Pryor (Elliot) Genealogy
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Descendants of "Reds" Elliot Generation No. 1 1. "REDS"1 ELLIOT was born Abt. 1758 in
Scotland, and died Bet. 1810 - 1820
Notes for "REDS" ELLIOT: "Elliot/Elliott" name closely linked to Celtic Aethelgeat and Aelfweald; root word "el" in old Indo-European language meant a sprit or a god; or comes from tribes of Caledonii (Roman name for Scotland) who fought against Romans; another theory holds that Elliots related to Roman soldiers of Sarmation (Iazyge) descent that were stationed at Hadrian's Wall; Sarmation units under Roman rule specialized as cavalry; Sarmations descend from Alans tribe defeated in 175 A.D. and taken into Roman service; Alans noted for horse breeding and were excellent equestrians;
From various sources, the Elliot c
In the maps above, the gray lines are the border between Scotland and England. The Elliots controlled the territory north of this border.
In the constant battles against the English from about the later 1500s on, reivers were a cross between raiders and thieves-- stealing, burning, pillaging, not against their own, but against the British. They did not raid from foot or wagons or from hiding so much but more in cavalry units; the Elliots were known for their horsemanship. At various times the Elliots had castles (Stobs Castle), homes (Redheugh), fortresses (Hermitage Castle), etc. The Elliott tartan is a dark dover blue with red "windowpanes," and the motto on the crest shown below, "Fortiter et Recte," means "strongly and rightly."
Just north of Newcastleton is the ancestral home of the Elliots--Redheugh Place or Redheugh House. Elliot reunions are still held here. The picture on the left, which is used as the background for this page, was taken by Glenn Elliott. This view shows the ram, in the foreground, part of the Elliot coat of arms. The Elliot coat of arms is carved above a door lintel at Redheugh as shown in the middle picture taken by Margaret Eliott. Also by Ms. Eliott is the view of the front of the house at right.
In the 1700s certain Scottish clans got tired of British
rule, organized, and started the Jacobite Rebellion. They were not
successful and when captured, the "traitors" were slaughtered on the spot.
One of the wealthy, famous Elliot houses had two sons involved in this
rebellion, a
from Elliot/Pryor researcher Norm Pryor: "...I have been involved with an Elliott DNA test group for some time... Many Elliotts were slaughtered and scattered by the British so much that I don't know if we ever will find Reds' family. There are some interesting leads though. I have found many close DNA-matching Elliotts from the Liddesdale Valley area of Scotland. That is the ancestral home of the Elliot clans. "In our traditions it is listed that Reds came to America for religious reasons (Jacobite) and sold as a white slave. The timing is right. "There is also plenty of reason to think Reds was a local boy too. But why didn't he have a [first] name? There could be a few understandable reasons why he did not marry [legally] Hannah. To me, they would all come under the heading of HIDING. "No matter now. He really was an Elliott and his family was originally from Scotland."
information from Frederick Co., MD, genealogist Leah
Spade, Smithsburg, MD; also inc "Reds and Hannah met and fell in love. He was of aristocratic heritage; she was not of his social class. His parents refused permission for them to marry, so they ran off "to the land of trees" (America). Hannah and Reds never formally married. They had what today would be called a common law marriage. However, they lived as man and wife throughout their lives. They had eleven children who all took the Pryor name. After Reds died, two of his adult sons returned to the British Isles to claim his heritage. They were refused a claim on property/inheritance since by law they were illegitimate. They returned to the US." additional info and genealogy from "Persons Named Pryor" which appeared on page 35, of the spring 1989 edition of the genealogy magazine Antietam Ancestors, published by the Conococheague Genealogical Society, Waynesboro, PA; the article was written by direct descendant Todd Andrew Dorsett. [Thank you, Margaret Pryor Williams] More About "REDS" ELLIOT: Burial: Brandenburg Family Cemetery, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD; below right;
Fact 1: Brandenburg burial ground north of Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD, in unmarked graves; Fact 2: had flaming red hair; Fact 3: all 11 children took Pryor/Prior name;
Fact 5: moved across South Mountain to Frederick Co, northeast of Wolfsville; Fact 6: last lived at "the old Mel Wise place" near Wolfsville where he died; Fact 7: Elliot/Elliott clan one of famous border clans raiding into England from late 1500s on; Fact 8: ancestral home, since 1320, of Elliott clan Redheugh (north of Newcastleton), Roxburghshire, in southwest Scotland;
Notes for HANNAH PRIOR: Summary--According to several sources, including
professional genealogist Leah Spade of Wolfsville, Maryland, Hannah and
"Reds" Elliot fell in love, but families objected to their marriage. Reds
was supposed to be of aristocratic lineage and Hannah may have been lower
in social class than he. They ran away and settled in the Wolfsville, MD,
area where they lived together as man and wife for the rest of their
lives. They were never officially married but had in modern terminology a
common law marriage. They had eleven children who all took the Pryor
name. As grown adults, two of Hannah and Reds' sons, returned to the British Isles to claim an inheritance. They were denied any rights to the Elliot estate because the sons were illegitimate.
Pryor/Pryer/Prior info from "Persons Named Pryor," article in unnamed genealogy publication;
from researcher Monica Fratinardo at "Hannah Prior appears among the
inhabitants of the vicinity of Wolfsville, Frederick Co., in the Federal
Decennial Census of 1820, as Hannah Pryer, head of a household consisting of
one female over the age of 45 years, one female aged between 26 and 45
years, one female under the age of 10, two males aged between 18 and 20, and
2 males between 10 and 16. Two persons were engaged in manufacturing. More About HANNAH PRIOR: Burial: Brandenburg Family Cemetery, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD Fact 1: Burial: Brandenburg Family burial ground north of Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD; no marker; Fact 2: common law marriage Fact 3: in LDS records; Fact 4: 1820 federal census, Wolfsville, MD, "Hannah Pryer," head of house; 1810 census "H. Pryer" head of house; 1830 "Hannah Prior" head of house; Fact 5: last lived at "the old Mel Wise place" where Reds died; Fact 6: owned tract of land, 77 acres, at time of death; Children of "REDS" ELLIOT and HANNAH PRIOR are: 2. i. BENJAMIN2 PRYOR, b. September 20, 1807, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD; d. February 01, 1882, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD. 3. ii. ELIZABETH PRYOR, d. April 22, 1841. 4. iii. MARY PRYOR, d. August 08, 1848. 5. iv. PETER PRYOR. v. SUSANNA PRYOR, d. June 05, 1872; m. GEORGE STOTTLEMYER, February 08, 1814. More About SUSANNA PRYOR: Burial: Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD vi. MARGARET PRYOR, m. JOHN AUGUSTINE. 6. vii. SAMUEL PRYOR. viii. JAMES PRYOR. More About JAMES PRYOR: Fact 1: apparently married and settled in the area of Hancock, Washington Co., MD; 7. ix. HANNAH PRYOR. x. WILLIAM PRYOR. 8. xi. JACOB PRYOR, b. September 12, 1805, Wolfsville, MD; d. May 11, 1889.
Generation No. 2 2. BENJAMIN2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born September 20, 1807 in Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD, and died February 01, 1882 in Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD. He married CATHERINE LEWIS June 16, 1832 in Maryland, daughter of JOHN LEWIS and MARGARET HARNE. She was born August 01, 1812 in Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD, and died November 15, 1869.Notes for BENJAMIN PRYOR: Benjamin's bible, copyrighted in the 1850s and noted as "his bible," on inside cover was given to his daughter Hannah Cornelia Pryor who married John Henry Kuhn. Hannah and John moved to Madison County, Indiana, where Hannah died in 1882. In the bible, John Henry recorded her death, psalm read, and speaker for her funeral. The bible also contains some notes on Kuhn and Pryor family genealogy.
discussed in "Persons Named Pryor"--article in Maryland (probably) genealogy publication: "Benjamin Pryor apparently was the last child born to Hannah Prior, and was still living at Wolfsville in 1880. The petition for his insolvency was filed in Frederick County Court on Jun 21, 1837; John King was appointed trustee, and was discharged on December 12, 1837. "Benjamin Pryor married, June 16, 1832, Catharine, daughter of John and Margaret (Harne) Lewis, a sister of Jacob Pryor's wife, and had issue..." More About BENJAMIN PRYOR: Fact 1: "his bible" 1857, handed down in family to Katherine Dilts Summers; Fact 2: Pansy Main, as an adult, records family history in bible; Fact 3: 1870 census Frederick Co., MD, BP, age 66, living with Hannah C. & husband; Fact 4: 1840 census Frederick Co., MD, District #10; Fact 5: died "74 years, 4 months, & 11 days"; Fact 6: still living in Wolfsville, MD, in 1880; More About CATHERINE LEWIS: Fact 1: noted in Pryor/Kuhn family Bible as "lost out over the mountains";
Children of BENJAMIN PRYOR and CATHERINE LEWIS are: 9. i. HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, b. Abt. 1833, Wolfsville, Frederick Co., MD; d. November 05, 1882, Anderson, Madison Co., IN. 10. ii. ROBERT PRYOR, b. August 31, 1834, Maryland; d.
July 27, 1914. iii. BENJAMIN PRYOR, b. July 24, 1836, Maryland; d. August 26, 1905; m. ANNA REBECCA DRAPER. More About BENJAMIN PRYOR: Burial: St. James Reform Cemetery, Wolfsville, MD Fact 1: 2 or more children; iv. RACHEL/REBECCA DELILA PRYOR, b. October 02, 1838; d. May 27, 1906; m. LEWIS WERTEMBAKER SCHROYER, August 28, 1860; b. August 20, 1836; d. May 02, 1903. More About RACHEL/REBECCA DELILA PRYOR: Fact 1: 6 children v. MARGARET ANN PRYOR, b. 1841; d. Abt. 1868; m. E More About MARGARET ANN PRYOR: Fact 1: 2 children; 11. vi. SAMUEL C. PRYOR, b. 1844; d. March 13, 1922. vii. MARY PRYOR, b. 1847; d. 1916; m. JOHN/JACOB MANGES, December 24, 1870; b. 1841; d. 1926. More About MARY PRYOR: Fact 1: 2 sons; Fact 2: Family resided in Quincy, PA; More About JOHN/JACOB MANGES: Occupation: blacksmith; 12. viii. PETER COLUMBUS PRYOR, b. August 21, 1853; d. March 11, 1925.
3. ELIZABETH2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) died April 22, 1841. She married ALBEN FENWICK October 01, 1799 in Washington Co., MD. He died March 28, 1832.More About ELIZABETH PRYOR: Burial: Lutheran Graveyard, Greencastle, MD More About ALBEN FENWICK: Burial: Lutheran Graveyard, Greencastle, MD Children of ELIZABETH PRYOR and ALBEN FENWICK are: i. JOHN3 FENWICK. ii. MARY FENWICK, d. Ohio; m. MICHAEL SNYDER; d. Ohio. iii. DAVID FENWICK. iv. SAMUEL FENWICK. v. LYDIA FENWICK, d. Ohio; m. ISAIAH SPRAGUE; d. Ohio.
4. MARY2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) died August 08, 1848. She married JACOB POFFINBERGER. He died October 23, 1856.More About MARY PRYOR: Burial: Judy Cemetery, Germantown, OH Fact 1: moved with husband to German Twp., Montgomery Co., OH, around 1836; More About JACOB POFFINBERGER: Burial: Judy Cemetery, Germantown, OH Children of MARY PRYOR and JACOB POFFINBERGER are: i. LEWIS3 POFFINBERGER. ii. HANNAH POFFINBERGER. iii. HENRY POFFINBERGER.
5. PETER2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) He married LEAH FORREST.More About PETER PRYOR: Fact 1: February 03, 1818, Married Mary Hays; children: Eliza, Samuel, Mary Jane, Joseph, David, George W., Hannah R.; Children of PETER PRYOR and LEAH FORREST are: i. BENJAMIN3 PRYOR. ii. REBECCA PRYOR, m. HENRY KUHN/KOON. More About REBECCA PRYOR: Burial: Brandenburg Cemetery, Wolfsville, MD iii. LEAH PRYOR.
6. SAMUEL2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) He married MARGARET KING November 10, 1832.More About SAMUEL PRYOR: Fact 1: lived in Washington Co., MD; Occupation: shingle maker; Children of SAMUEL PRYOR and MARGARET KING are: i. JOHN W.3 PRYOR. ii. ANN M. PRYOR. iii. HARRIET PRYOR. iv. JULIA PRYOR. v. JAMES PRYOR, d. February 05, 1926; m. AMELIA DUNN, September 15, 1870. More About JAMES PRYOR: Occupation: attorney of Hagerstown, MD; vi. ELIZA PRYOR. vii. ELLEN PRYOR. viii. ISAAC PRYOR. ix. MARY JANE PRYOR.
8. JACOB2 PRYOR ("REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born September 12, 1805 in Wolfsville, MD, and died May 11, 1889. He married MARGARET LEWIS, daughter of JOHN LEWIS and MARGARET HARNE. She was born in Wolfsville, MD, and died May 08, 1884.More About JACOB PRYOR: Burial: Mount Bethel United Methodist Graveyard, Garfield, MD More About MARGARET LEWIS: Burial: Mount Bethel United Methodist Graveyard, Garfield, MD Children of JACOB PRYOR and MARGARET LEWIS are: 13. i. JOHN EMMANEL3 PRYOR, b. June 20, 1829, of Wolfsville, MD; d. January 07, 1901. ii. CYNTHIA PRYOR, m. JOHN FREDERICK SHEPLEY. More About CYNTHIA PRYOR: Fact 1: had 6 sons; Fact 2: ancestress of William Shepley who married Jeanne ("internet cousin"); iii. MARGARET PRYOR. iv. LAWSON PRYOR. v. GEORGE WASHINGTON PRYOR. vi. ELIZABETH PRYOR. vii. ROHANN PRYOR. viii. MARY CATHERINE PRYOR. ix. DANEL UPTON PRYOR.
Generation No. 3
9. HANNAH CORNEL Notes for HANNAH CORNELIA PRYOR: Hannah Cornelia Pryor Kuhn was in an unmarked grave at the Whetstone Cemetery for 116 years. Grandsons Thamar and Russell Main wanted to place a gravestone at her burial site, but burial records for cemetery had been lost. Great-great granddaughter Melody Summers Hull found John Henry Kuhn's receipt for grave plot at Whetstone, purchased from a Mr. Sikes. This receipt plus Katherine Dilts Summers' remembrance of her grandmother Hannah Virginia Main, Hannah Cornelia's daughter, placing flowers near this plot allowed cemetery officials to give permission for a memorial gravestone at Sikes plot area in 2004.
More About HANNAH CORNELIA PRYOR: Burial: November 06, 1882, Whetstone Cemetery, Anderson,
IN Fact 1: buried in Whetstone Cemetery, Anderson, Madison Co., IN; unmarked grave; memorial stone; Fact 2: picture; Fact 3: probably brought father's Bible with her when moving to IN; Fact 4: husband John Henry Kuhn made notes in Pryor bible as to death and funeral; Fact 5: Peter Whetstone officiated at funeral; read Psalm 34; Fact 6: LDS "family search"; Notes for JOHN HENRY KUHN: ***For Kuhn genealogy, go to the Kuhn-Schroyer page.*** from Wolfsville, MD, genealogist Leah Spade:
John Henry recorded in Kuhn/Pryor family bible the date, the speaker Peter Whetstone, and psalm used at Hannah Cornelia's funeral Whetstone Church, 1882, Anderson, IN: Psalm 34, "I will bless the Lord at all times..." A modern gravestone was placed on a Sikes lot at Whetstone Cemetery by descendents in 2004 commemorating Hannah Cornelia Pryor, John's wife. Notes from family bible and receipt for purchase of Sikes lot at Whetstone was evidence to the Whetstone Cemetery Committee that allowed placing of stone. Family story asserts that John Henry Kuhn named the Pleasant Walk Cemetery on Madison Ave. north of Whetstone Church/Cemetery in Anderson, IN, after the Pleasant Walk Cemetery near his Wolfsville, Maryland, home--where his mother Susan Schroyer is buried. John Henry Kuhn's love letter to Hannah Cornelia Pryor (with original spelling, capitalization, punctuation, spacing, etc.): "Aprile 25th 1855 State of Maryland Frederick County; John. H. Kuhn; His Love To Miz Hannah. C. Pryor;~ By these fiew lines I informe you that I am well
at this time; And hoping that these fiew lines will finde you in the same state of helth; yet me~ an you are almost strangers; yet I will state to you that if we are almost strangers yet it is not said that we can not get acquainted if so your wish ma Be; And if my adreses are welcome to you Plese your honour i will heartiley Receive your answer to these Questions Its fare ase i know your friends are all well at this time. as the Evening is short I will close these fiew lines And if to this question you will ### agree; Plese my Dear Miz and sende me an answer to Wolfsville Frederick County Maryland; Aprile 25 1855 Yours With Respect John. H~ Kuhn; To: Miz Hannah Cornelia Pryor Bennevola Washington County Maryland" More About JOHN HENRY KUHN: Fact 1: wrote love letter to HCP in Washington Co., MD; Fact 2: purchased lot 38 in Whetstone Cemetery, Anderson, IN, from Mr. Sikes; Fact 3: wrote in Benjamin Pryor's bible; Fact 4: Madison Co., IN, 1920 census living with daughter Hannah Virginia and William E. Main; Fact 5: listed on June 15, 1870, census for Frederick Co., MD; Children of HANNAH PRYOR and JOHN KUHN are: 14. i. HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, b. October 14, 1870, Frederick Co., MD; d. July 02, 1947, Anderson, Madison Co., IN. ii. HESTER KUHN, b. 1857; m. ...RENNER. iii. JOHN DYSON KUHN, b. 1859. iv. BEN KUHN, b. Abt. 1872. v. CATHERINE KUHN, b. 1861; m. ...BAKER. vi. (SUSAN) FLORENCE KUHN, b. 1866; m. JAMES MADISON MICHAEL, August 12, 1883. More About (SUSAN) FLORENCE KUHN: Fact 1: Married by Rev. Peter Whetstone;
10. ROBERT3 PRYOR (BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born August 31, 1834 in Maryland, and died July 27, 1914. He married SARAH TRACY. She was born 1842, and died October 08, 1876.More About ROBERT PRYOR: Fact 1: 1 daughter; Fact 2: second marriage to Urilla Draper; Fact 3: lived on 8 acres of Hannah Pryor's land; Occupation: shingle maker; Child of ROBERT PRYOR and SARAH TRACY is: i. IDA4 PRYOR.
11. SAMUEL C.3 PRYOR (BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born 1844, and died March 13, 1922. He married LOUISA ELIZABETH KLINE. She was born February 25, 1849, and died June 02, 1884.More About SAMUEL C. PRYOR: Fact 1: 8 children from 1st marriage; Fact 2: second marriage to Ida Ellen Swope; 6 children Children of SAMUEL PRYOR and LOUISA KLINE are: i. ROHANN4 PRYOR. ii. MARY EDITH PRYOR. iii. THEOPHILUS CALVIN PRYOR. iv. CARRIE ALICE PRYOR. v. ETTA LOUISE PRYOR. 15. vi. STANLEY MOODY PRYOR. vii. LYDIA ALVERTA PRYOR.
12. PETER COLUMBUS3 PRYOR (BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born August 21, 1853, and died March 11, 1925. He married CATHERINE "KATE" SENSENBAUGH February 17, 1874, daughter of JOHN SENSENBAUGH and MAGDALINE TOMS. She was born August 05, 1851, and died April 03, 1929.More About PETER COLUMBUS PRYOR: Fact 1: 7 children Children of PETER PRYOR and CATHERINE SENSENBAUGH are: i. JAMES WALTER4 PRYOR. ii. JOHN T. PRYOR. iii. EFFIE MAY PRYOR. iv. OLIVER R. PRYOR. v. EDWARD A. PRYOR. vi. DAISY E. PRYOR. vii. MARTHA GRACE PRYOR.
13. JOHN EMMANEL3 PRYOR (JACOB2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born June 20, 1829 in of Wolfsville, MD, and died January 07, 1901. He married MARY JANE SHUFF. She was born June 21, 1834, and died June 07, 1919.Child of JOHN PRYOR and MARY SHUFF is: 16. i. ROOKLYN4 PRYOR, b. January 26, 1874, Garfield, MD; d. March 24, 1952, Wolfsville, MD.
Generation No. 4 14. HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN (HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born October 14, 1870 in Frederick Co., MD, and died July 02, 1947 in Anderson,![]() More About HANNAH VIRGINIA KUHN: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, Madison Co., IN Fact 1: buried in East Maplewood, section 12 with family; Fact 2: parents moved from MD after 1870; Fact 3: pictures;
More About WILLIAM E. MAIN: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN Fact 1: buried in East Maplewood, Madison Co., IN, section 12 with family; Fact 2: pictures; Fact 3: lived in Lowman brick house built in 1876 on 32nd St., Anderson; ***For Main genealogy, go to the Main page.*** Children of HANNAH KUHN and WILLIAM MAIN are: 17. i. NELLIE RUTH5 MAIN, b. January 26, 1895, Anderson, IN; d. March 28, 1983, Anderson, IN. 18. ii. THAMAR MAIN, b. June 09, 1899; d. 2000. 19. iii. RUSSELL MAIN, b. January 17, 1902; d. January 21, 1997. 20. iv. JOHN DYSON MAIN, b. December 15, 1897; d. 1928. v. PANSY MAIN, b. March 17, 1888, Anderson, IN; d. 1967, Anderson, IN. More About PANSY MAIN: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN vi. MILDRED MAIN, b. September 26, 1913; d. 1982. More About MILDRED MAIN: Fact 1: in Women's Army Corps (WAC) Band
16. ROOKLYN4 PRYOR (JOHN EMMANEL3, JACOB2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born January 26, 1874 in Garfield, MD, and died March 24, 1952 in Wolfsville, MD. He married ELSIE BRANDENBURG. She was born November 14, 1877 in of Wolfsville, MD, and died August 27, 1929.More About ROOKLYN PRYOR: Fact 1: 12 children Fact 2: occupation: teacher at Middlepoint School; Children of ROOKLYN PRYOR and ELSIE BRANDENBURG are: 22. i. FRED5 PRYOR, b. Wolfsville, MD. 23. ii. HOMER PRYOR, b. July 11, 1906. iii. MILTON PRYOR, b. June 03, 1896. iv. JAMES PRYOR, b. 1890. v. JASPER PRYOR, b. May 07, 1899. vi. RUTH PRYOR, b. August 17, 1900. vii. CORDELIA PRYOR, b. March 30, 1902. viii. DONNA PRYOR, b. April 13, 1922. ix. THOMAS PRYOR, b. November 29, 1916. x. ROOKLYN PRYOR, JR., b. April 30, 1921.
Generation No. 5 17. NELLIE RUTH5 MAIN (HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born January 26, 1895 in Anderson, IN, and died March 28, 1983 in Anderson, IN. She married ADDISON LEWIS DILTS May 20, 1916, son of ELSA/ELZA DILTS and CORA LANE. He was born March 01, 1893 in Madison Co., IN, and died June 1973 in Anderson, Madison Co., IN.More About NELLIE RUTH MAIN: Burial: Bronnenberg Cemetery, Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN Fact 1: buried in Bronnenberg Cemetery, Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN; Fact 2: attended Terre Haute Normal College (for teachers); Fact 3: taught school grades 1-8 at Hughel School on Rangeline Rd., before marrying; Fact 4: had a faith-healing experience; on Christian radio program because of healing; Fact 5: one of the first members at South Meridian Church of God, Anderson, Madison Co., IN; More About ADDISON LEWIS DILTS: Burial: Bronnenberg Cemetery, Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN Fact 1: buried in Bronnenberg Cemetery, Chesterfied, IN; Fact 2: in Coast Guard artillery for three years before WW I; Fact 3: "good conduct, faithful" on service record at discharge; Fact 4: occupation: general foreman at Delco Remey, division of General Motors; Fact 5: lived at 3207 Hamilton Place, Anderson, Madison Co., IN; ***For Dilts genealogy, go to the Dilts page.*** Children of NELLIE MAIN and ADDISON DILTS are: 24. i. KATHERINE VIRGINIA6 DILTS, b. July 28, 1920, Anderson, IN. 25. ii. WILLIS MARCUS DILTS, b. June 13, 1917, Anderson, IN. 26. iii. JEANNE ANN DILTS, b. December 04, 1932, Anderson, IN. 27. iv. JACKIE LEE DILTS, b. June 05, 1935, Anderson, IN.
18. THAMAR5 MAIN (HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born June 09, 1899, and died 2000. He married DONNA IRENE PURSLEY. She was born September 24, 1901, and died 1991.Notes for THAMAR MAIN: lived to be 101 years of age; graduated from Anderson High School: pictured on track team; graduated from Indiana State Normal School; taught industrial arts for a total of 44 years in Mishawaka, Muncie, and Middletown; member of Masonic Lodge 433, Delaware County Farm Bureau, Selma Christ United Methodist Church; Boy Scout Master of Troop 17 and 22; Children of THAMER MAIN and DONNA PURSLEY are: i. PAUL M.6 MAIN, b. December 27, 1923. More About PAUL M. MAIN: Fact1: artist; lived in Los Angeles, CA; ii. KENNETH R. MAIN. 28. iii. HERBERT G. MAIN. iv. JOHN F. MAIN. v. THAMAR MAIN, JR., b. September 26, 1922; d. April 15, 1945, Margrotton, Holland (WW II). More About THAMAR MAIN, JR.: Burial: Elm Ridge Cemetery, Muncie, Delaware Co., IN
19. RUSSELL5 MAIN (HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born January 17, 1902, and died January 21, 1997. He married MARTHA FLORENCE SAMPSON. She was born January 18, 1904, and died June 02, 1983.Child of RUSSELL MAIN and MARTHA SAMPSON is: i. DOROTHY6 MAIN, b. July 06, 1924; m. RONALD KERN, August 02, 1946; b. October 12, 1924. More About RONALD KERN: Fact1: PhD;
20. JOHN DYSON5 MAIN (HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born December 15, 1897, and died 1928. He married MARY GEORGE HODGES. She was born 1899, and died 1935.More About JOHN DYSON MAIN: Burial: East Maplewood, Anderson, IN Children of JOHN MAIN and MARY HODGES are: i. DONALD6 MAIN. ii. RICHARD MAIN. iii. JOHN DYSON MAIN, JR..
22. FRED5 PRYOR (ROOKLYN4, JOHN EMMANEL3, JACOB2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born in Wolfsville, MD.Child of FRED PRYOR is: i. NORMAN6 PRYOR, b. Ohio; d. of California.
23. HOMER5 PRYOR (ROOKLYN4, JOHN EMMANEL3, JACOB2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born July 11, 1906 and died 1979.Child of HOMER PRYOR is: i. PAUL6 PRYOR, b. 1943. More About PAUL PRYOR: Fact1: [phone call asking about Kuhn/Pryor bible] ii. CECIL PRYOR iii. HOMER (BILL) PRYOR iv. MIKE PRYOR Generation No. 6 24. KATHERINE VIRGINIA6
VIRGINIA4 More About KATHERINE VIRGINIA DILTS: Fact 1: studied music at Anderson College, nursing at Ball State before marrying; Fact 2: attended & graduated from Anderson University after she was 60 years old; Fact 3: she and John have been on European vacations 20+ times & 5 times to Israel; Fact 4: taught piano in home; homemaker; Fact 5: pictures; More About JOHN PHILLIP SUMMERS: Fact 1: in Army Air Corps during WW II; in African & Italian campaigns; Fact 2: reconnaissance and tail gunner; Fact 3: tool maker at Delco Remy for 31 years; learned to fly and owned Cessna; Fact 4: in retirement, locally famous painter of water colors; Fact 5: president of Del-Ray Toast Masters, Valley Grove PTA, Highland Band Boasters; Fact 6: tour host for Educational Opportunities (travel company); Fact 7: lay-minister at South Meridian Church of God; Fact 8: pictures; ***For Summers genealogy, go to the Summers page.*** Children of KATHERINE DILTS and JOHN SUMMERS are: i. MELODY7 SUMMERS, b. April 30, 1948, Muncie, IN; m. THOMAS A. HULL, March 25, 1972, Anderson, IN; b. March 29, 1948, Anderson, IN. More About MELODY SUMMERS: Fact 1: trustee & director of the horse registry, the Lipizzan Association of North America; Fact 2: co-author of "The American Lipizzan: A Pictorial History"; Fact 3: English teacher 33 years, Madison-Grant High School, Fairmount, IN; Fact 4: breed representative to Indiana Horse Council; exhibitor at Hoosier Horse Fair 7 years; Fact 5: former president & director of Indiana
Dressage Society; Fact 6: 1970 graduated Ball State University, BS in English;1975 MA in English from BSU; Fact 7: Madison County Cemetery Commissioner; Fact 8: author and manager of web site "Pioneer Cemeteries and Their Stories, Madison County, Indiana"; Fact 9: In "Who's Who Among America's Teachers," twice; More About THOMAS A. HULL: Fact 1: trustee & director of Lipizzan Association of North America (LANA); Fact 2: program design & data processor for LANA; Fact 3: compiler of " LANA Studbook, Vol I & II"; Fact 4: manager of Music Today, Anderson, IN; Fact 5: graduated 1972 from Anderson University, major accounting; Fact 6: co-owner of Ye Olde Tack Shoppe; musician in Anderson area; ii. MONTE DEAN SUMMERS, b. July 07, 1951, Muncie, IN; m. DEBBIE SCHMIDT. More About MONTE DEAN SUMMERS: Fact 1: lives in Brown County, IN; Fact 2: master craftsman; contractor & builder of fine homes; Fact 3: reproduces black powder, muzzle-loading rifles More About DEBBIE SCHMIDT: Fact 1: department manager in JC/Kroger grocery store; iii. MEREDITH LEE SUMMERS, b. April 06, 1955, Muncie, IN. More About MEREDITH LEE SUMMERS: Fact 1: lives in Virginia, Minnesota; Fact 2: custom house painter; Fact 3: served aboard the "USS America" & "USS
Eisenhower"; Fact 4: in war with Lybia; 10+ years aircraft structure modification; plane captain; 25. WILLIS MARCUS6 DILTS (NELLIE RUTH5 MAIN, HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born June 13, 1917 in Anderson, IN. He married CELIA MAE HOPPES in Indianapolis, IN.Child of WILLIS DILTS and CELIA HOPPES is: 29. i. CAROL7 DILTS. 26. JEANNE ANN6 DILTS (NELLIE RUTH5 MAIN, HANNAH VIRGINIA4 KUHN, HANNAH CORNELIA3 PRYOR, BENJAMIN2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born December 04, 1932 in Anderson, IN. She married ALLAN DEAN BRUMFIELD. He was born October 12, 1925, and died June 24, 2004 in Anderson, Madison Co., IN.More About ALLAN DEAN BRUMFIELD: Burial: Bronnenberg Cemetery, Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN Child of J EANNE DILTS and ALLAN BRUMFIELD is:i. JULIE ANNE7 BRUMFIELD, m. WILLIAM "BILL" FRANKLIN.
28. PAUL6 PRYOR (HOMER5, ROOKLYN4, JOHN EMMANEL3, JACOB2, "REDS"1 ELLIOT) was born 1943. He married JERRIE HAINES. She was born June 06, 1944. More About PAUL PRYOR: Fact1: [phone call asking about Kuhn/Pryor bible] Children of PAUL PRYOR and JERRIE HAINES are: i. RICHARD ALLAN7 PRYOR, b. November 13, 1960. ii. CHRISTOPHER SCOTT PRYOR, b. April 02, 1963. iii. JILL MARIE PRYOR, b. July 03, 1966. iv. ROBIN LYN PRYOR, b. November 08, 1969.