1895: "Charles Summers was
born in Botetourt County, Virginia, October 29 1806 - and was the eldest
of a family of fourteen children. He was the son of Henry and Mary (Horn)
Summers, both of whom were also natives of Virginia. Until he was 21 years
of age he was engaged in cultivating the fertile valley of the James
River, and hunting wild game in the Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains,
frequently climbing the rugged rocks to the summit of the peaks of Otter.
In 1827 he left the valley of his birth, accompanied by his brother, and
walked to Dayton, Ohio, and was there engaged in digging the canal connecting Lake Erie
and the Ohio River. After its completion he was engaged as Captain on the
canal boat., "The Alpha," running from Dayton to Cincinnati. In 1829 he
returned to Virginia, again traversing the entire distance on foot. He
returned to Dayton, Ohio, in 1830, accompanied by his parents. In the
early spring of 1831 he made his first trip to this county and at that
time purchased the wilderness, out of the ashes of which, with an iron
nerve and an unconquerable will, he was to build his much loved home.
After making his purchase he returned to Dayton, Ohio, and while
from Tucker's "History of Randolph County," p. 357: 'CHARLES SUMMERS, farmer, P.O. Winchester, was born in Augusta County, VA, October 29, 1806, and is a son of Henry and Polly Summers, also natives of Virginia. He was brought up on a farm and attended school in a log cabin, and sat on slab seats. He came to Dayton, Ohio, in 1827, and some time afterward returned to Virginia. He came back to Dayton, in 1830, and in 1831 came to this county and selected a choice farm, which he still owns and occupies. He returned to Dayton, Ohio, after making the purchase, and there he married Miss Susan Ludy February 28, 1833, and the following year he brought his young wife to the Hoosier forest. He built a small cabin in the woods and cut out a piece of one log to admit the light. For seventeen years he hauled goods from Cincinnati and Dayton, and at such times as he had no hauling to do he would chop and haul two cords of wood to Winchester per day. Mr. Summers bought his first nails and first tobacco (dog leg) in Winchester with coonskins; he also paid his taxes with coon hides. He donated the timber for the first church in Winchester. He had to go to Richmond to mill, and distance of twenty-five miles. Mr. Summers did a vast amount of hard work. He cut (from the stump) and split 1,400 rails for George Hiatt for seven bushels of wheat, which was then worth 37 cents per bushel in currency. This he accomplished in seven days, besides going two miles to get some corn cracked also. Where can there be found a man who can do as much at the present time? In those days, they had no stoves, but cooked in pots and Dutch ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Summers had seven children of whom six are living--Elvina, John Elizabeth, Sarah A., Charles W. and David. Mrs. Summers died September 15, 1847, and he again married, in June, 1848, this time to Miss Rebecca Ludy, a sister of his former wife. They had one child--Elzina. Mr. S. now owns 113 acres of valuable land, which is underlaid by a stratum of gravel from two and a half to three feet beneath the soil. Although Mr. Summers has worked very hard, it was not for self only, for he has always liberally assisted schools and churches, and has ever been ready and willing to aid the poor and needy.'
More About CHARLES SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Fact 1: buried between two wives Susannah and Rebecca Ludy; all three on same stone; sec. 8 next to road. Fact 2: met Susan Ludy in Ohio; Fact 3: on 1874 White River Twp., RC, IN, plat map, sec. 21 SW quarter and sec. 28 NW quarter 80 acres (almost 1/2 mile due east of present day Fountain Park Cemetery on south side of road); Fact 4: In 1865 directory for Randolph County, White River Twp; Fact 5: pictures; Occupation: lumberman and teamster More About SUSANNAH LUDY: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Fact 1: died 9 days after David's birth; Fact 2: sister Rebecca married Charles after Susannah's death'; Fact 3: picture; **For Ludy information, go to the Ludy genealogy page.** More About REBECCA (MARGARETH) LUDY: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery Children of CHARLES SUMMERS and SUSANNAH LUDY are: i. ELVINA SUMMERS, b. December 11, 1833, near Dayton, OH; d. August 23, 1921, Winchester IN. ii. JOHN D. SUMMERS, b. July 15, 1836, Greenville Pike, Winchester, IN; d. April 10, 1924, Greenville Pike, Winchester, IN; m. MARGARET ELLEN ROOSA, February 08, 1872; b. 1854; d. 1933. More About JOHN D. SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery Cause of Death: paralytic stroke Occupation: truck gardener, fruit farmer More About MARGARET ELLEN ROOSA: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN iii. ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. January 27, 1839, one mile SE Winchester, IN; d. July 08, 1918, Winchester, IN. iv. SARAH ANN SUMMERS, b. July 07, 1841; d. 1917. v. MARY MAGDALINE SUMMERS, b. April 29, 1843; d. June 02, 1875. vi. CHARLES WESLEY SUMMERS, b. August 10, 1845, White River Twp., Randolph Co., IN; d. April 13, 1922, Winchester, IN. vii. DAVID SUMMERS, b. September 06, 1847; d. July 14, 1930, on a farm near Winchester, IN. Child of CHARLES SUMMERS and REBECCA LUDY is: viii. EVEANN ELZENA SUMMERS, b. September 26, 1850; d. April 28, 1938, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN.
15. SAMPSON KING4 SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born October 24, 1834, and died Aft. August 1923. He married MARIAH COATS April 03, 1860. She was born March 16, 1840 in Winchester, IN, and died October 14, 192, buried in Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN.Notes for SAMPSON KING SUMMERS: Tucker's "History of Randolph County, Indiana," page 357 says that he had 8 children, 7 living - Keturah E., William W., Sheman, Cynthia A., Columbus M., Carl H., & Herman O: 'SAMSON SUMMERS, farmer, P.O. Winchester, was born in this county October 24, 1834, and is a son of Henry and Julia Summers. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He has lived in various places, and served in the war three years, in Company H, Eighty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Atlanta, Jonesboro, and Lovejoy Station. He was mustered teamster at first, and it was only by his own request that he went into battle. H was married, April 3, 1859, to Miss Maria Coats, by whom he has had eight children, seven living--Keturah E., William W., Sherman, Cynthia A., Columbus M. Carl H. and Herman O. Mr. Summers owns 43 acres in White River Township and 200 acres in Missouri.' More About SAMPSON KING SUMMERS: Military service: Co. H, 84th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Civil War Occupation: farmer Children of SAMPSON SUMMERS and MARIAH COATS are: i. BENJAMIN SHERMAN SUMMERS. ii. WILLIAM SUMMERS. iii. KETURAH ETHELENE SUMMERS, m. ? CRAWFORD. iv. CYNTHIA ARLEPHA (LEAFY) SUMMERS, m. ? ROBERTS. v. COLUMBUS MARCUS SUMMERS. vi. CARL HAYS SUMMERS. vii. HERMAN O. SUMMERS.
16. ELIZABETH4 SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born 1810, and died August 30, 1852 in Indiana. She married ROBERT HARE CURRY November 14, 1836 in Dayton OH. He was born February 16, 1809, and died 1862 in Illinois.Children of ELIZABETH SUMMERS and ROBERT CURRY are: i. MARY ELIZABETH6 CURRY, b. 1837; d. Ohio; m. JOHN MICHEL CURRAN. ii. RICHARD JOHNSON CURRY, b. 1839; d. May 01, 1863. iii. HENRY SUMMERS CURRY, b. January 23, 1842, Dayton, OH; d. August 12, 1919, Winchester, IN. iv. ALMIRA C CURRY, b. 1843. v. NANCY ANN CURRY, b. 1845. 17. MARY (POLLY)4 SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born October 01, 1815 in Roanoke, VA, and died June 11, 1898. She married HENRY LUDY July 21, 1836 in Montgomery Co., OH, son of NICOLAUS LUDI and CHRISTINA MARTIN. He was born May 20, 1811 in Frederick Co., MD, and died April 23, 1879 in Randolph Co., IN.Children of MARY SUMMERS and HENRY LUDY are: i. MARY JANE LUDY, b. October 06, 1837, Dayton, OH; d. September 1909; m. PHENEAS PORTER, December 02, 1856. ii. JOHN WASHINGTON LUDY, b. February 22, 1840, Dayton, OH; d. April 06, 1902; m. OLIVE ROOSA. iii. ELIZABETH ANN LUDY, b. May 27, 1842, Winchester IN; d. December 20, 1911; m. ELWOOD HIATT, February 22, 1866; d. September 23, 1886. iv. ALONZO E. LUDY, b. April 08, 1852, Winchester IN; d. June 13, 1937, Greenville Ave., Winchester, IN. v. SARAH REBECCA LUDY, b. January 11, 1855, Winchester, IN; d. January 25, 1918; m. SERVEDAS H. BARKER, October 06, 1886. vi. EMMA LUDY, b. November 19, 1857, Winchester IN; d. January 28, 1914, Greenville Ave, Winchester, IN; m. ENNIS ROOSA, March 13, 1883. More About EMMA LUDY: Burial: January 30, 1914, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN vii. CHRISTINA KATHRYN LUDY, b. March 08, 1845, Winchester IN; d. January 21, 1908, Maxville Cemetery, IN; m. THOMAS J. WAY, September 14, 1867; d. October 28, 1891. viii. MARGUERITE ELLEN LUDY, b. February 26, 1848, Winchester, IN; d. April 06, 1938, Winchester, IN. 18. DAVID4 SUMMERS (HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born 1818, and died January 1889 in Cincinnati OH.Children of DAVID SUMMERS are: i. CHARLES SUMMERS. ii. ABIGAIL SUMMERS.
19. DAVID4 SUMMERS (JACOB3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born November 11, 1808 in Augusta Co., VA, and died September 26, 1887 in Milltown, Crawford Co., IN. He married SARAH ENGLEMAN May 20, 1830 in Harrison Co., IN. She was born March 14, 1815 in Augusta Co., VA, and died February 19, 1889 in Crawford Co., IN.![]() Children of DAVID SUMMERS and SARAH ENGLEMAN are: i. CATHERINE SUMMERS, b. 1831. ii. BARBARA JANE SUMMERS, b. 1832. iii. MARY ELIZABETH SUMMERS, b. 1834. iv. JAMES MONROE SUMMERS, b. 1836. v. ANDREW JACKSON SUMMERS, b. 1837. vi. SARAH EMALINE SUMMERS, b. 1839. vii. REBECCA ELLEN SUMMERS, b. 1841. viii. LEVINA MARGARET SUMMERS, b. 1843. ix. GEORGE DALLAS SUMMERS, b. 1845. x. JACOB LEWIS SUMMERS, b. 1848. xi. DAVID SYLVESTER SUMMERS. xii. CHARRITY C. SUMMERS, b. 1852. xiii. PATRICK HENRY SUMMERS, b. 1858.
20. JACOB (JR.)4 SUMMERS (JACOB3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born June 12, 1812 in Augusta Co., VA, and died October 29, 1893 in Floyd Co., IN. He married CYRENE HICKMAN January 29, 1893 in Floyd Co., IN. She was born January 03, 1817, and died October 16, 1881 in Floyd C![]() More About JACOB (JR.) SUMMERS: Fact 1: occupation: miller; Fact 2: buried in Wolfe Cemetery, Floyd Co., IN; Children of JACOB SUMMERS and CYRENE HICKMAN are: i. GEORGE WASHINGTON SUMMERS, b. 1840, Georgetown, Floyd Co., IN. ii. JESSE SUMMERS, b. 1841. iii. MARTHA JANE SUMMERS, b. 1843. iv. SINA ANN SUMMERS, b. 1846. v. WILLETT M. SUMMERS, b. 1848. vi. SARAH ELIZA SUMMERS, b. 1849. vii. MARIAH ELLEN SUMMERS, b. 1852. viii. RACHEL CATHERINE SUMMERS, b. 1855. ix. MARY SUMMERS, b. 1857.
21. JOSEPH4 SUMMERS (JACOB3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born May 02,![]() Children of JOSEPH SUMMERS and ELIZABETH UTZ are: i. MARY JANE SUMMERS. ii. CHRISTINA SUMMERS. iii. CAROLINA SUMMERS. iv. SHELBY SUMMERS. v. JOSEPH JR. SUMMERS. vi. SUSANNA SUMMERS. vii. DAVID SUMMERS. At right is a picture of the gravestone for Joseph and Elizabeth Utz Summers at the St John's Cemetery, Floyd County, IN. photo courtesy of Jack Ott;
Generation No. 5 22. JOHN ELSWORTH5
SOMMER) was born August 18, 1864 in
Winchester Notes for JOHN ELSWORTH SUMMERS: Family story-- John E. and father Jacob had a disagreement that caused a major rift in their relationship. Family stories vary: John E was cut out of will, disinherited, or given only two dollars by father. Because of alienation, John E. and wife Emma Jane Reck moved to Anderson, Madison County, IN. The division in family was so bad that John and Emma's children and grandchildren were never told who John's father was or anything about his family; no names were passed down to them. They only knew that John E. came from Winchester, IN. John Elsworth Summers rested in an unmarked grave for seventy- three years. In the spring of 2003, grandsons John and Mark Summers had a gravestone with name and dates placed at John E.'s grave site in East Maplewood, section 26. More About JOHN ELSWORTH SUMMERS: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN Fact 1: picture of family; Fact 2: copy of death certificate in MC, Anderson, IN; Fact 3: helped build "Old Main" building at Anderson College; Fact 4: 1920 census Anderson, IN; Occupation: wheelwright and carpenter; Notes for EMMA JANE RECK: Obituary in Anderson newspaper: "EMMA J. SUMMERS DIED AT HER HOME AT 1518 NELLE ST. AFTER
BEING ILL More About EMMA JANE RECK: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN Fact 1: pictured with Carl and family; Fact 2: parents from Darke County, Ohio Fact 3: died of throat cancer or thyroid problems; died on operating table: surgeon nicked c. artery (this family story differs from obit); Fact 4: buried in section 27, row C; Fact 5: taught Sunday school at Church of God in Anderson; Fact 6: funeral held at Park Place Church of God, Anderson, IN, officiated by Rev. E.A. Reardon; **For more Reck genealogy, go to the Reck page.**
Children of JOHN SUMMERS and EMMA RECK are: i. CARL MCKINLEY SUMMERS, b. November 13, 1896, Cold Water, OH; d. July 06, 1962, Anderson, IN. ii. OTTO SUMMERS, b. 1888, Anderson, IN; d. 1968, Anderson, IN; m. NANCY; b. 1891; d. 1949. More About OTTO SUMMERS: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN More About NANCY: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN iii. MAY SUMMERS, m. (?) GEORGE. Notes for MAY SUMMERS: Family story asserts that Aunt (Myrtle) May Summers Youst George was "connected." She could get anyone off for anything in Anderson because she "dated" high officials. iv. ELLEN ECHO SUMMERS. v. ETTA ETHEL SUMMERS, m. FRANK FEATHERSTONE. vi. LILLIAN SUMMERS. vii. RAYMOND SUMMERS. viii. MARY ELVINA SUMMERS. Below left, Mary Summers Martin's stone at East Maplewood, Anderson, IN; below right Otto Summers' stone at East Maplewood, Anderson, IN.
23. ELVINA5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born December 11, 1833 in near Dayton, OH, and died August 23, 1921 in Winchester IN. She married (1) ELIJAH THOMAS September 14, 1854. He died October 04, 1854. She married (2) JACOB SUMMERS November 03, 1860, son of HENRY SUMMERS and MARY HORN. He was born April 14, 1824 in Virginia, and died July 26, 1881 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN. Notes for ELVINA SUMMERS: See obituary, below, from Winchester paper. Her husband, Jacob, is her father's brother, making Jacob her uncle. Obituary taken from Winchester, IN, unidentified newspaper, August 1921--"Mrs. Elvina Summers--Elvina, oldest daughter of Charles and Susan (Ludy) Summers, was born near Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1833, departed this life August 23, 1921, at the ripe old age of 87 years, 8 months and 12 days. On the 14th of Feb. 1836, she came with her parents to the then virgin forest near Winchester, where they built their home and where she lived until her marriage to Elijah Thomas in1854, who was called to leave his young wife, Oct. 4, 1854. One little daughter, Laura E., came to her from this union, who has lived close to her mother and has ever been her comfort and companion and who has ministered to her every need with tenderest care." death notice from Winchester newspaper--"... was married to Jacob Summers. To this union were born four children, Anna Jane, John E., Alva J., and Sarah E., all of whom are living except Alva J., who departed this life Oct., 1915. Jacob Summers was called to the great beyond July 26, 1881, since which time she has lived a widow. She leaves to mourn their loss three daughters, Laura E. Barker, Anna Jane Jones, of Winchester, Sarah E. Gruntsman of Palliard, Ark., one son, John E., of Anderson, three brothers, John D., Wesley and David and one half-sister, Mrs. Elzena Troxell, all of Winchester, and many other relatives and friends, among whom are nineteen grandchildren and twenty-four great-grandchildren. About 60 years ago Mrs. Summers united with the German Reform Church. During her declining days she was often heard to pray and said she was going to her home in heaven. She was a kind, affectionate mother and was always industrious and sympathetic. "Dearest mother, thou has left us, Death has claimed thee for its own; Thou are gone to join the angels, In that bright and happy home. We are left without a mother We no more to have her care If we cherish the advice she gave us We'll meet her on that other shore. "The family desires in this manner to thank the friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the sickness and death of their dear one." More
About ELVINA SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery Winchester, IN Fact 1: father born in VA; mother born in MD; Fact 2: 1st marriage to a Thomas, one daughter Laura; 2nd marriage to Jacob, her uncle; Fact 3: buried beside Jacob Summers section 8; unnamed on stone; picture at right; Notes for JACOB SUMMERS: See above, Generation #4, Jacob Summers, son of Henry. **Children for ELVINA AND JACOB SUMMERS are listed above in Generation # 4 under Jacob Summers (12).**
24. ELIZABETH5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born January 27, 1839 in one mile SE Winchester, IN, and died July 08, 1918 in Winchester, IN. She married JOAB WARD PIERCE January 28, 1857. He was born June 10, 1835 in Winchester, IN, and died February 04, 1924 in Seattle, WA.Children of ELIZABETH SUMMERS and JOAB PIERCE are: i. IDA ALFARETTA PIERCE, b. June 05, 1858; d. 1932, Winchester, IN; m. ALPHEUS FERNANDO HICKMAN, July 14, 1880; b. October 15, 1857. ii. MARY ELDORA PIERCE, d. died at age 17 months. iii. CHARLES FREMONT PIERCE, b. March 14, 1863, Winchester, IN; d. November 22, 1933, Winchester, IN; m. ISADORE COX, December 01, 1887, Saratoga, IN; b. January 13, 1863, Saratoga, IN. More About CHARLES FREMONT PIERCE: Occupation: photographer, Pierce Studio & Gifts, Winchester, later became Cox's Studio iv. THOMAS MORTON PIERCE, b. September 13, 1865, old stage road, Squaw Creek, Jasper Co., Iowa; d. November 22, 1917, Pasadena, CA; m. ELLA REMMEL. v. CARRIE ALICE PIERCE, m. (1) ? VETTER; m. (2) ? RUCKER. vi. SWEETIE PIERCE, b. 1870; d. 1872. vii. JOHN BURKETT PIERCE, m. JESSIE BOWEN. viii. ROBERT INGERSOL PIERCE. ix. STELLA GRACE PIERCE, m. CALVIN RUPE.
26. MARY MAGDALINE5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born April 29, 1843, and died June 02, 1875. She married HARVEY WYSONG. He was born September 04, 1823, and died September 06, 1893.More About MARY MAGDALINE SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN More About HARVEY WYSONG: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Child of MARY SUMMERS and HARVEY WYSONG is: i. CHARLES DAVID WYSONG, b. May 27, 1875; d. April 09, 1945.
27. CHARLES WESLEY5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born August 10, 1845 in White River Twp., Randolph Co., IN, and died April 13, 1922 in Winchester, IN. He married LYDIA A. CASANDREW BROWN September 18, 1872 in Indianapolis, IN. She was born November 07, 1848, and died June 07, 1924.More About CHARLES WESLEY SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN More About LYDIA A. CASANDREW BROWN: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of CHARLES SUMMERS and LYDIA BROWN are: i. CHARLES OLIVER SUMMERS, b. February 11, 1874, Indianapolis, IN; d. February 02, 1933. ii. JOSEPH EDISON SUMMERS, b. November 22, 1876, Winchester, IN; d. December 10, 1922, Indianapolis, IN. iii. CARL L. SUMMERS. iv. CLEVELAND E. SUMMERS. v. VERNON G. SUMMERS. vi. NEAL W. SUMMERS. vii. MARY ETTA SUMMERS, m. ? CONNER. viii. PHILIP B. SUMMERS.
28. DAVID5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born September 06, 1847, and died July 14, 1930 in on a farm near Winchester, IN. He married ALMIRA ROWE October 15, 1872. She was born December 31, 1846, and died August 12, 1935 in Winchester, IN.Notes for DAVID SUMMERS: Obituaries from Winchester paper, about July 15, 1930--"David Summers--David Summers, age 82, died Monday morning about 3 o'clock at his home on Elm street, following an illness of two months. The body was brought to the Fraze funeral home where it was prepared for burial, and returned to the home Tuesday morning. Surviving are the widow, Elmira Summers, one son, Walter, at home, and two daughters, Mrs. A. J Kabel and Mrs. A. H. Burke, both of Winchester. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was made in Fountain Park cemetery. David Summers, the son of Charles and Susan Summers, was born on September 6, 1847, on the farm adjoining Winchester, Indiana, died July 14, 1930, having lived here 82 years, 10 months and 8 days. When but fourteen days old his mother was taken away by death and the child was cared for by the kind hands of Polly Ludy, of Winchester, Indiana, until he was about one year old when his father was married again to his mother's sister, Rebecca Ludy whose motherly care and interest could only have been surpassed by his own mother. Today, of the 8 children of his father's family, only one, Mrs. Elzena Troxell, survive. Two brothers and four sisters having preceded him in death. October 15, 1872, he was united in marriage to Elmira Rowe, and to this union was born four children, one of which, Charles, died in infancy. Two daughters and one son are left to comfort the lonely heart of the mother. For nearly 58 years Mr. and Mrs. Summers live in this community, 15 of which they lived on the home place with his father, then building on the present site where the remaining 43 years were spent until separated by the death of the husband. "Here in this community they lived together, sharing the pleasures and hardships and trials of pioneer life: here they reared their children and have seen all the great improvements of 58 years. When but a youth he was converted to Christ, a very vivid experience and a deep, ever abiding faith established. In the early history of the Christian church here, he became a member of it. The weakness of the human flesh is considered, but even in his declining days, when he realized he was nearing the crossing over, he leaves with his beloved wife and children the comforting thought that he was "prepared to go. In passing of David Summers another of Randolph County's pioneer men has gone. He was a kind-hearted neighbor, a devoted husband and father. Among those of his nearest kindred who are left here for a while is the faithful wife, one son, Walter Summers, two daughters, Mrs. Celia Kabel and Mrs. Ella Burke, one sister, Mrs. Elzena Troxell, four grandchildren, all of Winchester, Indiana, with there are other relatives and friends whose sympathizing hearts share with the family their loss..." More About DAVID SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Notes for ALMIRA ROWE: Obituary from Winchester paper, about August 13, 1935--"Mrs. Almira Summers--Mrs. Almira Summers, 88 years old, died at her home on Elm street at 8 o'clock Monday evening after an illness brought on by general infirmity. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. A. H. Burke of Richmond; a son, Walter at home; two sisters, Mrs. W. U. [Almanda] Davis and Frank [Ella] Davis, both of Winchester; five brothers, Frank Rowe of Richmond, Harvey Rowe of Muncie, Oliver Rowe of Harrisville, John and Harry Rowe of Winchester; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held at the home at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Rev. John Watson in charge. Interment will be in the Fountain Park cemetery. The Fraze funeral home has charge of the funeral." More About ALMIRA ROWE: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of DAVID SUMMERS and ALMIRA ROWE are: i. CHARLES SUMMERS, b. December 03, 1865; d. December 06, 1874, Winchester, IN. More About CHARLES SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery, Winchester, IN ii. REBECCA MORIAH CELIA SUMMERS, b. July 11, 1876, Randolph County, IN; d. September 06, 1934, Indianapolis, IN. iii. ELLA M. SUMMERS, b. September 06, 1881; d. 1982. iv. WALTER D. SUMMERS, b. July 07, 1889; d. May 14, 1966, Winchester, IN; m. FLORENCE MIDDLETON, January 14, Streator, IL. Notes for WALTER D. SUMMERS: Obituary from Winchester paper, May 14, 1966--"Walter D. Summers, 76, a lifelong resident of the Winchester vicinity, died today in the Randolph County Hospital as a result of injuries suffered two weeks ago in a farm accident. He was knocked from a tractor April 29 while mowing grass north of Winchester and one leg was severed. The other leg was later amputated as a result of the accident. He is survived by his wife, Florence; one sister, Ella Burke, Richmond; three stepsons and one stepdaughter. He was a veteran of World War I. Funeral arrangements are being completed at the Fraze Funeral Home at Winchester." 29. EVEANN ELZENA5 SUMMERS (CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born September 26, 1850, and died April 28, 1938 in Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN. She married EZRA TROXELL October 15, 1872. He was born January 01, 1841, and died May 15, 1921 in Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN.More About EZRA TROXELL: Military service: Co. F, 84th Indiana Volunteers, GAR Child of EVEANN SUMMERS and EZRA TROXELL is: i. CHARLOTTE ANN TROXELL, b. May 18, 1874; d. August 27, 1966, Winchester IN; m. ALONZO J KABEL, October 08, 1938, Winchester, IN; b. March 05, 1876, Huntsville, IN; d. December 06, 1955, Winchester, IN. More About CHARLOTTE ANN TROXELL: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Religion: Methodist Notes for ALONZO J KABEL: Obituary from "Winchester Journal Herald," December 6, 1955--'Lon' Kabel, 79, Dies at Hospital in Winchester--Alonzo J (Lon) Kabel, 79, well-known Winchester man, died Tuesday at 5 A.M. at the Randolph County hospital, where he had been a patient for the last 11 days. He had been seriously ill the past four days. The family home is at 109 1/2 East Franklin street, Winchester. Mr. Kabel, for 50 years affiliated with the Western Union, was born March 5, 1876 at Huntsville, the son of John and Rebecca Mendenhall Kabel. He retired a few years ago. Mr. Kabel was a former member of the K. of P. lodge and attended school in Winchester. He was of the Quaker faith. Survivors are the widow, Charlotte; one daughter, Mrs. A. E. (Mike) Cover; one brother, Philip, director of the Randolph County welfare department, and three grandchildren, two of whom are in the army. Pending arrival of one of the grandsons in the service, funeral services have been tentatively set for Thursday at 2 P.M. at the Maynard and Walker mortuary. Officiating will be Revs. Kenneth Pickering and Herbert Boase. Burial will be in Fountain Park cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday after 3 P.M.' More About ALONZO J KABEL: Burial: December 08, 1965, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Occupation: Western Union telegraph operator Religion: Quaker
30. HENRY SUMMERS5 CURRY (ELIZABETH4 SUMMERS, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born January 23, 1842 in Dayton, OH, and died August 12, 1919 in Winchester, IN. He married NANCY WRIGHT June 02, 1866.Notes for HENRY SUMMERS CURRY: 134 Indiana Regiment during Civil War More About HENRY SUMMERS CURRY: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of HENRY CURRY and NANCY WRIGHT are: i. DAVID H. CURRY. ii. EDWARD W. CURRY. iii. CHARLES CURRY. iv. SIMEON D. CURRY.
31. ALONZO E.5 LUDY (MARY (POLLY)4 SUMMERS, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born April 08, 1852 in Winchester IN, and died June 13, 1937 in Greenville Ave., Winchester, IN. He married SARAH F. MCDONALD-CHANDLER September 16, 1878.More About ALONZO E. LUDY: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of ALONZO LUDY and SARAH MCDONALD-CHANDLER are: i. OLIVE E. LUDY, b. Abt. 1880; d. August 03, 1937. ii. EDITH LUDY, b. Abt. 1882; m. FRANK THOMPSON. iii. FANNIE LUDY, b. Abt. 1884; m. ERNEST C. MANN. iv. HENRY C. LUDY, b. Abt. 1886.
33. HENRY H.5 SUMMERS (JACOB4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN![]() More About HENRY H. SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN More About RACHEL ELIZABETH ROWE: Burial: Fountain Park, Winchester, IN Fact 1: listed on husband Jacob's stone; picture; Child of HENRY SUMMERS and RACHEL ROWE is: i. ANNA SUMMERS, m. W. H. WARNICK. | 34. ANNA JANE5 SUMMERS (JACOB4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born November 1860 in Randolph Co., IN, and died Aft. 1921. She married JOHN JONES July 1883.Children of ANNA SUMMERS and JOHN JONES are: i. MYRTLE JONES, b. April 1884. ii. MAY JONES, b. July 1887. iii. KORA JONES. iv. PEARL JONES, b. May 1894. v. EMERY JONES.
36. GEORGE WASHINGTON5 SUMMERS (JACOB (JR.)4, JACOB3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born 1840 in Georgetown, Floyd Co., IN. He married EMALINE TAYLOR September 26, 1867 in Floyd Co., IN.Children of GEORGE SUMMERS and EMALINE TAYLOR are: i. MINNIE F. SUMMERS, b. 1869. ii. RAYMOND SUMMERS, b. 1877. iii. WARREN R. SUMMERS, b. 1879. iv. NOLA CYRENA SUMMERS, b. 1882.
Generation No. 6 37. CARL MCKINLEY6
SOMMER) was born November 13, 1896 in Cold Water, OH,
and died July 06, 1962 in Anderson, IN. He married LOIS LEAR DECKER
January 19, 1918 in Madison Co., IN, daughter of DAVID DECKER and LILLIAN
HER DAUGHTER'S, DOROTHY AYERS, H from Lois Lear's cousin Daisy Dwiggins Field in Sept. 4, 1978 letter: "Uncle Dave [Decker] and his family resided in the community [Frankton] also and I spent quite a bit of time visiting with them in my youth. Although most of the children were much older than I, there were some nearer my age and Lear and I hit it off well. In those happy days of childhood there were no shadows to presage her tragic death by fire in later years."
More About LOIS LEAR DECKER: Burial: Frankton, F.O.O.P. Cemetery, IN Fact 1: killed in fire at home in kitchen; loved to read; Fact 2: picture; **For more Decker genealogy, go to the Decker page.**
Children of CARL SUMMERS and LOIS DECKER are: 47. i. JOHN PHILLIP SUMMERS, b. June 01, 1921, Orestes, IN. 48. ii. DOROTHY ROBERTA SUMMERS, b. November 03, 1918. 49. iii. CENIA GENE SUMMERS, b. February 03, 1924, Frankton, IN; d. Terra Haute, IN. 50. iv. CARL MARK SUMMERS, b. December 23, 1931, Madison Co., IN.
From left to right, John Phillip Summers, Dorothy Roberta Summers Ayers, Cenia "Peggy" Summers Frazier, Carl Mark Summers with his son William Summers
38. ELLEN ECHO6 SUMMERS (JOHN ELSWORTH5, JACOB4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) She married WILLIAM ROY CLAUS. More About ELLEN ECHO SUMMERS: Fact 1: great-grand son is David Segner Child of ELLEN SUMMERS and WILLIAM CLAUS is: i. ROY CLAUS. 39. CHARLES DAVID6 WYSONG (MARY MAGDALINE5 SUMMERS, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born May 27, 1875, and died April 09, 1945. He married MARGARET T. ANDERSON. She was born 1876, and died May 27, 1931. Notes for CHARLES DAVID WYSONG: Charles David Wysong was raised by his uncle John Summers and aunt Margaret Roosa after the death of his mother, Mary Magdaline Summers Wysong, 6 days after his birth. More About CHARLES DAVID WYSONG: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN More About MARGARET T. ANDERSON: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of CHARLES WYSONG and MARGARET ANDERSON are: i. MARY WYSONG, b. Abt. 1900; m. FRED MILLER. ii. JOHN HARVEY WYSONG, b. Abt. 1900. 45. iii. JAMES E. WYSONG, b. February 02, 1907; d. April 23, 1970, Winchester, IN. iv. ROBERT A. WYSONG, b. 1909; d. 1982. More About ROBERT A. WYSONG: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN
40. CHARLES OLIVER6 SUMMERS (CHARLES WESLEY5, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born February 11, 1874 in Indianapolis, IN, and died February 02, 1933. He married BESSIE BANCROFT June 23, 1897. She was born 1878 and died 1954.More About CHARLES OLIVER SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN More About BESSIE BANCROFT: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of CHARLES SUMMERS and BESSIE BANCROFT are: i. HOWARD WESLEY SUMMERS, b. March 25, 1898; d. October 07, 1973, Winchester, IN; m. ALICE CHAMNESS; b. February 24, 1904, Randolph County, IN; d. January 23, 1975, Winchester, IN. Notes for HOWARD WESLEY SUMMERS: Tombstone in Fountain Park Cemetery says "Howard L. Summers, March 25, 1898 - October 7, 1973". Note the different middle initial. He and Alice, his wife, are buried next to Charles and Susannah Summers, his great grandparents, in Fountain Park Cemetery. His obituary appears in the Winchester New-Gazette, Monday, October 8, 1973. More About HOWARD WESLEY SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Religion: Quaker, Winchester Friends Church Notes for ALICE CHAMNESS: Her obituary appears in the Winchester New-Gazette, Friday, January 24, 1975. More About ALICE CHAMNESS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Religion: Quaker, Winchester Friends Church ii. LUCIEN SUMMERS.
41. JOSEPH EDISON6 SUMMERS (CHARLES WESLEY5, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born November 22, 1876 in Winchester, IN, and died December 10, 1922 in Indianapolis, IN. He married GRACE PEARL HARMON May 19, 1901.More About JOSEPH EDISON SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of JOSEPH SUMMERS and GRACE HARMON are:i. EDWARD HAROLD SUMMERS. ii. JAMES KENNETH SUMMERS.
42. REBECCA MORIAH CELIA6 SUMMERS (DAVID5, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born July 11, 1876 in Randolph County, IN, and died September 06, 1934 in Indianapolis, IN. She married ALONZO J KABEL October 12, 1902 in Winchester IN. He was born March 05, 1876 in Huntsville, IN, and died December 06, 1955 in Winchester, IN.Notes for REBECCA MORIAH CELIA SUMMERS: Obituary of Celia Summers Kabel from Winchester, IN newspaper, September 1934--"On July 11, 1876 there came to bless the home of David and Almira Summers a daughter Celia, whose entire life was spent near the place of her birth. When a girl she attended the Winchester public schools, when a young woman she assisted her mother with the work on the farm, in her mature years she was the queen in her own home, where her smiles ever beamed on her loved ones, ever the brightest when the world was frowning, her unalterable love supporting them amidst times of sorrow. On October 12, 1902, she was united in marriage to Alonzo J. Kabel, this happy union being blessed with one daughter, Olive, now Mrs. A. Eugene (Mike) Cover. With a patience that never tired, and a self-denial that never ceased, she cheerfully sacrificed for her family her own comforts and pleasures. Her love for them was without a flaw. Her simple, useful, beautiful life expressed in the highest degree the fruit of the Spirit. She was a woman of high ideals, appreciative, affectionate, and was never so happy as when doing something for others. Hers as a nature rare and sweet and was animated by the highest ideals of life and love. For many months she had suffered intense agony, but made a brave effort to rally and stay yet awhile to comfort her daughter and companion, but her frail body was weary and saying: "I will have to give up and go". She breathed her last sigh in a prayer for her loved ones. In her last days she looked over into the beautiful land to which she was bound. She glimpsed the loveliness and joy soon to be hers, and on September 6th, 1934, soon after the sun had sunk below the horizon she passed into the blessedness of those who find the way of life following Jesus, the Christ, and there her soul reposes in peace and happiness on the bosom of her God. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted companion, one daughter, Olive, son-in-law, an aged mother, one brother, one sister, besides other relatives and a host of friends." More About REBECCA MORIAH CELIA SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Cause of Death: cancer Religion: Quaker Notes for ALONZO J KABEL: Obituary from "Winchester Journal Herald," December 6, 1955--'Lon' Kabel, 79, Dies at Hospital in Winchester--Alonzo J (Lon) Kabel, 79, well-known Winchester man, died Tuesday at 5 A.M. at the Randolph County hospital, where he had been a patient for the last 11 days. He had been seriously ill the past four days. The family home is at 109 1/2 East Franklin street, Winchester. Mr. Kabel, for 50 years affiliated with the Western Union, was born March 5, 1876 at Huntsville, the son of John and Rebecca Mendenhall Kabel. He retired a few years ago. Mr. Kabel was a former member of the K. of P. lodge and attended school in Winchester. He was of the Quaker faith. Survivors are the widow, Charlotte; one daughter, Mrs. A. E. (Mike) Cover; one brother, Philip, director of the Randolph County welfare department, and three grandchildren, two of whom are in the army. Pending arrival of one of the grandsons in the service, funeral services have been tentatively set for Thursday at 2 P.M. at the Maynard and Walker mortuary. Officiating will be Revs. Kenneth Pickering and Herbert Boase. Burial will be in Fountain Park cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday after 3 P.M.' More About ALONZO J KABEL: Burial: December 08, 1965, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Occupation: Western Union telegraph operator Religion: Quaker Child of REBECCA SUMMERS and ALONZO KABEL is: 46. i. OLIVE KABEL, b. July 12, 1903, Winchester, IN; d. May 28, 1993, Muncie, IN.
43. ELLA M.6 SUMMERS (DAVID5, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born September 06, 1881, and died 1982. She married AUSTIN H. (OTT) BURKE49. He was born 1877, and died 1970.More About ELLA M. SUMMERS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Notes for AUSTIN H. (OTT) BURKE: From "Winchester News-Gazette," June 29, 2002, reprinted from 1913 newspaper--'A. H. Burke at 233 W. Washington St., is a manufacturer of cement blocks, bridges, etc. He deals in lime and cement. He makes silos and plazas to order. He is a expert in these lines and also employs adequate mechanics. Persons who have contracted for dealings with him say he is always satisfactory. His prices are reasonable and his work is guaranteed to be perfect.' More About AUSTIN H. (OTT) BURKE: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of ELLA SUMMERS and AUSTIN BURKE are: i. CHARLES BURKE, b. May 27, 1903; d. August 26, 1992, Randolph Co. Nursing Home, IN; m. IDA WATSON, September 03, 1925, Dayton, OH; d. Aft. 1992. More About CHARLES BURKE: Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, Maxville, IN ii. LETTY BURKE, b. 1907; d. 1996. More About LETTY BURKE: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN
Generation No. 7 44. JOHN PHILLIP7 SUMMERS (CARL MCKINLEY6, JOHN ELSWORTH5, JACOB4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born June 01, 1921 in Orestes, IN. He married KATHERINE VIRGINIA DILTS June 27, 1947 in Anderson, IN, daughter of ADDISON DILTS and NELLIE MAIN. She was born July 28, 1920 in Anderson, IN. More About JOHN PHILLIP SUMMERS: Fact 1: in Army Air Corps during WWII; in African & Italian campaigns; Fact 2: reconnaissance and tail gunner; Fact 3: tool maker at Delco Remy for 31 years; learned to fly and owned Cessna; Fact 4: in retirement, locally famous painter of water colors; Fact 5: president of Del-Ray Toast Masters, Valley Grove PTA, Highland Band Boasters; Fact 6: tour host for Educational Opportunities (travel company); Fact 7: lay-minister at South Meridian Church of God; Fact 8: pictures; More About KATHERINE VIRGINIA DILTS: Fact 1: studied music at Anderson College, nursing at
Ball State before marrying; Fact 2: attended & graduated from Anderson University after she was 60 years old; Fact 3: she and John have been on European vacations 20+ times & 5 times to Israel; Fact 4: taught piano in home; homemaker; Fact 5: pictures;
from "The Herald Bulletin," Anderson, Madison Co., IN, April
9, 2010 **For more Dilts genealogy, go to the Dilts page.**
Children of JOHN SUMMERS and KATHERINE DILTS are: i. MELODY SUMMERS, b. April 30, 1948, Muncie, IN; m. THOMAS A. HULL, March 25, 1972, Anderson, IN; b. March 29, 1948, Anderson, IN. More About MELODY SUMMERS: Fact 1: trustee & director of the horse registry, the Lipizzan Association of North America; Fact 2: co-author of "The American Lipizzan: A Pictorial History"; Fact 3: English teacher 33 years, Madison-Grant High School, Fairmount, IN; Fact 4: breed representative to Indiana Horse Council;
exhibitor at Hoosier H Fact 5: president & director of Indiana Dressage Society; Fact 6: 1970 graduated Ball State University, BS in English;1975 MA in English from BSU; Fact 7: Madison County Cemetery Commissioner; Madison County Historical Society, Board of Trustees; Fact 8: author and manager of web site "Pioneer Cemeteries and Their Stories, Madison County, Indiana"; Fact 9: In "Who's Who Among America's Teachers," twice; More About THOMAS A. HULL in obituary on Hull page: Fact 1: trustee & director of Lipizzan Association of North America (LANA); Fact 2: program design & data processor for LANA; Fact 3: compiler of " LANA Studbook, Vol. I & II"; Fact 4: manager of Music Today, Anderson, IN; Fact 5: graduated 1972 from Anderson University, major
accounting; Fact 6: co-owner of Ye Olde Tack Shoppe; musician in Anderson area; ii. MONTE DEAN SUMMERS, b. July 07, 1951, Muncie, IN; m. DEBBIE SCHMIDT. from the "The Herald Bulletin," Anderson, Madison Co., IN, November 28, 2012 Monte Dean Summers, July 7, 1951 – November 24, 2012 Columbus—Monte Dean Summers, 61, of Columbus, IN, passed away unexpectedly Saturday at Columbus Regional Hospital. He grew up in Madison County graduating from Highland High School in 1969 and attending South Meridian Church of God in Anderson. He also attended Ball State University. He was a master craftsman, constructing many fine homes in and around Brown County, Indiana. Building muzzle-loading rifles and restoring firearms were among his hobbies. He will be remembered as a true outdoorsman, spending much time camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting. He loved American history, particularly the stories and biographies of western frontiersmen and pioneers. In that regard, he and his wife shared numerous vacations in the scenic beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Over all, his strong faith in God sustained him and now supports his family. He is survived by his wife of thirty-three years Debbie Schmit Summers, his father John Phillip Summers, his sister Melody Summers Hull, and his brother Meredith Lee Summers. Monte’s mother Katherine Dilts Summers predeceased him. More About MONTE DEAN SUMMERS: Fact 1: lives in Brown County, IN; picture at right; Fact 2: master craftsman; contractor & builder of fine homes; Fact 3: reproduced black powder, muzzle-loading rifles More About DEBBIE SCHMIDT: Fact 1: manager in JC/Kroger grocery store; iii. MEREDITH LEE SUMMERS, b. April 06, 1955,
Muncie, IN. More About MEREDITH LEE SUMMERS: Fact 1: lives in Virginia, Minnesota; picture at right; Fact 2: custom house painter; Fact 3: served aboard the USS America & USS Eisenhower; Fact 4: in war with Lybia; 10+ years aircraft structure modification; plane captain;
46. CENIA "PEGGY" GENE7 SUMMERS (CARL MCKINLEY6, JOHN ELSWORTH5, JACOB4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born February 03, 1924 in Frankton, IN, and died June 06, 1977 in Terra Haute, IN. She married MELVIN (TONY) FRAZIER. More About CENIA GENE SUMMERS: Fact 1: teacher; More About MELVIN (TONY) FRAZIER: Fact 1: college professor; Child of CENIA SUMMERS and MELVIN FRAZIER is: i. LYNN FRAZIER. More About LYNN FRAZIER: Fact 1: English teacher; Fact 2: married Tim Douglas
48. JAMES E.7 WYSONG (CHARLES DAVID6, MARY MAGDALINE5 SUMMERS, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born February 02, 1907, and died April 23, 1970 in Winchester, IN. He married EVA I. WILLIS. She was born May 02, 1902 in Randolph Co., IN, and died August 06, 2001 in Winchester, IN. Notes for JAMES E. WYSONG: Obituary from Winchester Journal Herald, April 24, 1970--"Winchester - James E. Wysong, 63, retired farmer residing on R.R. 1, died Thursday afternoon at his home after a five-year illness. He was a member of the Main Street Christian Church here. Survivors include the widow, Eva; a son, Charles W. of Winchester; a daughter, Mrs. Shirley A. Nash of Muncie; a sister, Mrs. Mary A. Miller, and a brother, Robert Wysong , both of Winchester, and five grandchildren. Services for Mr. Wysong will be at 3 P.M. Saturday at the Fraze Funeral Home with Rev. Richard Merriman and the Rev. Marcell Thornburg officiating. Burial will be in Fountain Park Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday and from 9 to 11 A.M. Saturday. More About JAMES E. WYSONG: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Notes for EVA I. WILLIS: From "Winchester News Gazette," August 7, 2001--'Eva Wysong, 99--Eva I. (Willis) Wysong, 99, of Bloomingsport Rd., Winchester died Monday, Aug. 6, 2001 at Randolph Nursing Home. She was born May 22, 1902 in Randolph County to the late Henry L. and Mary E. Hiatt Willis. She was a graduate of Huntsville School and Muncie Business College. Wysong served as deputy treasurer of Randolph County and filled the unexpired term of treasurer. She was affiliated with Winchester business firms as a bookkeeper and cashier. Wysong was also a sales clerk for Mary's Shoppe and Jo's Shop. She was a member of the Main Street Christian Church and was an elder Emeritus and a member of the Neighborly Extension Homemakers Club. Survivors include one daughter, Shirley (husband Ron) Nash of Winchester; five grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James E. Wysong; one son, Charles Wysong; and one brother, Loren Willis. Funeral services are 11 A.M. Thursday at the Main Street Christian Church, Winchester with Dr. Kenneth Rickett officiating. Burial is at Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester. Visitation is 5-8 P.M. Wednesday at Thayer Funeral Home, Winchester. Memorial contributions may be made to Main Street Christian Church.' More About EVA I. WILLIS: Burial: Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Children of JAMES WYSONG and EVA WILLIS are: i. CHARLES WILLIS WYSONG, b. July 03, 1937, Winchester IN; d. March 13, 1999, Ft. Wayne, IN; m. DORIS WHITNEY. Notes for CHARLES WILLIS WYSONG: Obituary--"Charles W. Wysong, 61, of Ft. Wayne, Indiana and formerly of Winchester died at 1:15 AM Saturday, March 13, 1999 in Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Born July 3, 1937 in Winchester, Indiana he was the son of James and Eva Willis Wysong. His mother survives. He was married to Doris Whitney and she survives. He was a graduate of Winchester High School Class of 1955. He was a member of Winchester Phi Delta Kappa, Winchester American Legion and Waynedale VFW. He was a veteran of U.S. Navy. Surviving are 3 daughters: Michelle Miglore of South Bend, Indiana, Nicole Wysong of Ft. Wayne, Indiana and Robin Martin of Nappanee, Indiana; 1 sister, Shirley Nash of Winchester; 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services are 10:30 AM Tuesday at the Walker Funeral Home in Winchester with the Reverend Kenneth Rickett officiating. Burial is at Fountain Park Cemetery. Visitation is 3:30 - 5 PM and 6:30 - 8:00 PM today at the funeral home.Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Cancer Association." More About CHARLES WILLIS WYSONG: Burial: March 16, 1999, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN ii. SHIRLEY A. WYSONG, b. Abt. 1940.
49. OLIVE7 KABEL (REBECCA MORIAH CELIA6 SUMMERS, DAVID5, CHARLES4, HENRY3, JOHN2 SUMMERS/SOMMERS, JOHANN GEORG (HANS JORG)1 SOMMER) was born July 12, 1903 in Winchester, IN, and died May 28, 1993 in Muncie, IN. She married ALVA EUGENE COVER December 25, 1931 in Winchester, IN. He was born October 05, 1904 in Cairo, IL, and died March 16, 1997 in Albuquerque, NM.Notes for OLIVE KABEL: Obituary from the "Winchester (IN) News Gazette," May 29, 1993--'Olive Kabel Cover, 89, 229 W. Washington St., Winchester died Friday, May 28, 1993 at Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie after a brief illness. She was born July 12, 1903, in Winchester, the daughter of Alonzo J Kabel and Celia Summers. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Friends Church in Winchester, a charter member of the Quaker Girls Sunday School Class, United Friends Society of Women, a life member of Sigma Phi Gamma sorority and a past member of the Order of Eastern Star. Survivors include her husband, A.E. "Mike" Cover; three sons, John W. Cover and his wife Beverly of Albuquerque, NM, Robert K. Cover and his wife Margaret of Albuquerque, NM, and A. Eugene Cover and his wife Linda of Houston, Texas; eight grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 P.M. at the Thayer Funeral Home in Winchester with Rev. Ralph Lohman officiating. Burial will be in the Fountain Park Cemetery. Note by Gene Cover: "Olive Kabel Cover was a follower of Jesus Christ and she wore the yoke of Christ with joy as she served her Master and fellow man. She had a strong sense of family and always enjoyed hearing and talking about her family. I remember many visits to the country to get cream for the Saturday afternoon ice cream making which turned out to be visits to cousins (Dwiggins, Kabel, Wright). She was joyfully dutiful in visiting those who were sick and in the hospital and in comforting those who were grieving the loss of loved ones. She never spoke an unkind word about anyone. Love abounded in her home. There are autobiographical notes by her in a "Grandmother's Book" recorded in June 1992; John, Bob and Gene have copies." More About OLIVE KABEL: Burial: June 01, 1993, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Cause of Death: congestive heart failure Education: high school Hobbies: quilting, needle work, Cookbooks, Gardening Occupation: bookeeper, J.C.Penney, Poland China Hog Registry Religion: Quaker Notes for ALVA EUGENE COVER: Obituary from "The Winchester (IN) News Gazette," March 19, 1997--'A.E. (Mike) Cover, 92, a former resident of Winchester, died Sunday, March 16, 1997, at the Mission Manor Nursing Home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was born Oct. 5, 1904, in Cairo, Ill., the son of Willis E. and Mary Ann (Hartley) Cover. He came to Indiana in 1925 and worked as a plumbing, electrical and heating contractor. He was a member of the Winchester Lions Club, and the Order of Eastern Star. He was a member of the Winchester Masonic Lodge 56, F&AM for more than 50 years and was a Past Master and the recipient of the Award of Gold. He was a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason of the Valley of Fort Wayne. He was preceded in death by his wife, Olive Kabel Cover, in 1993. They were married 61 years. Survivors include three sons, John W. Cover (wife Beverly) of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Robert K. Cover (wife Margaret) of Bent, New Mexico, and A. Eugene Cover (wife Linda) of Houston, Texas; eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 A.M. at the Thayer Funeral Home in Winchester with Rev. Max Huffman officiating. Burial will be in the Fountain Park Cemetery in Winchester.' Note by his son, Alonzo Eugene Cover: "Mike Cover came to Winchester, Indiana shortly after his graduation from high school in 1923. His sister, Lola, and her husband, Braudice Byron LeMay, were living in Winchester at the time where BB was a Jewel Tea salesman. Mike had been living with his brother, Earle, in Cairo, IL after the death of his father in 1921. He lived in the same house in Winchester from 1931 until the death of Olive in May 1993. Mike lived with Gene and Linda Cover in Houston for 2.5 years and then moved to a nursing home in Albuquerque in October 1995 where he was living at the time of his death." More About ALVA EUGENE COVER: Burial: March 22, 1997, Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, IN Cause of Death: pneumonia, respiratory failure, also prostate cancer Education (2): high school Hobbies: music boxes, reading, baseball, trains Occupation: plumber & electrician, Ford mechanic, V-8 canning plant mechanic during WW II Religion: Quaker Marriage Notes for OLIVE KABEL and ALVA COVER: Marriage notice from Winchester paper, December 26, 1931--"Miss Olive Kabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Kabel, of South East street, and A. Eugene Cover, also of this city, were united in marriage at noon Christmas day at the local Friends Church with Rev. Frederic E. Carter, pastor, performing the single ring ceremony in the presence of a few relatives and friends. Immediately following the ceremony the couple went to Muncie, where a lovely dinner was served at the home of Mr. Cover's sister, Mrs. Braudice LeMay and family. The bride is a graduate of Winchester high school, completed a business course here and is at present bookkeeper for the J. C. Penney Company. She is a member of the Quaker Girls and also of the Business and Professional Womans club. Mr. Cover is a graduate of the Cairo, Ill, high school and has been employed as auto mechanic at the Randolph County Sales Company here for the past six years. The couple will reside in the Mrs. F. A. Chenoweth home on South East street." Children of OLIVE KABEL and ALVA COVER are: i. JOHN WILLARD COVER, b. January 28, 1935, Winchester IN; m. BEVERLY JEAN HARRISON, July 31, 1955, Winchester IN; b. August 15, 1936, Winchester IN. More About JOHN WILLARD COVER: Education (2): WHS 1954 Hobbies: trains, garden railroad (G scale) Military service: Bet. 1955 - 1957, US Army, Corps of Engineers in Japan Occupation: Bet. 1957 - 1992, US Postal Service 35 yrs, plumber, electrician Religion: Raised a Quaker, Presbyterian since 1968 More About BEVERLY JEAN HARRISON: Education (2): WHS 1954 Occupation: banker Religion: raised a Quaker, Presbyterian since 1968 ii. ROBERT KABEL COVER, b. July 03, 1937, Winchester, IN; d. August 21, 2002, Bent, NM; m. (1) ROBERTA JO BALL, September 13, 1959, Winchester, IN; b. March 16, 1940, Marion, IN; m. (2) CAROL KRAMER, Abt. 1982, Hawaii; m. (3) MARGARET CLIFTON, November 17, 1990, Albuquerque, NM; b. May 07, 1951, Albuquerque, NM. Notes for ROBERT KABEL COVER: "Bob was a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary societies during college. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge #56 in Winchester, IN. While Bob was working for Sandia National laboratories on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque he invented a device called the "Scanning Image Digitizer" in 1967. Patent rights remain with Sandia. It was the first time that video camera was successfully connected to a computer. It converted images into a digital picture. Since Sandia is operated for the government, the patent is in public domain and the design was distributed to many companies and universities through the world. His device was the forerunner to many of the digital scanners. A newspaper article about one of his later designs appears on the front page of the June 20, 1969 edition of Sandia's 'Lab News'. Bob designed an A-frame cabin and he and his brothers built the cabin in the Monzano Mountains east of Albuquerque in 1974. Bob was awarded the title of 'Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff' in May 1985. The title is the highest level of recognition possible for the Technical Staff. Bob's citation was printed in the Sandia's 'Lab News' on May 24, 1985 and reads as follows: 'Robert Cover--For sustained outstanding technical contribution to the mission of the Laboratories in design, development, implementation, and upgrade of the Department of Energy's Security Communication System for the Transportation Safeguards Division.' "Bob designed and built a large home in Sandia Heights northwest of Albuquerque in 1984. Bob received an Award of Excellence from the Department of Energy in 1988. The Winchester, IN newspaper had his picture along with a short story on the front page of the Nov. 29, 1988 edition of 'The News Gazette'. General Paul Kavanaugh made the award to Bob during ceremonies at Sandia on November 15, 1988. His picture and a short article also appeared in the December 9, 1988 edition of Sandia's 'Lab News' on page 4 and 5. Bob remained as the Chief Engineer on the project until 1990. He then accepted the position of Chief Scientist for Data Fusion until he retired from Sandia in 1994. Bob and his wife Margaret designed and built a log home located in Nogal Canyon in Bent, NM in 1994. After retiring he went back to school and became a licensed Emergency Medical Technician for the Bent Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD). In 1997-99 Bob wrote a lengthy autobiography which his children and brothers have copies." Obituary from the "Muncie Star Press" and "Albuquerque Journal," Aug 23, 2002-- (also appeared in Ruidoso and Winchester papers)--'Robert K. Cover, 65--Robert Kabel Cover died on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at his home at 238 Nogal Canyon Rd., Bent, New Mexico after a brief illness. He was born in Winchester, Indiana on July 3, 1937. He is the son of A. E. (Mike) and Olive Kabel Cover, formerly of Winchester, Indiana. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Clifton Cover, of Bent, NM; sons, Nicholas, of Corpus Christi, TX and Rex (wife Sheila) of Albuquerque, NM; daughter, Gayle of Columbus, OH; stepsons Stefan Ikelman of Dallas, TX and Danny Ikelman of West Palm Beach, FL; and brothers John Cover (wife Beverly) of Albuquerque, NM and Gene Cover (wife Linda) of Houston, TX. He has four grandchildren: Tiffany, Jessica, Rachel and Adam Cover, and several nephews. Bob was a graduate of Winchester High School, Class of 1955. He served in the U. S. Army from 1955 to 1958. He received a BSEE degree from Purdue University in 1964 and was a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary societies there. He received an MSEE at University of New Mexico and did further graduate work there. He was also a member of the Winchester Lodge #56, F&AM. While Bob was working for Sandia National Laboratories on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, he invented a device called the "Scanning Image Digitizer" in 1967. It was the first time that a video camera was successfully connected to a computer and converted images into a digital picture. Since Sandia is operated for the government, the patent is in public domain and the design was distributed to many companies and universities throughout the world. His device was the forerunner to many of the digital scanners. Bob was awarded the title of "Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff" in May 1985, and received an Award of Excellence from the Department of Energy in 1988. Bob remained as Chief Engineer at Sandia until 1990 and then accepted the position of Chief Scientist for Data Fusion until he retired in 1994. During his retirement he became a licensed Emergency Medical Technician for the Bent Volunteer Fire Department and worked on his ranch in Bent. There will be a memorial service for Bob in Ruidoso, NM at the LaGrone Funeral Home for the family on August 23, 2002. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the American Cancer Society or National Science Foundation. ' iii. ALONZO EUGENE COVER, b. October 02, 1941, Winchester, IN; m. (1) BETSY ANN GREEN, June 23, 1963, Winchester IN; b. February 28, 1943, Winchester, IN; m. (2) LINDA FRANCES KIRKPATRICK, November 25, 1981, Houston, TX; b. September 22, 1943, Marlin, TX. Notes for ALONZO EUGENE COVER: "Gene graduated as valedictorian from Winchester High School. At Purdue, he was a member of Tau Beta Pi (engineering), Phi Eta Sigma (freshman), Omega Chi Epsilon (chemical engineering) and Phi Lambda Upsilon (chemistry) honorary fraternities. He graduated from Purdue "with highest distinction". He was also a member of Winchester Lodge #56, F&AM. "He worked for The M. W. Kellogg Company from 1963 until his retirement in 2001. He joined Kellogg in their New York City office in the R&D Department where he did process development work on chlorine, nitric acid, waste water treating and coal gasification processes. While in R&D, he won the Morris W. Kellogg Scholarship which allowed him to earn his Master's Degree at Delaware with full salary and tuition paid. He moved with the company to Houston in 1971. In 1976 he moved into Kellogg's Process Department where he did process design work for ammonia plants. He became Kellogg's youngest Project Manager in 1978 and was in charge of several coal gasification study projects. In 1980 he became head of Kellogg's Synfuels Group which he continued until 1989 when he was promoted to Manager of Process Engineering, a group which grew in size to over 200 engineers during his tenure. In 1995 he moved back into the Fertilizers Group as a project manager where he remained until his retirement. During his years at Kellogg, he travelled to Great Britain, Scotland, France, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, Japan, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Germany, Soviet Union, Brazil, Mexico, Abu Dhabi, Sweden and Canada on company business. He wrote over 30 technical papers about various Kellogg processes. "After their retirement, Gene and Linda plan to spend some of their time in Linda's hometown, Marlin, TX, with periods of the summer in Winchester, IN (Gene's hometown). They look forward to spending time with their grandchildren. Gene and Linda are very active in their church affairs (Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church) and both have served as elders in their church. "Gene's faith is very important to him and he prays for all his kin to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The Bible teaches that this is only way to heaven as this is the ONLY way to be acceptable in God's sight (see Eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, John 3:3, John 14:6, Rom 10:9-11, 2 Cor 5:15, Rev 3:20). Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again so that our sins would be washed away and He has gone to heaven to prepare a place for us which He offers as a free gift. We must believe in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation." More About ALONZO EUGENE COVER: Education: 1963, BSChE, Purdue University,1963 Education (2): 1967, MSChE, U. of Delaware, 1967 Education (3): 1969, Registered Professional Engineer, NJ Hobbies: trains, Lionel trains, astronomy, gardening, music, bird watching, wildflowers, genealogy Occupation: Bet. 1963 - 2001, Chemical Engineer, M.W. Kellogg Co.,plumber, electrician Religion: raised as a Quaker, Presbyterian since 1972, elder More About LINDA FRANCES KIRKPATRICK: Education: BS, Physics, Sam Houston State Univ., 1964 Education (2): Library Certification, Baylor Univ., 1972 Hobbies: music, reading, birdwatching, gardening Occupation: teacher, librarian Religion: life-long Presbyterian, elder
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