Recher & Lederman/Leatherman Genealogy
Descendants of Martin Recher I Generation No. 1
1. MARTIN1 RECHER I was born 1560. He married MAGDALINE WAGNER February 03, 1584. She was born in of Zunzgen, Switzerland. More About MARTIN RECHER I: Fact 1: 3 children Fact 2: info on Recher family from Maryland genealogist Leah Spade, Smithsburg, MD: Child of M ARTIN RECHER and MAGDALINE WAGNER is:2. i. URSUS/DURS2 RECHER, b. January 1593.
Generation No. 2 2. URSUS/DURS2 RECHER (MARTIN1) was born January 1593. He married ANNA FISCHER 1631. She was born in of Bratzivil, Switzerland. Child of URSUS/DURS RECHER and ANNA FISCHER is: 3. i. MARTIN3 RECHER II, b. 1638, Ziefen, Switzerland.
Generation No. 3 3. MARTIN3 RECHER II (URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born 1638 in Ziefen, Switzerland. He married VERONICA THOMMEN 1664. She was born in of Bubendorf, Switzerland. More About MARTIN RECHER II: Fact 1: 6 children Child of M ARTIN RECHER and VERONICA THOMMEN is:4. i. MARTIN4 RECHER III, b. December 10, 1665; d.
Generation No. 4 4. MARTIN4 RECHER III (MARTIN3, URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born December 10, 1665, and died 1748. He married MARGARET GRIMM January 14, 1690. More About MARTIN RECHER III: Fact 1: 6 children Fact 2: married twice; Child of M ARTIN RECHER and MARGARET GRIMM is:5. i. MARTIN5 RECHER, b. 1692, Switzerland; d. January 02, 1778, Switzerland.
Generation No. 5
5. MARTIN5 RECHER (MARTIN4, MARTIN3, URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born 1692 in Switzerland, and died December 3, 1760, in Switzerland. He married ELIZABETH RUDY January 25, 1718, daughter of PETER RUDY. More About MARTIN RECHER: Fact 1: 1722, expelled from Basel-Land area because of "wiederlaufer" beliefs; lived at Oberdiessbach, Canton, Bern; Fact 2: 1730, returned to Ziefen because he "behaved in a more acceptable manner"; Occupation: "posamenter": a weaver of ribbons, braids, lace; Child of M ARTIN RECHER and ELIZABETH RUDY is:6. i. PETER6 RECHER, SR., b. October 25, 1722, Ziefen, Switzerland; d. March 19, 1791, Wolfsville, MD.
Generation No. 6
6. PETER6 RECHER, SR. (MARTIN5, MARTIN4, MARTIN3, URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born October 25, 1722 in Ziefen, Switzerland, and died March 19, 1791 in Wolfsville, MD. He married ANNA MARIA "ANNIE" LEATHERMAN, daughter of GOTTFRIED LEDERMAN and HANNAH BOLTZ/HOLTZ. She was born April 23, 1739. **See Lederman/Leatherman genealogy below, generation # 3.**
In 2008, Judy Ott, descendant of Peter Recker, Sr., sent the above photo of Peter's gravestone at the Jerusalem Cemetery. The marker is a field stone, a rock that had to be removed in order to plow or dig into the earth. Unfinished, unpolished granite, rocks like this were used when a finished stone could not be afforded or when no stone mason/worker was available. The chiseling is crude but efficient: Peter's last name is split with RE on the line with PETER and CHER on the line below. The language is German; Mertz means March. "17+91 MERTZ D+19+T PETER+RE CHER" This marker says a lot more than just the data. Notes for PETER RECHER, SR.: from 'The Peter Recher Letters of 1751 and 1753' published in "Mennonite Family History, " October 1992, compiled and translated by Klaus Hein: First Letter-- "to Marty Recher in Ziefen, in the area of the Basel-Land in Switzerland; "My friendly greeting and the following report to you--much beloved
father, brother, sisters, brother-in-law and his siblings... "Now I will tell you a little of the journey. Down the Rhine everything went fairly well, up to the town of Arnheim in Holland. Here the helmsman drank so much beer and brandy that he could hardly see straight. "He steered the ship straight into the 'schiffsbruck' (landing pier). People standing nearby were sure that the ship would break apart, but through God's guidance nothing happened to our ship... "On the 23rd of June we arrived in Rotterdam, where we stayed for 6 weeks. From Rotterdam, across the "tollen hund" (mad dog meaning English Channel), we went to a town in England called Cowes. We stayed there for 10 days. Then we started our voyage over the big ocean. "For the first 8 days on the ocean we had unfavorable winds, so that we reached an island called Santa Maria. There we waited for 6 days, and once the wind became favorable we continued our voyage and had good winds for the most part. "On the 20th of September we were caught in a storm. The wind broke our middle big mast. Waves battered against our ship so that it sounded like the thundering of several cannons. The ship rolled on to its sides to such a degree that one thought one might drown at any moment. This wind last from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until 4 o'clock in the morning. The waves washed high over the ship. "Several times we had excellent wind, so that we traveled 10 to 12 miles in an hour. Our journey across the ocean, from Cowes to Philadelphia took 9 weeks. The 14th of October we reached land. [Ship list shows Peter Recher on the "Queen of Denmark" on October 4, 1751, arriving in Philadelphia--possibly the original German in Peter Recher's letter was misread, reading a 14 instead of a 4]. 350 passengers were on our ship, of which 29 died; 18 of them were children below the age of 4. "I was well and healthy the whole time. But during the time on the ocean, I must have regretted being there as many times as there are minutes in a year. My dear friends, I advise no one to come, for the journey is dangerous and troublesome. "Beyond the above I do not have much to write you. I have seen
enough of the country to know that there is much rough country, with snow
and mountains as in Switzerland. "There is also much good land, but it has all already been claimed in Pennsylvania, and it is as expensive as in Switzerland. There is as much wood here as one could wish for. The wood in the forests is so thick as to make them almost impassable. If only you would be able to use some of all this wood, as I have often wished you could! You certainly would not have any lack of wood--regardless of how much you need. " Now I will tell you about cousin [actually his uncle] Hans Recher's son. Hans Hemmig's wife...talked with him in the city of Philadelphia... His name is Johannes... "Cousin Heini Buser also visited me, which made me very happy... The city in which he lives is called Yorktown [York, PA]... "I also heard that Marty Tschopp is in this country... Further I heard that Jogy Rudy arrived in this country... "I am presently living with Hans Hemmig and have taken service with a shoemaker for one month. He promised to pay me 10 pounds... When I finish working for him I plan to work on my own. All the work is done in the customers' homes. "Now I dearly greet you all once more...and I wish all the best for soul and body. written the 4th day of Christ's month (December) 1751 Peter Recher, on the 'Motagrug' (Muddy Creek) at Hans Hemming's"
Second Letter-- "to Marty Recher in Ziefen, which lies in the canton Basel-Land in Switzerland; "To you, much loved parents, brother and all three sisters... "From your letter I was able to tell that you all would like to see me. I, too, would like to see you again, and I intend to come to you again once conditions are better, and things cheaper, where you are. I am glad that the lace-making trade is satisfactory again. Otherwise, people in the Canton Basel-Land would be bad off since many depend on lace-making work. "I wish that all 'mouse-poor' people could be in this country and would not have to have any debts. They could earn their daily bread properly if only they had the desire to work. "But I advise all who can 'made it through' over there not to move to this country. Much money is used up in getting here, and once here it is all used up. Then the misery starts and one hardly knows how to help oneself. For all those who have bread, it is as good to eat over there as it is here in the new county. "This country is similar to Switzerland in many respects. It has
rough and high mountains as does Switzerland but also good tillable land.
There is so much uncultivated good land, but a wild people [Indians} live
on it and become very angry. "The wild and uncultivated land is covered by woods. There are as many varieties of trees here as in Switzerland, perhaps even more. Here in Pennsylvania there are mainly oak trees, but also many nut trees some chestnut trees, poplar,..., walnut trees, mulberry trees, and sassafras trees. The map at right shows the village of Jerusalem along US 40, to its north, Pleasant Walk Road reaching Wolfsville at the red star. "You in Switzerland, find sassafras in your pharmacies and it is very expensive. Here it is plentiful and it has a pleasant odor. Farmers make tea from its blossoms. there are many other trees which I cannot name. Blueberry bushes abound. I have not yet seen juniper and fir trees, but in Virginia there are supposed to be many fir trees. There are also pine trees, but of a different kind than hose in Switzerland. Cedar trees grow in two variations, namely white and red. Wild boxwood trees also grow here, but they are not as pretty as the domesticated variety. there are many more sorts of trees, but it is unnecessary to describe them all. "Many varieties of herbs grow here, some of them precious, as well as precious roots. The herbs all are of a different stature from those in Switzerland, on the 'Wulkraut' [probably kidney vetch or mullein] looks the same. "The farmers grow all kinds of grains, but for the most part, wheat and rye. We have buckwheat or heathergrain. 'Weltschkorn' [corn] is not planted. Many potatoes, beets, turnips, beans, and all sorts of garden vegetables are grown, just as in Switzerland. "There are also big rivers and creeks, and many good springs. Fish in the creeks may be caught by anyone. "Vines and grapes grow here, but they are not used to make wine, rather they are eaten only from the stem. Wild vines and grapes are as plentiful as you could wish. The wine which is consumed here all comes from 'Offania' [Spain?] across the ocean. A half measure of wine costs 9 cents at the inn, but it is as strong as brandy. The drinks, which are most common here, are cider, beer, and whiskey, which is distilled from wheat. "They have valuable horses here, which can be ridden 4 to 5 miles in an hour. Cattle is the same in Switzerland, as are the sheep and pigs, But there are no goats. "Many wild animals can be found: deer, bear, wolf, fox, rabbit, ..., and turtles weighing up to 15 or 20 pounds. There are also many snakes: green, grey, and black ones, and rattlesnakes. "The birds are as in Switzerland, except that we do not have storks or vultures. Eagles are plentiful, ... In the summer there are so many fireflies, which fly at night, that one thinks fire flames were flying in the air. "Here the days are 2 hours shorter in the summer and 2 hours longer in the winter. The summer is warmer, but the winter just as cold as in Switzerland. Snow is the same. The English leave their cattle outside, in the woods, all winter long, as they have no stables. Many of their animals freeze to death. The Germans have stables, and the English are starting to follow their example. "Many faiths and religions may be found here: The Catholics have no rights and are not allowed to stand against others. Further, there are Herrnhutters, Mennonites, Separatists, Quakers, Newborns, New Mooners, Saturday Baptists, which hold their sabbath on Saturday, many Sunday Baptists, Dunkers, and Jews. "There are many who form their own little groups. Some in this country have even preached as though no eternity is to be expected, and have said that a nice little bag of money is enough to be the right helper in need, and believe as if there is no God in heaven. They may no longer preach like this, for it is forbidden with high penalty. "I know nothing further of Johannes Recher. Though I have asked much
about him I have not been able to learn anything. I hav "Before Easter 1752 I moved from Hans Hemmig closer to the city of York where cousin Heiny Buser lives. I work here in the trade under a master craftsman and have each week 3L and 2 or 3 'batzen' [shillings?] as wages. Everything is 3 or 4 times as expensive as in Switzerland. A pair of men's shoes cost 3L, a pair of women's shoes 1 'taler.' If one wants to buy only a .... it costs up to 3 'batzen.' an evening view of Frederick Co., MD, looking east from the Jerusalem Cemetery. "Much-beloved father, mother, brother and sisters, please write to me as soon as you have the time and opportunity. Let me know how everything is. "I am still planning, the Lord granting me health and life, to journey to Switzerland once my little bag of money has 'gained some strength.' When I came to this country I owed 100 pounds in debts, but I have been able to pay it all back in one year. Hans Hemmig was...surety. "Father, when you write to me again, do not send so many greetings, since I can not deliver them all.... "...I greet you once again: father and mother, brother and all sisters... Meanwhile, everything committed into the hands of the good Lord. "York, 28, month of wine [October] 1753, Peter Recher in York across Susquehanna" More About P ETER RECHER, SR.:Burial: Lutheran/German Reformed Cemetery, Jerusalem, MD; Fact 1: helped build Union (Lutheran/German) Reformed Church (destroyed), Jerusalem, MD; 2nd person buried in cemetery there; Fact 2: first settled in Adams Co., PA; later moved to Frederick Co., MD; Fact 3: two daughters listed in baptismal records of Reformed & Lutheran Churches, Lower Bermudian, Adams Co., PA; Fact 4: 1762, purchased 45 acres in Frederick Co., MD; later 2 other
tracts of land "Short Pipe" (30 acres) & "Anna" (20 acres); Fact 5: April 12, 1771, naturalized in Frederick Co., MD ; Fact 6: letters compiled by Klaus Hein, printed in October 1992 "Mennonite Family History"; Fact 7: picture of cottage home, Wolfsville; torn down in 1935; At right is a drawing done of the Peter Recher cabin near Wolfsville, MD,; artist unknown. The cabin was torn down in 1935. Fact 8: pictures of Peter's birthplace (house & stables), Recher family home since 1610; Rechers still occupy it, Ziefen, Switzerland, near Basel; Fact 9: died intestate; Fact 10: listed in "Names in Stone" by Holdcraft; Immigration: 1751, Age 27 from Ziefen, Switzerland, on Rhine River, on the "Queen of Denmark"; arrived Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 4, 1751; Children of P ETER RECHER and ANNA LEATHERMAN are:i. MARY ANN7 RECHER, b. Abt. 1760, Pennsylvania; d. November 02, 1843, Wolfsville, MD; m. GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR., 1781, Jerusalem, Lutheran/German Reformed Church, 6 miles from Wolfsville, MD; b. February 10, 1748, Lancaster County, PA; d. Bet. 1836 - 1839, Wolfsville, MD. ii. SUSANNA RECHER, b. 1757, Pennsylvania. iii. ELIZABETH MARGARET RECHER, b. December 27, 1758, York Co., PA; d. February 01, 1818; m. JOSEPH LEATHERMAN, 1785; b. December 10, 1766; d. December 07, 1837. More About ELIZABETH MARGARET RECHER: 1: 1 daughter, Margaret; iv. PETER RECHER, JR., b. August 15, 1763; d. June 03, 1833; m. ELIZABETH PROTZMAN; b. November 27, 1769; d. February 01, 1836. More About PETER RECHER, JR.: 1: 11 children; 2: moved to Montgomery Co., Ohio; v. JOHN RECHER, b. Abt. 1765; d. December 1803. Generation No. 7
1. MARY ANN7 RECHER (PETER6, MARTIN5, MARTIN4, MARTIN3, URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born Abt. 1760 in Pennsylvania, and died November 02, 1843 in Wolfsville, MD. She married GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR. 1781 in Jerusalem, Lutheran/German Reformed Church, 6 miles from Wolfsville, MD, son of GOTTFRIED LEDERMAN and HANNAH BOLTZ/HOLTZ. He was born February 10, 1748 in Lancaster County, PA, and died Bet. 1836 - 1839 in Wolfsville, MD. [MARY ANN RECHER was the niece of GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR., her husband.]More About MARY ANN RECHER: Fact 1: walked 6 miles with sweetheart Godfrey from Wolfsville to Jerusalem to be married in Union Reformed Church, which her father helped build (see pictures above); Fact 2: 11 children; Fact 3: picture; Notes for GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR.: **See Leatherman genealogy below, generation #3 info from Leatherman genealogist Norma Hansen: in "Warrenfelt-Kline Darke County Families, " p. 689, on Frederick Warrenfelt: "...his [Frederick Warrenfelt's] grandfather Godfrey Leatherman was 1st Lt. in Capt. Rodenbielers Company during the Revolutionary War." More About GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR.: Burial: Wolfsville family farm "Seven Fold" Fact 1: 11 children; Fact 2: picture; Fact 3: Baptism, June 2, 1750, Reformed Church, Frederick Co., MD; Fact 4: Recorded as owning 15 acres known as Baker's lot in FC, MD; resurveyed in 1789; Fact 5: 1820 census for Frederick Co., MD, next to Daniel Leatherman; Fact 6: Will probated 1840, "Son of Gottfried, Dr. & Hannah Elizabetha (Holtz) Lederman" lists heirs; Fact 7: Discussed in "All Leatherman Kin History..." by Leatherman and Chandler, p. 354; Fact 8: listed in "More Names in Stone" by Holdcraft; Fact 9: Revolutionary War lieutenant; Children of MARY RECHER and GODFREY LEATHERMAN are: 2. i. SARAH "SALLIE"8 LEATHERMAN, b. August 07, 1802; d. January 31, 1841, Frederick Co., MD. ii. JOHN "JOHNNY" LEATHERMAN, b. Abt. 1782; d. Abt. 1841, Maryland; m. MARY EVE GAUGH, November 03, 1808; d. Aft. 1852. More About JOHN "JOHNNY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 7 children; Fact 2: 1834, family moved to Seneca County, OH, probably with brother Fred and their sister Betsy; Occupation: innkeeper and lawyer in Ohio; iii. ELIZABETH "BETSY" LEATHERMAN, b. February 14, 1784; d. Abt. 1838; m. JACOB CRAVER. More About ELIZABETH "BETSY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 6 children iv. FREDERICK "FRED" LEATHERMAN, SR., b. December 23, 1785, Maryland; d. 1840, Ohio; m. SARAH ELIZABETH WILHIDE, July 26, 1818. More About FREDERICK "FRED" LEATHERMAN, SR.: Fact 1: 8 children; Fact 2: 1834, moved family to Ohio in a covered wagon; Fact 3: killed by a runaway team of horses, not long after wife died in childbirth; More About SARAH ELIZABETH WILHIDE: 1: 8 children; 2: died in childbirth; v. SUSANNA "SUSIE" LEATHERMAN, b. January 14, 1787, Maryland; d. September 11, 1829; m. JACOB GEASEY; b. November 06, 1779; d. August 26, 1829. More About SUSANNA "SUSIE" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: Family lived near Libertytown, MD; Fact 2: 8 children; vi. ANNA MARIA "MOLLY" LEATHERMAN, b. December 06, 1788; d. July 27, 1879; m. JOHN WARRENFELTZ; b. August 21, 1785; d. November 09, 1827. More About ANNA MARIA "MOLLY" LEATHERMAN: Burial: Wolfsville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfsville, MD More About JOHN WARRENFELTZ: Fact 1: 10 children Fact 2: died in tragic accident hunting raccoons; Fact 3: buried in Godfrey Leatherman Cemetery; vii. CATHARINA CHRISTINA LEATHERMAN, b. March 02, 1791; d. August 24, 1858; m. PHILLIP (PETER) WARRENFELTZ, July 28, 1858; b. December 13, 1787; d. July 28, 1859. More About CATHARINA CHRISTINA LEATHERMAN: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Church Hill, bet. Wolfsville & Myersville, MD Fact 1: 5 children Fact 2: died of typhoid; More About PHILLIP (PETER) WARRENFELTZ: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Church Hill, bet. Wolfsville & Myersville, MD Fact 1: died of typhoid; viii. MAGDALENA LEATHERMAN, b. November 1793; d. 1834; m. DANIEL MAUGANS, March 10, 1825; b. October 19, 1802; d. September 26, 1853. More About MAGDALENA LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 5 children ix. DANIEL LEATHERMAN, b. April 09, 1797; d. March 04, 1859; m. CHRISTIANNA WARRENFELTZ, July 01, 1818; b. December 04, 1795; d. October 20, 1857. More About DANIEL LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 9 children Fact 2: died of typhoid; More About CHRISTIANNA WARRENFELTZ: Fact 1: died of typhoid; x. JACOB LEATHERMAN, b. October 03, 1799; d. February 13,
1880, Frederick Co., MD; m. SARAH "SALLIE" WOLFE, May 10, 1824; b.
August 13, 1808; d. September 09, 1887, Frederick Co., MD. More About JACOB LEATHERMAN: Burial: Wolfesville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfesville, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: Lived in Wolfsville, MD; Fact 2: 6 children Fact 3: both interred in Wolfsville Reformed Cemetery; pictured here with South Mountain State Park in background. Fact 4: picture; More About SARAH "SALLIE" WOLFE: Burial: Wolfesville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfesville,
Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: picture; xi. MARGARETHA REBECCA "BECKY" LEATHERMAN, b. September 08, 1806, Maryland; d. July 26, 1883, Pendleton, IN; m. JOHN SUMMERS, May 11, 1824; b. November 01, 1801, Maryland; d. December 21, 1848, Maryland. More About MARGARETHA REBECCA "BECKY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: family lived on Church Hill near St. John's Lutheran Church, Wolfsville, MD; Fact 2: after husband died, Becky accompanied relatives to Pendleton, IN; Fact 3: burial Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Pendleton, Madison Co., IN; picture; More About JOHN SUMMERS: Burial: Summers family plot on Maryland homestead
Below are some of the stones of Recher family members buried at the St. James Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD.
Generation No. 8 2. SARAH "SALLIE"8 LEATHERMAN (MARY ANN7 RECHER, PETER6, MARTIN5, MARTIN4, MARTIN3, URSUS/DURS2, MARTIN1) was born August 07, 1802, and died January 31, 1841 in Frederick Co., MD. She married JOHN "ADAM" MAIN May 08, 1824, son of JOHN MAIN and MARY STINE/STONE. He was![]() More About SARAH "SALLIE" LEATHERMAN: Burial: Middletown Reformed Cemetery, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: listed in "Names in Stone" by Holdcraft as "Sarah w/o J.A."; Fact 2: picture; More About JOHN "ADAM" MAIN: Burial: Middletown Reformed Cemetery, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: death certificate reads "Adam"; Fact 2: 7 children Fact 3: lived near Middletown, MD; Fact 4: married twice; Fact 5: 2nd wife Lydia (Smith) Muck; 4 children; both interred in Middletown Reformed Cemetery; Fact 6: listed in "Names in Stone" by Holdcraft; Fact 7: picture;
Notes for WILLIAM HENRY MAIN: copy of death certificate from Brunswick, MD; After William Henry's mother Sallie died, he and wife Margaret followed Sallie's sister Aunt Becky Leatherman Summers to the Pendleton, IN, area. William Henry and Margaret on1860 census for Green Twp. with son George; Margaret buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery; Brother George Adam Main came to Pendleton, IN, also. George stayed and is buried at Beech Grove Cemetery, Green Township, IN, with wife Caroline.
More About WILLIAM HENRY MAIN: Baptism: February 24, 1839 Burial: Park Heights Cemetery, Brunswick, MD Fact 1: 1860 IN Madison Co., Green Twp. census w/Margaret & son George W. 4 months; occupation: farmer; Fact 2: 2nd wife Miranda Hewitt; Fact 3: returned to MD after 1880 when Margaret died; Fact 4: John Main witnessed death certificate; Fact 5: buried in Brunswick, Park Heights Cemetery; Fact 6: is listed in Holdcroft's "Names in Stone"; Fact 7: occupation: carpenter; Fact 8: pictures; More About MARGARET ELIZABETH MARTIN: Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Pendleton, IN Fact 1: buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Green Twp., IN;
ii. GEORGE ADAM MAIN, b. November 30, 1825, Maryland; d. August 03, 1904, Madison Co., IN; m. CAROLINE BISER; b. October 04, 1818; d. July 03, 1884, Pendleton, IN. More About GEORGE ADAM MAIN: Burial: Beech Grove Cemetery, Green Twp., Madison Co., IN Fact 1: 4 children Fact 2: 2nd wife Sarah Jane Shaul (in IN?); More About CAROLINE BISER: Burial: Beech Grove Cemetery, Green Twp., Madison Co., IN Fact 1: listed on husband George's stone; picture; iii. SUSANNA ELIZABETH MAIN, b. March 31, 1829; d. July 10, 1893; m. RICHARD MUMFORD; b. December 26, 1828; d. September 23, 1896. More About SUSANNA ELIZABETH MAIN: 1: 12 children; Burial: Middletown Reformed Cemetery, Frederick County, MD More About RICHARD MUMFORD: Burial: Middletown Reformed Cemetery, Frederick County, MD iv. MARY ANN MAIN, b. November 16, 1830; d. July 12, 1852. More About MARY ANN MAIN: Burial: Middletown Reformed Cemetery, Frederick Co., MD v. JOHN FREDERICK "FRED" MAIN, b. 1834; d. Ohio; m. MARY J; b. Abt. 1840, Virginia. More About JOHN FREDERICK "FRED" MAIN: Fact 1: 2 children; vi. FRANCIS EDWARD MAIN, b. September 05, 1836; m. ANNA REBECCA HIMES. More About FRANCIS EDWARD MAIN: 1: children Burial: Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Brownsville, Washington Co., MD More About ANNA REBECCA HIMES: Burial: Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Brownsville, Washington Co., MD vii. SAMPSON CORNELIUS MAIN, b. July 17, 1841; d. Aft. 1937; m. ADELINE M. GOODRICH; b. Abt. 1852; d. January 26, 1897. More About SAMPSON CORNELIUS MAIN: Fact 1: Civil War veteran, in Cole's Cavalry; Fact 2: family lived in Bethel, Iowa; Fact 3: 7 children viii. CAROLINE SOPHIA MAIN. ._________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Descendants of Johann/Hans DeWalt Lederman Generation No. 1 1. JOHANN/HANS DEWALT1 LEDERMAN was born 1672 in of Schwarzenau, Wittgenstein, Germany, and died August 30, 1748. He married CATHARINA. More About JOHANN LEDERMAN: info from "All Leatherman Kin History," compiled by Rev. I. John Leatherman and Emma Leatherman Chandler, 1940, E.V. Publishing House,; also Leah Spade, Smithsburg, Frederick Co., MD, Wolfsville, genealogist; Fact 1: another source has Johann's birthplace as Oberhausen; there is an Oberhausen also in the province of Wittgenstein, Germany, (Nordhein-Westfalen on the map at right); Fact 2: originally name Lederman meaning the trade of working leather; anglicized name "Leatherman" translation of trade name; Fact 3: immigrated September 27, 1727 to Philadelphia from Rotterdam via Portsmouth aboard ship "James Goodwill"; Fact 3: all children below born in Germany;
Children of J OHANN/HANS DEWALT LEDERMAN and CATHARINA are:2. i. GOTTFRIED2 LEDERMAN, SR., b. 1712, Germany;
d. September 1800, Wolfsville, Frederick
ii. DANIEL LEDERMAN, b. 1710. iii. JOHN LEDERMAN, b. 1711. iv. PETER LEDERMAN, b. 1713. v. NICHOLAUS LEDERMAN, b. 1714. vi. MICHAEL LEDERMAN, b. 1715. vii. CATHARINA BARBARA, b. bef. 1727 viii. ANNA CATHARINA, b. bef. 1727
Generation No. 2 2. GOTTFRIED2 LEDERMAN, SR. (JOHANN/HANS DEWALT1) was born 1712 in Germany, and died September 1800 in Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD. He married HANNAH ELIZABETHA HOLTZ January 17, 1736 in Barbehoth, Germany. She was born Abt. 1714, and died 1796. More About GOTTFRIED LEDERMAN, SR.: Baptism: 1750 Fact 1: immigrated to US from Germany; Fact 2: 8 or 9 children; Children of G OTTFRIED LEDERMAN and HANNAH HOLTZ (BOLTZ?) are:3. i. GODFREY3 LEATHERMAN, JR., b. February 10, 1748, Lancaster Co., PA; d. Bet. 1836 - 1839, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD. 4. ii. ANNA MARIA "ANNIE" LEATHERMAN, b. April 23, 1739.
Generation No. 3 3. ![]()
Notes for GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR.: info from Leatherman genealogist Norma Hansen; in "Warrenfelt-Kline Darke County Families, " p. 689, on Frederick Warrenfelt: '...his [Frederick Warrenfelt's] grandfather Godfrey Leatherman was 1st Lt. in Capt. Rodenbielers Company during the Revolutionary War.' More About GODFREY LEATHERMAN, JR.: Burial: Wolfsville family farm "Seven Fold" Fact 1: 11 children; Fact 2: picture; Fact 3: baptism, June 2, 1750, Reformed Church, Frederick Co., MD; Fact 4: recorded as owning 15 acres known as Baker's Lot in Frederick Co., MD; resurveyed in 1789; Fact 5: 1820 census for Frederick Co., MD, next to Daniel Leatherman; Fact 6: will probated 1840, "Son of Gottfried, Sr. & Hannah Elizabetha (Holtz) Lederman" lists heirs; Fact 7: discussed in "All Leatherman Kin History..." by Leatherman and Chandler, p. 354; Fact 8: listed in "More Names in Stone" by Holdcraft; Fact 9: Revolutionary War lieutenant; Children of G ODFREY LEATHERMAN and MARY RECHER are:5. i. SARAH "SALLIE"4 LEATHERMAN, b. August 07, 1802; d. January 31, 1841, Frederick Co., MD. ii. JOHN "JOHNNY" LEATHERMAN, b. Abt. 1782; d. Abt. 1841, Maryland; m. MARY EVE GAUGH, November 03, 1808; d. Aft. 1852. More About JOHN "JOHNNY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 7 children; Fact 2: 1834, family moved to Seneca Co., OH, probably with brother Fred and their sister Betsy; Occupation: innkeeper and lawyer in Ohio; iii. ELIZABETH "BETSY" LEATHERMAN, b. February 14, 1784; d. Abt. 1838; m. JACOB CRAVER. More About ELIZABETH "BETSY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 6 children iv. FREDERICK "FRED" LEATHERMAN, SR., b. December 23, 1785, Maryland; d. 1840, Ohio; m. SARAH ELIZABETH WILHIDE, July 26, 1818. More About FREDERICK "FRED" LEATHERMAN, SR.: Fact 1: 8 children; Fact 2: 1834, moved family to Ohio in a covered wagon; Fact 3: killed by a runaway team of horses; not long after wife died in childbirth; More About SARAH ELIZABETH WILHIDE: 1: 8 children; 2: died in childbirth; v. SUSANNA "SUSIE" LEATHERMAN, b. January 14, 1787, Maryland; d. September 11, 1829; m. JACOB GEASEY; b. November 06, 1779; d. August 26, 1829. More About SUSANNA "SUSIE" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: family lived near Libertytown, MD; Fact 2: 8 children; vi. ANNA MARIA "MOLLY" LEATHERMAN, b. December 06, 1788; d. July 27, 1879; m. JOHN WARRENFELTZ; b. August 21, 1785; d. November 09, 1827. More About ANNA MARIA "MOLLY" LEATHERMAN: Burial: Wolfsville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfsville, MD More About JOHN WARRENFELTZ: Fact 1: 10 children Fact 2: died in tragic accident hunting raccoons; Fact 3: buried in Godfrey Leatherman Cemetery; vii. CATHARINA CHRISTINA LEATHERMAN, b. March 02, 1791; d. August 24, 1858; m. PHILLIP (PETER) WARRENFELTZ, July 28, 1858; b. December 13, 1787; d. July 28, 1859. More About CATHARINA CHRISTINA LEATHERMAN: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Church Hill, bet. Wolfsville & Myersville, MD Fact 1: 5 children Fact 2: died of typhoid; More About PHILLIP (PETER) WARRENFELTZ: Burial: St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Church Hill, bet. Wolfsville & Myersville, MD Fact 1: died of typhoid; viii. MAGDALENA LEATHERMAN, b. November 1793; d. 1834; m. DANIEL MAUGANS, March 10, 1825; b. October 19, 1802; d. September 26, 1853. More About MAGDALENA LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 5 children ix. DANIEL LEATHERMAN, b. April 09, 1797; d. March 04, 1859; m. CHRISTIANNA WARRENFELTZ, July 01, 1818; b. December 04, 1795; d. October 20, 1857. More About DANIEL LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: 9 children Fact 2: died of typhoid; More About CHRISTIANNA WARRENFELTZ: Fact 1: died of typhoid; x. JACOB LEATHERMAN, b. October 03, 1799; d. February 13, 1880, Frederick Co., MD; m. SARAH "SALLIE" WOLFE, May 10, 1824; b. August 13, 1808; d. September 09, 1887, Frederick Co., MD. More About JACOB LEATHERMAN: Burial: Wolfesville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfesville, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: lived in Wolfsville, MD; Fact 2: 6 children Fact 3: both interred in Wolfsville Reformed Cemetery; Fact 4: picture; More About SARAH "SALLIE" WOLFE: Burial: Wolfesville Reformed Church Cemetery, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: picture; xi. MARGARETHA REBECCA "BECKY" LEATHERMAN, b. September 08, 1806, Maryland; d. July 26, 1883, Pendleton, Madison Co., IN; m. JOHN SUMMERS, May 11, 1824; b. November 01, 1801, Maryland; d. December 21, 1848, Maryland. More About MARGARETHA REBECCA "BECKY" LEATHERMAN: Fact 1: family lived on Church Hill near St. John's Lutheran Church, Wolfsville, MD; Fact 2: After husband died, Becky accompanied relatives to Pendleton, IN; Fact 3: picture; More About JOHN SUMMERS: Burial: Summers family plot on Maryland homestead
4. ANNA MARIA "ANNIE"3 LEATHERMAN (GOTTFRIED2 LEDERMAN, SR., JOHANN1) was born April 23, 1739. She married PETER RECHER, SR., son of MARTIN RECHER and ELIZABETH RUDY. He was born October 25, 1724 in Ziefen, Switzerland, and died March 19, 1791 in Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD. **See Recher generation #6 above.**