Inman Genealogy
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Descendants of Edward Inman Generation No. 1 1. Edward1 Inman was born Abt. 1670 in Wales. Notes for Edward Inman: information on Inman family from "The Inmans and Those Related" FHC film #0396360; also from Inman researcher J. Inman website: or; family immigrated to America in 1760 after 8 month voyage, landed in Charleston Harbor, SC; settled in Newberry County, SC;
Inman motto: "En Domino Confido" = I trust in God. Inmans have coats of arms and crests. Inmans listed in "Saxon Chronicles"; also spelled "Innman" and "Ynman;" of Saxon origin; 1379 seated in Lancashire County, England; William Inman "Lord of manor of Inman"; through 16th, 17th, 18th centuries Inmans spread throughout British isles and colonies; Child of Edward Inman is: + 2 i. Benjamin2 Inman, born March 21, 1699 in Wales; died July 02, 1774 in Newberry Co., SC.
Generation No. 2 2. Benjamin2 Inman (Edward1) was born
March 21, 1699 in Wales, and died July 02, 1774 in Newberry Co., SC. He
married Jemina Hayworth Abt. 1730, daughter of James Haworth and Sarah.
She was born Abt. April 10, 1700 in Newberry Co., SC, and died Septem Notes for Benjamin Inman: info also from "The Inman Compendeum,"; LDS records, family Bible, Quaker records; from "The Inman Compendium," 'The Will of Benjamin Inman of SC,'
Index S. C. Wills, Inman, Benjamin, 1 1776-1814,'' Book B, p.
69: Notes for Jemina Hayworth: one researcher lists birth date as 3/10/1720, data from family Bible; 2nd marriage to John Wright, Oct. 10, 1768, in Berkeley Co., SC; dates are argued; Children of Benjamin Inman and Jemina Hayworth are: + 3 i. Jehu (John)3 Inman, born Abt. 1739 in London, England; died December 12, 1802 in Newberry Co., SC. 4 ii. Henry Inman, born Bef. 1731. 5 iii. John Inman, born Abt. 1733. 6 iv. Joshua Inman, born Abt. 1735. 7 v. George Inman. 8 vi. Hannah Inman. 9 vii. Benjamin Inman, born Abt. 1745. 10 viii. Amos Inman, born Abt. 1750. 11 ix. Rufus Inman, born October 29, 1753. 12 x. Aaron Inman.
Generation No. 3 3. Jehu (John)3 Inman (Benjamin2, Edward1) was born Abt. 1739 and died December 12, 1802 in Newberry Co., SC. He married Mary Ann. Notes for Jehu (John) Inman: Quaker; listed as living in SC before/during Revolution; Jehu Inman listed as Executor of Benjamin's (his brother) will; occupation: appraiser Jehu's brother Rufus had family bible from late 1700's which says that Benjamin and Jemima Hayworth Inman were parents and Edward was grandfather. Bible lists Rufus's children. from "The Inman Compendium," Children of Jehu Inman and Mary Coppock are: + 13 i. Asa4 Inman, born Abt. 1775 in Newberry Co., SC; died 1860 in Miami Co., OH. 14 ii. Shadrack Inman, born Bef. 1802. 15 iii. Joshua Inman, born Bef. 1802.
Generation No. 4 13. Asa4 Inman (Jehu (John)3,
Benjamin2, Edward1) was born Abt. 1775 in
Newberry Co., SC, and died 1860 in Miami Co., OH. He married Mary Polly
Coppock 1793 in Newberry Dist., SC, daughter of John Coppock and Abigail
Schellenger. She was born June 16, 1776 in Bu Notes for Asa Inman: from "South Carolina Quaker Meeting Membership List, 1772-1820";
Henry Stedham listed as early member of Bush River Meeting (Quakers); also
an executor of father Jehu's will; occupation: basket maker; in Miami County, Ohio, history book: "Mr. Inman, with his family, bade farewell to the 'Sunny South,' and took up his march for the wilds of Ohio, then considered the 'Far West.' He found a location within the present limits of Newton Township, on the northeast quarter of Sec. 30, where he toiled the better part of his life. His death occurred at the advanced age of upward of fourscore years. He is buried in Harris Creek Cemetery." Asa may have been married 4 times. The first wife Mary Coppock died in 1825. Subsequent marriages were to Peggy Jan in 1825, Elizabeth Jay in 1831, and Lucinda Kindle in 1852.
Burial: Harris Creek, Bradford, Miami Co., OH Old Harris Creek Cemetery, Miami Co., Ohio, is pictured left. This is where Asa Inman is buried in an unmarked grave. Fact 1: came to Newton Township, Miami County, Ohio in 1807; Fact 2: On federal census for Newton Twp., Miami Co., OH; Fact 3: Land purchase or sold in 1819, 1821,1828, 1832, 1833; Fact 4: On 1827 & 1835 Ohio state census; on 1840 Kosiuscko Co., IN, census and 1850 census for Union Twp., Miami Co., OH;
More About Mary Polly Coppock: Burial: Harris Creek, Bradford, Miami Co., OH Children of Asa Inman and Mary Coppock are: + 16 i. Hepzibah Elizabeth5 Inman, born May 12, 1811 in Miami Co., OH; died December 28, 1883 in Newton Twp., Miami Co., OH. 17 ii. Eli Inman, born October 20, 1794. 18 iii. Lorena Lovess Inman, born June 20, 1798. 19 iv. Asa Inman, Jr., born April 05, 1805. 20 v. Mary Inman, born January 05, 1809. 21 vi. Philip Inman, born Abt. 1818. 22 vii. John Jay Inman, born October 20, 1820.
Generation No. 5
16. Hepzibah Elizabeth5 Inman (Asa4, Jehu (John)3, Benjamin2, Edward1) was born May 12, 1811 in Miami Co., OH, and died December 28, 1883 in Newton Twp., Miami Co., OH. She married Abraham Fackler/Fockler April 06, 1827 in Miami Co., Ohio, son of Johann Fackler and Maria Miller. He was born February 20, 1803 in Huntington Co., PA, and died May 30, 1881 in Newton Twp., OH. Notes for Hepzibah Elizabeth Inman: mentioned in Miami County, Ohio, history book (possible title "History of Miami County, Ohio"?); also information on Inman line from "The Inman Compendium"; More About Hepzibah Elizabeth Inman: Burial: Newton Twp., Miami Co., OH Notes for Abraham Fackler/Fockler: from Miami County, Ohio, history book: "One of the early settlers of this section of county is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in 1803 in Huntingdon Co., Penn., and came to this township in 1817, locating on his present place. He was married in 1826 to Miss Hepzibah Inman, a native of this township, born in 1811... Abraham Fackler is the son of George F., who was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., from which county he moved to Huntingdon Co., and from there to Ohio in 1817, locating on Sec., 29 in Newton Township. He brought with him a family of six children, leaving one in the East... Mr. Fackler (George) died soon after coming here. In August 1819, he was married to Miss May Nisonger, who survived her husband many years, dying at an advanced age. occupation: farmer; P.O. Pleasant Hill;" from untitled county sketch book: "ABRAHAM FACKLER, farmer; P. O. Pleasant Hill. One of the early settlers of this section of country is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in 1803 in Huntingdon Co., Penn., and came to this township in 1817, locating on his present place. He was married in 1826 to Miss Hepzibah Inman, a native of this township, born in 1811. She is the daughter of Asa Inman, a native of South Carolina. He was married to Miss Mary Coppock, a native of North Carolina. In 1807 or 1808, Mr. Inman, with his family, bade farewell to the "Sunny South," and took up his march for the wilds of Ohio, then considered the "Far West." He found a location within the present limits of Newton Township, on the northeast quarter of Sec. 30, where he toiled the better part of his life. His death occurred at the advanced age of upward of fourscore years. He is buried in the Harris Creek Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Fackler are the parents of nine children, six daughters and three sons, all grown up and married but two. Abraham Fackler is the son of George F., who was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., from which county he moved to Huntingdon Co., and from there to Ohio in 1817, locating on Sec. 29 in Newton Township. He brought with him a family of six children, leaving one in the East. Of these, three live in Newton Township, and one, the youngest, in Covington. Mr. Fackler died soon after coming here. In August 1819, he was married to Miss May Nisonger, who survived her husband many years, dying at an advanced age." More About Abraham Fackler/Fockler: Burial: Newton Twp., Miami Co., OH Fact 1: came to Newton Township, Miami County, Ohio in 1817 with father; Fact 2: Estate probated in 1881; Fact 3: records of selling and purchasing land in 1834,1830, 1837; Fact 4: 1827, On Ohio state cenus for Newton Twp.;
Children of Hepzibah Inman and Abraham Fackler/Fockler are: 23 i. Amanda Ann6 Fackler, born Abt. 1852 in Newton Twp., Ohio; died 1908 in Dayton, Ohio. She married John William Reck September 24, 1868 in Miami, Ohio; born February 10, 1841 in Carroll County, MD; died August 18, 1896 in Coldwater, Mercer Co., Ohio. Notes for John William Reck: enlisted in Civil War, GAR Sept. 8, 1861, Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio, Pvt. Co. B, 44 Reg. OVI and Pvt. Co. G 8th Reg. OVC; discharged July 30, 1865: from "Ohio in the Civil War," internet site compiled by Larry Stevens: '1. History of the 44th Ohio Infantry--"Organized in October, 1861, under Col. Samuel A. Gilbert, it moved into West Virginia and operated until September, 1862-having frequent engagemnts with the enemy-when it moved to Kentucky. In December the men were mounted as cavalry and operated against John Morgan. It joined Burnside's advance into East Tennessee, and in January, 1864, the Regiment re-enlisted as veterans providing it should be mounted as cavalry. When it again assembled, after a furlough home, it was designated as the 8th Ohio Cavalry. Among its deployments: operations in the Kanawha Valley and New River Region, West Virginia, Oct. 19-Nov. 16, 1861; duty at Camp Piatt, WV, until May 1862; action at Chapmansville April 8th; Miller's Ferry and Gauley Bridge September 11, 1862; regiment mounted at Frankfort, KY, operations in central Kentucky against Cluke's forces February 18-March 5, 1863... etc. '2. History of 8th Ohio Cavalry--This regiment was organized March 28, 1864, from the veterans and recruits of the 44th Ohio Infantry, under Col. Samuel A. Gilbert, for three years service. Cols. Alpheus S. Moore and Wesley Owens afterwards commanded. The regiment proceeded to West Virginia, and in June joined Averill's raid on Lynchburg, skirmishing with the enemy in the advance and on the return. At Liberty it lost 71 men. At Beverly in October [1864], it was surrounded by the enemy, but drove the Reberls off in a hand to hand fight. In the meantime a detachment of the regiment, under Col. Moore, served in the Shenandoah Valley, fighting at Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. On the 11th of January, 1865, the camp of the Regiment was surprised and over 500 officers and men were captured. They were marched through snow, barefooted, and with scarcely any food, to Staunton, where they were loaded on stock cars and sent to Libby Prison. The sufferings of the men were dreadful at the hands of a cruel and relentless foe. They were exchanged in February, and in August, 1865, the regiment was mustered out of service. Among it deployments: march to Lewisburg May 29; Hunter's Raid to Lynchburg Mary 29-July1, 1864; action at Lexington June 11, Buchanan June 13, New London June 16, Diamond Hill June 17, Lynchburg June 17-18; action new Moore field August 7, 1864, Morrefield and Huttonsville August 24; action at Beverly [WV] January 11, 1865, mostly captured; paroled February 15, mustered out as prisoners of war June, 1865, etc.; regiment lost during its service both as 44th OI and 8th OC 3 officers and 53 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 officer and 113 enlisted men by disease--total 210.' " Baptism April 6, 1841, Trinity Lutheran Church, Taneytown, MD; divorced abt. 1892; remarried a Rice Feb. 1895; separation after 3 months; LDS--IGI Individual Record More About John William Reck: Burial: August 1896, Gettysburg Cemetery, Darke Co., Ohio Fact 1: Marriage license #11131 in Miami Co., Ohio; ***For a continuation of this Inman-Fackler-Reck family, go to the Reck genealogy page.*** 24 ii. Mary Ann Fockler, born June 28, 1821. She married Hugh Sexton Helms. 25 iii. George Fockler. 26 iv. Elizabeth Fockler, born Abt. 1833. She married Samuel Duncan. 27 v. Joseph Fockler, born September 1839. 28 vi. Asa Fockler, born Abt. 1836. He married Susan Brown; born 1843. 29 vii. Lucinda Fockler, born Abt. 1840. 30 viii. Martha Fockler, born Abt. 1844. 31 ix. Hepsibah ("Hepsie") Fockler, born Abt. 1846. . John Phillip Summers, Inman descendant, did this watercolor "English Bridge" which is used for the background of this page. |