Van Aersdaele/Arsdallen/Arsdalen/ Arsdale/Arsdol, etc., and Their In-Laws
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Descendants of Jan Pauwelsen Van Aersdaele Generation No. 1 1. JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE was born Abt. 1600 in
Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen, Belgium, and died January 1654. He married
GEERTIE PHILIPSDOCHTER Flanders or Vlaanderen province in Belgium/Belgie is shown at right. Notes for JAN PAUWELSEN VAN AERSDAELE: info from VanArdallen/Arsdale researchers Bryce Stevens' home page,; from VanArsdallen newsletter, "The Vanguard," editor Charles Vanorsdale at; from VanArsdallen researcher Bonnie Barns Worley at & 63.html; also from at site; and"Descendants of Wolphert Gerretse Van Kouwenhoven"; etc.; from Bryce Stevens' home page: "Jan Van Arsdallen may be the son of Pauwel Pauwelsz van Aeysdale, born abt. 1560, Nukreke, East Flanders. Pauwel was probably the son of Pauwel Joostensen Van Haesdale, b. c. 1530, of Aalst, Belgium, d. 1559, Aalst, Belgium. His father was probably Joosten Van Haesdale, b.c. 1501,of Aalst, Belgium (these based on the patronymics and locales)."
More About JAN PAUWELSEN VAN AERSDAELE: Fact 1: made his mark on notary document, 10 May 1652 which was also signed by his sons Sijmon and Philip; The red star on the map shows the location of NuKerke (New Church) in Belgium, southwest of Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam. Fact 2: accepted as a member of the Reformed Congregation in Gouda, 20 July 1642; Fact 3: occupations: carpet weaver and later a mustard maker; Fact 4 buried at St. Jans Kerk, Gouda, Holland; More About GEERTIE PHILIPSDOCHTER HAELTERS: Burial: St. Jans Kerk, Gouda, Holland; Children of JAN VAN AERSDAELE and GEERTIE HAELTERS are: 2. i. SIJMON JANZEN2 VANARSDALLEN, b. Bet. February 27, 1627 - 1628, Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen (East Flanders), Belgium; d. October 29, 1710, Flatlands, L.I., New York. ii. JOOST JANSZ VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1638, Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen (East Flanders), Belgium; d. Bef. 1727. iii. DAUGHTER VANARSDALLEN. iv. PHILIP JANSZ VANARSDALEN, b. Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen (East Flanders), Belgium; d. June 04, 1686; m. TRIJNTJE HUIBERSDOCHTER, Bet. March 13, 1652 - 1653, Gouda, Holland; d. Bef. August 03, 1718. v. PIETERE JANSZ VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1632.
Generation No. 2 2. SIJMON JANZEN2 VANARSDALLEN (JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Bet. February 27, 1627 - 1628 in Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen (East Flanders), Belgium, and died October 29, 1710 in Flatlands, Long Island (L.I.) New York. He married PIETERJE CLAESSEN VAN SCHOUW Abt. 1659 in New Amsterdam (NY), daughter of CLAES and METJE HARPENTSE. She was born October 28, 1640 in Ameersfoort, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam, (NY);, and died in Flatlands, Long Island, New York.The signature of Sijmon Janzen Van Arsdallen, above, and those of his son Cornelis and grandson Simon, both below, are taken from The Vanguard, the newsletter of the van Aersdalen Family Association, edited by Charles Vanorsdale.
Also appearing in The Vanguard is the above watercolor "New Amsterdam, now New York on Manhattan Island" showing the city between 1650 and 1653. This would have been how Sijmon Janzen Van Arsdallen first saw it. Notes for SIJMON JANZEN VAN ARSDALLEN: from "The Vanguard," Vol. VI, No. 1, pp.3-10, July 2003; 'Remembering Our Family Progenitor,' "In 1628, Flanders was besieged... Europe's wealthiest province was one of the main theaters in the Eighty Years' War... Beneath this cloud of political and religious upheaval, a child is born in Nekerke, East Flanders. He was baptized on Sunday, February 27, 1628, to Jan Pauwelsz van Aesdalen and Gerarda (Geertje) Philipse Haelters, and named Sijmon... Dutch tradition--and probably Flemish as well-- dictated that a mother not go out in public for six weeks after childbirth, and only then for the purpose of the child's bapism. If this custom was followed, then we can assume that Sijmon was born in the first half of January 1628. "Sijmon was the third known son of Jan Pauwelsz, a carpet of cloth-weaver, which was a popular vocation in East Flanders at that time. Sijmon's siblings eventually included brothers Philip (Philippus, baptized June 24, 1624); possibly a Pauwel Jan (Joannes, baptized March 22, 1626); Pieter (probably born about 1630 in Flanders); and Joost (Judocus, baptized October 2, 1638); as well as sisters Egidia (baptized April 10, 16330; and Joanna (baptized December 4, 1635). It is likely that Sijmon also had a sister named Fiermijne named for their paternal grandmother... "Around 1640, Jan decided to abandon Nukerke and seek out the relative stability of the Protestant-dominated Northern Provinces. Jan took his family to Gouda (where it appears, his parents were married in 1588) and likewise, abandoned his vocation as a carpet-weaver to become a mustard-grinder. On July 20, 1642 Jan was confirmed (as 'Jan van Arsdal') as a member of the Dutch Reformed Church at Gouda. He bought a house for his family on November 21 of that year and eight years later purchased the adjacent one as well. "Sijmon had an itch to strike out on his own. Barely in his twenties, he moved away for the rest of the family in Gouda to seek his fortune in the metropolis of Amsterdam. This is probably the first evidence of the drive of this young man who would dare to venture into the New World and become the patriarch of a large and successful family. In Amsterdam, he pursued a career in pottery-making, which had become so prolific an industry that several streets in the city were dedicated to the trade. Starting around 1600, many potters from the Southern Netherlands (Belgium) fled to Amsterdam to escape religious persecution and the fragmentation of the local pottery industry. Consequently, Amsterdam blossomed into a major supplier of potter, especially faience and Delftware styles. However, the proliferation of so many pottery shops resulted in widespread and occasionally devastating outbreaks of fire, and when Amsterdam expanded in 1621, all potteries were banned to the outside of the city. One important center was located along the river Amstel, just outside the St. Anthony's port city-gate. It was there that, by 1650, Sijmon had taken up residence on a street called Pottebakkerspad or "potter's path." "On March 26, 1650, Sijmon produced documentation of his father's consent in order to marry Marritje Baltusdr, an orphan two year his junior... They were wed at the Oude Kerk, the oldest Church in Amsterdam, by Rev. Borsius on April 19, 1650. Sijmon was young, had a beautiful bride and a promising, stable job; the future looked bright. "The couple's first child, caughter Sijlijntge was born in January 1651...[and] was probably named after Marritje's mother, while Sijmon's mother served as a witness. According to Dutch tradition, the next daughter would be named for Sijmon's mother Gerarda or Geertje, but Sijmon's mother would not live long enough to enjoy that honor. In October, she passed away and was buried on the 30th of that month at St. Jan's Kerk in Gouda. Not long thereafter, widower Jan Pauwelsz began courting widow Margarieta Philipsdr. They were married in Haastrecht near Gouda on August 20 1652, some ten months after Geertje's passing. "Sijmon's first son Jan Simonsz, was baptized on November 19, 1652... He was obviously named for his paternal grandfather... For years, there had been a strong recruiting effort to populate New Netherland with young, energetic 'fortune-seekers.' In fact, the Secretary of the New Netherland colony, Cornelis van Tienhoven, wrote a pamphlet dated March 4, 1650 entitled 'Information Relative to Taking up Land in New Bouweries. This 'brochure' was an explicit enticement for would-be colonists and was circulated throughout Holland. It is possible that Sijmon now almost 25, read some of the persuasive literature printed by the Dutch West India Company and became enamored by the lure of the New World. Family history states that Sijmon, a potter, was sent to New Netherland to study the utility of the native clays for pottery making. If so, no evidence has yet been uncovered to substantiate this assertion. No potters' guild existed in Amsterdam at that time, so if Sijmon was an apprentice to a New Netherland-looking master potter, we cannot corroborate such motivation... There is no documentation regarding who paid for Sijmon's way to New Netherland, whether by himself or by a patron. The average cost to sail to New Amsterdam at that time was about 36 florins. Whatever instigated his plan, Sijmon Jansz van Aesdalen decided to venture to New Netherland in 1653. "When did Sijmon leave? Sijmon's older brother, Philip, was married in Gouda on May 13, 1653. It is believed that the two brothers were close, and so it is likely that Sijmon wished to attend this brother's wedding. Consequently, we can assume that he left Amsterdam after May. Recently, it has become known that two ships made the journey from Amsterdam to New Netherland that year, both departing at the same time. These ships were the 'Conjnck Salomon' and the 'Geldersche Blom'... Family history states that Sijmon sailed aboard the 'Dynasty.' No vessel by that name was known to have made the journey to New Netherland. The two ships left Amdsterdam on Saturday, August 23, 1653 for the Dutch island of Texel there to begin the trans-Atlantic voyage. "Amsterdam was not situated on a coastline of the ocean or a major sea, such as the North Sea. What today is reclaimed polderland around Amdsterdam was, in the 17th century, open water--the Zuiderzee... "From Texel, the Dutch ships embarked on the journey following one of four well-established routes. Although we may never know the exact route Sijmon took... From Holland, the ships first sailed past the southern tip of England, on occasion stopping for supplies or repairs at Portsmouth or Plymouth. This was not the case in 1653, however, as the First English War was raging, and docking a Dutch ship at an English harbor was ill-advised. Otherwise, the ships continued on along the coasts of Spain and Portugal destined for a stopover either at the Canary or, further south, Cape Verde Islands... "The 'Geldersche Blom' anchored at New Amsterdam on Sunday, November 2, 1653, with the 'Coninck Salomon' arriving one day later. The trans-Atlantic trip had taken a little over two months, an average time in those days. "Where did Sijmon go upon his arrival? It can be assumed that employment was waiting for him/ if he had been sent to New Netherland to study the native clays, he would have a potter's shop to report to and, probably, a master potter under whose wing he would be taken. Sijmon would undoubtedly live near this potter's shop, either with the potter or at a boarding house close by. Even if he had not been sent, i.e., he had gone on his own free will, he would have to work as a potter, as there is no reason to assume he could make a living doing anything else, initially. Because Sijmon intended to return to Holland, we must assume he did not buy a house during his early years in New Netherland. It is unclear whether Sijmon lived in New Amsterdam upon his arrival or moved to New Amersfoort (Flatlands) on Long Island. "Not long after his arrival, Sijmon received bad news from home. In January 1654, Sijmon's father Jan died in Gouda. He was buried in St. Jan's Kerk on January 12, 1654. Sijmon's brother Philip appeared in court on March 19, 1654 to attest that the minor children of their father would have a guardian: 'Philip Jansz Aesdeal certifies he will assume guardianship of the minor children of the late Jan Poulissen van Aesdal and Geertje Philips.' "Shortly thereafter, Philip again goes to court to seek permission from the Gouda town council to sell his father's houses in order to provide for the minor children. This is granted on April 24, 1654: 'Philip Jansz Aesdaalen, on behalf of himself acting as a guardian to his minor brother Pieter Jansz and as a proxy to his brother Sijmon Jansz van Aersdale who is staying abroad, being the children and heirs to Jan Pauwlesz van Aersdael sells two houses and land in Naaierstraat at Gouda to Pieter van Stompwijk...' "Family history relates that Sijmon was about to return to Holland when he learned of the death of his wife and children. Although the timing of his intended return has not been corroborated, it is now known that his wife, Marritje, and at least one but probably both of his children were indeed, victims of the plague. (Plague deaths in Amsterdam in 1655 were tallied at 16, 727 or roughly 12.5% of the city's inhabitants.) On November 18, 1655, 'a child of Syemon Janssen, potter' was buried in St. Anthony's churchyard, Amsterdam, followed by its mother only eight days later. This information probably reached Sijmon by late summer/early fall 1656. In a little over a four-ear period, Sijmon had lost his parents, his wife, and his children. Devastated, Sijmon had little to return to, and seeing before him his home away from home for the last three years and a land with limitless possibilities, he decided to cast his lot with the enterprising Dutch New World. "Again as a young man in another thriving community, Sijmon's prospects were propitious. He began courting Pieterje Claes van Schouw, of tobacco merchant Claes (Nicholas) Cornelissen van Schouw. Sijmon and Pieterje married about 1658, presumably in Flatlands. Their first child was born probably in the next year, and named Geertje in honor of her paternal grandmother. "In the meantime, perhaps with the help of his father-in-law, Sijmon began gaining civic prominence. On May 3, 1660, Sijmon was appointed a schepen of New Amersfoort (Flatlands). A schepen was a magistrate who presided over cases in town court and was a combination of sheriff and alderman in addition to a magistrate. One of his responsibilities was the review and passing of local laws and ordinances. In the words of Hoppen [historian], Sijmon 'seems have possessed an ability and influence in matters political that caused him to be selected over older men of longer represent Amersfoort.' Indeed, at the age of 35, Sijmon was chosen to represent Amersfoort in a 'Convention Holden at New Amsterdam, on July 3, 1663, to engage the several Dutch towns to keep up an armed force for public protection.' "But not everything was easy for Sijmon. On Tuesday, August 28, 1663, 'Sijmon Janzen' appears in court against carpenter Jan Tuenizen and witnesses Willem Steenhalder and wife, claiming that Tuenizen wouldn't release a house to Sijmon for which he had been paid. The court requested further proof from Sijmon, and so on September 4th, 'Sijmon Janzen Asdalen' produced testimonials from two witnesses (whose identities were undisclosed in the published transcription). Teunizen is still unmoved, so Sijmon challenges him to take an oath before the court regarding the terms of the sale. Tuenizen refuses, but Sijmon agrees to go on record with his own oath. Finding this satisfactory, the court rules in favor of Sijmon and he takes possession of the house. (This appears to be the same Jan Teunizen who may have accompanied Sijmon to New Netherland in 1653. If so, this would be Jan Teunizen van Duykhuis, also a resident of Flatlands. In 'The Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, Danckaerts held Jan Teunizen in low esteem 'He welcomed us, but somewhat coldly, and so demeaned himself all the time we were there, as to astonish my comrade at the change, but not me entirely, for I had observed this falling off while we were yet at sea...' Jan Teunizen had apparently returned to Holland for some business and had come back to New Netherland on the same ship as Danckaerts in June 1679.) "In February 1664, Sijmon and his father-in-law became further involved in the building tensions with the British. On the 19th, they and three other witnesses appear before a notary at Midwout (Flatbush) to testify about a public disturbance caused by English captain John Scott. Sijmon signs his name to the document and attest to being 35. (However, if he was baptized in February 1628, he would have been 36.) 'Before me, Pelgrom Clocq...and the under-named witnesses, appeared Claes Cornelissen, aged 67 years, Symon Janse, aged 35 years, both residents of the village of Amesfoort...who declare and the request of Mr. Adrean Hegeman, Sheriff, residing in the village of Midwout, by and in the presence of Pieter Claesen and Roelof Martens, Schepens of Amersfoort, that it is true and truthful that Captain John Schot, an Englishman, came into their, the deponents' village, on the 12th of January last with a troupe of horse and making a great noise. And first the above named Claes Cornelissen declares that he heard John Schot declare at that time that this place in The Bay, was a free place because it was bought and was not Company's property; also, that he, John Schot, said that he would return on the first of April, Old Style, and then open and exhibit his commission; forbidding him, the deponent, to pay the Company any Tenths, as the place belonged to the King.' "Then, on the 27th, Sijmon and Claes participated in a convention in Midwout which they instigated, bringing together the Directo-General and Council of New Netherland 'to lay before the States General and West India Company the distressed state of the country.' The tormenting by the British had accelerated, and the Dutch found themselves being surrounded. "On September 8th, 1664, the Director-General of New Netherland, Pieter Stuyvesant, relinquished the Dutch colony to the British after four British warships with over 1000 men threatened them from New York Bay. At first, the defiant Stuyvesant cursed the English when confronted with a document agreeing to surrender the colony, tearing the paper to shreds and stomping upon it with his wooden leg. However, in this attempt to muster the Dutch forces against the British, he soon found himself all alone. New Netherland had grown to a population close to 10.000 people by that date, but some 20-40% of those were non-Dutch already. "Beginning in 1665, Sijmon's attentions turned to acquiring land as evidenced by numerous entries in the Flatlands Town Records. Many lots and parcels of 'land and meddow ground' were purchased by Sijmon between 1665 and 1686, thereby establishing farms to suit his likewise burgeoning family. In addition to daughter Geertje (born ca. 1659), Cornelis Sijmonsz [our ancestor] is born about 1665 and Sijmon's only other son, Jan Sijmonsz, is born in 1676. Daughter Janetje Simonse is born about 1668, Metje Sijmonse is born about 1670, and his last child, Maritje Simonse, is born in 1678, but is believed to have died young. "His eldest daughter, Geertje, married Cornelis Pietersz Wyckoff at the Dutch Reformed Church in New Utrecht on October 13, 1678. On Decemter 11, 1681, Sijmon and Pieterrje were present when their first grandchild, Marije, is baptised at the Dutch Reformed Church in Breukelen. Sijmon is 54 years old at that time. Geertje and Cornelis' second son, Sijmon, named for Sijmon Jansz, is baptised in Amersfoort on November 23, 1683 as witnessed by 'Simon Jans' and 'Pieterje Klaas.' "On March 23, 1686, Sijmon purchased from Cornelis Willemsz (van Westervelt) 'Nos. 30, 31, and 32 of the 15 acre allotments of Gravesend, with the right of commonage on the beach and on Coney Island.' This appears to be Sijmon's last purchase of land. A year later, on March 16th, Simon's oldest son Cornelis Sijmonsz married Aeltje Willemse van Kouwenhoven at the Dutch Reformed Church of Flatbush. It would not be until October 20, 1695 before his other son, Jan Sijmonsz, would marry Lammetje Probasco. This later map shows the village of "Flattlands", right of center, with a steepled church, and its relationship to Flatbush, above, Utreck, upper left, Gravesend, left, the "Medows", right, and Coney Island, bottom left (from map drawn in late 17th century). "One of the more important documents related to Sijmon was the Oath of Allegiance taken September 30th, 1687. This record indicated that Sijmon, listed as 'Simon Janse Van Aerts Daalen,' had been in this country for 34 years, thus establishing his time of arrival, while his son 'Cornelis Simonsen Van Aerts Daalen' was recorded as a native, i.e., born here. This oath tabulated other Dutchmen who had been in this country for 34 years, hence potential shipmates of our ancestor... By this time, Sijmon had become prosperous and an outstanding member of the religious and civic communities. "Sijmon spent more of his latter years in church pursuits and keeping up with his family in North American--although not with the family back in Holland. In 1698, Sijmon received a letter from his brother Joost, which informed Sijmon of the death of his niece Geertruyt. Teertruyt remembered her uncle Sijmon and his family in her will, and in a letter dated September 9th, Sijmon wrote back to Holland and his brother for the first time in many years, if ever before: '...I let you know that I, your brother, and my wife and children are in good health yet, thank God for His grace and we hope to learn the same from you in due time; I wonder you didn't write about our niece; farther I let you know all my children are married and each of them is living in a farmhouse that earns their livelihood; I sold my farm to my eldest son Cornelis, 33 years of age, has got vie children, three sons, two daughters; my son Jan 22 years of age, has got two sons; my daughter Geertje has got eight children; Janneken had got five children; Mettgen has got three children; they are comfortably off but they have to work which God commanded Adam; as for m, your brother, I stopped working since I am 71 years old now, my wife is 58 years of age and you, my brother, are, if I remember rightly 60 years of age; God be pleased to give us a blessed end...' "The same year, a census was taken for Kings County, New York, and in the Town of 'Flatlands' of New Amersfoort were listings for 'Simon Jantz Van Aersdaelen' and 'Cornelis Simontz Van Aersdalen.' Sijmon's house contained 2 men, 3 women, and 1 slave, while Cornelis's house contained 1 man, 1 woman, 6 children, and 1 slave. It can be assumed that the other man in the household was son Jan, then 22 years old. "On May 10, 1700, Sijmon sold the three 15-acre lots he'd bought from Cornelis Willemsz van Westervelt in 1686 to his eldest son Cornelis Sijmonsz. Cornelis now had a sizeable farm on which to raise his large family. "Sijmon continue to be physically active at least into his eightieth year. Rike [historian] notes: 'Mortgage dated May 11, 1699 to Simon Janse Van Aersdale of Amersfoort on a house in Broad St. given by Joost Leynesen of N.Y. baker & Elizabeth his wife.' A memorandum in the margin states that Simon Jansen Van Aesrdale of Amersford in Kings Co. Yeoman, personally came on Apl 2, 1707 into the office of the Town Clerk of N.Y. & cancelled the mortgage. "The last record of Sijmon's good deeds occurred around February 23, 1710. In the Deacon's Book of Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church is a note tabulating the donations given by twenty contributors. The largest sum, 40 guldens, was donated by Sijmon. "Sijmon passed away in late October of that year. His death was recorded in the Deacon's Book as '1710, October 29. Received from Cornelus Van Arsdale for a grave and shroud for Symon Van Arsdale, 24 guldens.' Hoppin further states that Sijmon's grave 'was in the churchyard of the Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church, from which the gravestones of the early residents of the town have disappeared.' " [This original article included footnotes and historical sources, and the information presented appeared to be well documented.] from RootsWeb site, "VanArsdale Archives," Van Arsdallen researchers Charles Vanorsdale et. al.: "Samuel Gerritsen and Coert Voorhees, judges of peace of King's County testify that Cornelis, Jan and Metie van Aersdal signed and sealed the proxy to Mr. Harmanus Van Hombergen with their own hands and that they are the genuine children of Simon Jansen van Aersdal. Signed: S. Gerritsen, judge of peace; Coert Voorhees, judge of peace" from Bryce Stevens: "I have an early letter [1698] written by Sijmon Jansen van Arsdalen, September 9, 1698, addressed to the 'respectable and very modest Joost Jamsen van Aesdalen,' in Amsterdam. While this letter does not list all Simon's children it does mention some of them, and a few other family members... "Family members mentioned: 1. Joosten, 'my so much beloved brother,' and sister (unnamed). 2. Cornelis, eldest Son of Simon, 33 years of age, with three sons and two daughters. 3. Jan, son of Simon, 22 years of age, with two sons. 4. Geertje, daughter of Simon, with eight children. 5. Janneken, child of Simon; five children. 6. Mettegen, child of Simon; three children. 7. Pieter Berrig, 'our son Jan's nephew/cousin.' 8. Jan, son of Joosten 'your sons Jan's drawing...please me very much.' 9. unnamed daughter of Joosten 'I gather...your daughter's ?? causes you sorrow.' "Simon also says 'all my children are married,' each living in a farmhouse. 'I stopped working since I am 71 years old now, my wife is 58 years of age and you, my brother, are, if I remember rightly, 60 years of age.' "The letter is written in Old Dutch, and signed Sijmon Jansen van Arsdalen, with the 'return' address 'in the bay.' " Above is a map showing the old roads superimposed on the grid of new roads in the surrounding area of Flatlands, Kings County, in the late 1600s. Generations of VanArsdallens are recorded here. The villages of Flatlands and to the north Flatbush were later incorporated by Brooklyn which started as a village along the East River further north. Below are modern maps showing the same location. The area of modern Flatlands, left, still has Kings Hwy., Flatbush Ave., Troy Ave., and Hubbard Pl. The map at right shows Flatlands on Long Island in what is now the greater Brooklyn area, south of Manhattan and east of Staten Island.
from Bryce Stevens' homepage http://homepages. "Simon's first wife was Marijtie Baltusdochter, b.c. 1629 and married 1650 in Amsterdam and died 1655, Amsterdam while Simon was in New Netherlands. She was buried in St. Anthony Cemetery, Amsterdam, a victim of the plague. They had two sons born in Amsterdam and both died of the plague also. "Sijmon signed his name with this spelling, although the "ij" has often been misinterpreted as a "y." (...autograph signature on his letter of 9 September 1698...). "Family tradition says Sijmon came to America to explore the possibility of establishing a pottery works, and that he was awaiting the ship to transport him back to the Netherlands when he received word that his wife and children had died of plague, which news decided him to remain in New Netherland. The Netherlands family had an artisan tradition, which lends credence to the first allegation. Whether he was due to return to the Netherlands on the very ship which carried the news of his family tragedy is, perhaps, a dramatization. Perhaps not: worse coincidences happen, and transportation was not so readily available in his day. At any rate, there was a considerable traffic between New Netherland and the home country, so there is no reason to doubt that he was prepared to return, even if only to collect his family and bring them to America. And, there is no reason to doubt that learning of their deaths, he found no good reason to return home, choosing instead to make the best life he could in the New World." More About SIJMON JANZEN VANARSDALLEN: Burial: Dutch Reformed Church, L.I., NY Fact 1: immigrant Fact 2: married first in The Netherlands in 1650; to Marijtje Baluston, who died 1655 in Amsterdam; children: Sijlijntne and Jan; Fact 3: noted as magistrate and constable; Fact 4: other possible birth place in Leiden, South Holland,
Netherlands; More About PIETERJE CLAESSEN VAN SCHOUW: Fact 1: October 28, 1640, baptized Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam (NY); The Wyckoff house, from the early years of Dutch residence on Long Island, is now a museum.
***For more information on the Van Schouw family, go to the bottom of the page, section 1.***
Children of SIJMON VANARSDALLEN and PIETERJE VAN SCHOUW are: 3. i. CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3 VANARSDALLEN, b. 1665, Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY); d. Bet. April 19 - 25, 1745, Flatlands, Long Island, Kings Co., NY. ii. GERTJE VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1659, Ameersfoort, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam, (NY);; d. Abt. 1731; m. CORNELIS PIETERSE WYCKOFF, October 13, 1678, New Utrecht, L.I. New Netherlands. More About GERTJE VANARSDALLEN: Fact1: had eight children as of 1698; 4. iii. JOHN (JAN) VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1667, Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY); d. Bef. March 08, 1756, Jamaica, L.I., NY. iv. JANNETIE VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1665, Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY); d. Abt. 1732; m. GIJSBERT TEUNISSE BOGAERT, April 16, 1689, Midwout (Flatbush), L.I. New Netherland. More About JANNETIE VANARSDALLEN: Fact1: Had five children as of 1698; More About GIJSBERT TEUNISSE BOGAERT: Fact 1: ancestor of Humphrey Bogart; v. METTJE VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1670, Long Island, New Nederland; d. Aft. December 13, 1740, Somerset, NJ; m. PHILIP VOLKERTSZEN, Bet. 1732 - 1733. More About METTJE VANARSDALLEN: Fact1: Had three children as of 1698; vi. MARRITJE VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1678, Midwoud (Flatbush), L.I., NY; m. JAN BARENDZ. vii. SIMON VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1668.
Generation No. 3 3. CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3 VANARSDALLEN (SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born 1665 in Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY), and died Bet. April 19 - 25, 1745 in Flatlands, Long Island, Kings Co., NY. He married MARRETJE DIRKSDOCHTER AMMERMAN Bet. May 02 - June 14, 1691 in Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY), daughter of DIRCK AMMERMAN and ADEITJE VANDERBEEK/BREECK. She was born 1672 in Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY), and died Aft. 1738.
The plat map above of the Flatlands area in 1719 shows the property owned by Cornelius Simonszen Vanarsdallen, right of center, as well as the property of Dirck Ammerman, his father-in-law, above center. Notes for CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN VANARSDALLEN: from Van Arsdallen researcher Donald Schutt: Will of Cornelius Simonszen Van Aersdalien/Aersdalen proved before Geo. Jos. Moore, Esq.-- "In the name of God. Amen. The 25th day of April, in the year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hundred and thirty eight, I Cornelius Van Aersdalen, of Flatlands in Kings County, on the Island of Nassau, yeoman, being at present in health and of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore, and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in following manner, and from, Imprimis. After my lawful debts are paid and my funeral charges are defrayed, I give and bequeath unto Marretie, my loving wife, all and singular, my real and personal estate, in Flatlands in Kings County, above said, for her to use, possess and occupy, to enjoy, without and let, hindrance or molestation of any person or persons whatsoever, and during the natural life of my said loving wife. Item, I do give and bequeath unto my eldest son, Dirk Van Aersdalen my Silver Tankard as a token for his first right; item I do give and bequeath unto my ten children by name Dirk Van Aersdalen, John Van Aersdalen, Symon Van Aesrsdalen, Philip Van Aersdalen, Abraham Van Aersdalen, and Jacobus Van Aesrdalen- and my daughters Janetie, Aeltie, Petronella, and Maria, my whole real and personal estate, and unto them my said children their heirs and assignees forever to be divided equally among them, immediately after my loving wife's decease. Item, since my daughter Jannetie which I have procreated by my former wife, has had her mother's inheritance it is my will that she shall have no part of that inheritance which is to come by my present wife, Marretie. Immediately after here decease, and I do constitute and appoint my loving wife Marretie, to be Executrix of this my last will and testament..." Will proved April 29, 1745; filed New York City from RootsWeb site "VanArsdale Archives," Van Arsdallen reseachers Charles Vanorsdale et. al.: "letter dated March 22, 1733, signed Cornelis Simonsz Van Aersdalen, his brother Jan Simonsz, and the husband of their sister Metje Simonse, at that time the surviving children of Simon Jansz, which shows the early interest in family history, in which they state: 'You were writing you were interested in knowing to what number our family-tree has expanded; we are over two hundred now. Cornelis Simonsz van Aarsdal has got eleven children, eight of whom are married and has over forty descendants; Jan Simonsz van Aarsdal has got eleven children and Geertje, Jannetje and Jetje have got many children and grandchildren. You will understand it is just impossible to enumerate them; however, I can inform you they are all living on plantations of their own, breeding cattle and growing corn, maize, etc. We thank our Lord for leading our father to this country.' "--letter translated from the original Dutch; published in "Jaarboek van Het Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie," deel 50 (1996): Den Haag, Netherlands. "Voorts weet ick neit meer te schrijven: Brieven van Niew Nederlandse Van Arsale's (1698, 1731, 1733)" e. Th. r. Unger. pp. 179-198. ["I do not know what else to write: letters from New Netherlands van Arsadale (1698, 1731, 1733)] also at State Archives of Central Holland, Gouda;"
As it looks today, the Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, Long Island, NY, is where Cornelius and Marretje were married and later where they were buried. Here are records of generations of the VanArsdallen and Ammermans. This building from the 1840s sits on the site of the original with its accompanying cemetery in which the original immigrant, Cornelius's father, Sijmon Jansz Van Aersdalen, is also buried. The address is on Kings Highway, along which Cornwallis marched his forces to confront Washington in the Battle of Long Island during the Revolutionary War.
also at the above site, from Bryce Stevens: "These two letters were written by family members in America, and regards to an inheritance left Simon or his descendants. They were located in the Gouda City archives (file registration number 616), among records of the Gouda Orphans Court and deal with the estate of Geertruijt van Haesdale... "Address: to mister Harmanus van Hombergen, candle-maker at Gouda. Nieuw-Amersfoort, September 22nd, 1731. 'Dear cousin, 'Your letter of May 10th, 1731 has been delivered to us by Mr. Hagoort. You wrote us our cousin Geertruif van Aersdal died and that she willed her uncle, Simon Janse Aesdal or in case he predeceased his surviving children one-thousand guilders. 'There are four of us yet, we, the undersigned, Corneis Simonsz van Aersdal and Jan Simonsz van Aersdal, and our sister Jannetje and Mettie van Aersdal. We (Cornelis and Jan) have been appointed as executors of the last will of our father and administrators of his estate. We understand the money should be collected in 1733 and we will empower you to act for us in good time but please let us know which Orphan's Court it should be addressed to. We thank you for informing us of the legacy and hope this letter may find you and the family in good health. 'In case you would write again please direct your letter to Cornelijs Sijmenijs van Aersdale at Nieuw-Amersfoort in the isle of Nassau. ' Cornelijs Sijmenijse van Aersdal 'Ian Sijmense van Aersdal' ------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Dear cousin Van Homberg, 'Reverend Hagoort handed us your letter of July 2, 1732. We are enclosing a proxy to you drawn up with the assistance of our ministers and our judges... 'Our sister Jannetje Simons van Aarsdal who was married to a certain Bogart died round about Christmas last year[1732]. She had been paralysed and was confined to her bed for several years. So was our sister Geertje, who died about two years ago. 'You were writing you are interested in knowing to what number our family-tree has expanded... 'Please had Levinus Clarkson, a merchant in Amsterdam the money. He will deliver it to our minister... 'With kindes regards, 'Cornelis Simonsen van Aersdal 'Jan Sijmonsen van Aersdalen 'Mettie Sijmonsen van Aersdalen ------------------- 'Proxy: 'We the undersigned Cornelius Simons van Aersdal, Jan Simons van Aersdal and Philip Volkers, husband of Metie Simons van Aersdal, being the surviving children of the late Simon Janse van Aersdal, living in the province of New York (formerly Nieuw Nederland), situated in North-America in the isle of Nassau in King's County empower Mr. Harmanus... 'We undersigned ministers of the Dutch reformed church at Midwoud, King's County...testify they are the surviving children of the late Simon Jansse van Aersdal who we were acquainted with. Two children of his Geertje and Jannetje died in the mean time." More About CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN VANARSDALLEN: Burial: Flatlands, Kings Co., NY Fact 1: married in Dutch Reformed Church, NY; Fact 2: will probated April 1745; in NY Surrogates Records, Book 15, p. 380; Fact 3: was married twice before: Heltje Willemse van Kouwenhoven, children: Philip and John; and to Tjelletje Wizzelpinning, no issue; Fact 4: gave oath of allegiance in 1687 when his father died; Fact 5: given a farm from his father in 1700 at Gravesend, Kings Co., NY; Fact 6: ownership of land shown on 1717 plat map for Flatlands, Long Island, NY; Fact 7: listed as a representative; Fact 8: estate probated April 19, 1745 in NYC, NY; Notes on MARRETJE AMMERMAN Fact 1 daughter of Derick Ammerman; ***For more on the Ammerman family, go to Section 2 at bottom.*** Children of CORNELIUS VANARSDALLEN and MARRETJE AMMERMAN are: 5. i. SIMON4 VANARSDALLEN, b. Bet. November 16, 1697 - 1698, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY); d. April 07, 1789, Conewago, York (now Adams) Co., PA. ii. AELTJE VANARSDALLEN. 6. iii. DIRK VANARSDALLEN, b. 1694, Flatlands, Kings Co., New York; d. Somerset, NJ. 7. iv. JAN (JOHN) CORNELISZE VANARSDALLEN, b. 1696, Flatlands, Kings Co., New York; d. November 30, 1749, Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ. v. MARIA VANARSDALLEN. 8. vi. PHILLIP VANARSDALLEN, b. February 12, 1701, Kings Co., NY; d. June 28, 1796, Somerset, NJ. vii. PERTNELLA VANARSDALLEN. 9. viii. ABRAHAM VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN, b. January 14, 1708, Flatlands, Kings Co., New York; d. April 04, 1753, Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ. 10. ix. JACOB VANARSDALLEN, b. March 19, 1710; d. November 06, 1781. x. JANNETJIE VANARSDALLEN.
4. JOHN (JAN)3 VANARSDALE (SIJMON JANZEN2 VANARSDALLEN, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Abt. 1667 in Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY), and died Bef. March 08, 1756 in Jamaica, L.I., NY. He married LAMMETJE PROBASCO 1695 in New Lotts, Kings Co., L.I., NY.Children of JOHN VANARSDALE and LAMMETJE PROBASCO are: i. CHRISTOPHEL4 VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1696. ii. SIMON VANARSDALE, b. August 17, 1697. iii. JAN VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1705. iv. CORNELIS VANARSDALE, b. 1698. v. MARIA VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1710. vi. HILLETJE VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1712. vii. NICOLASS VANARSDALE, b. Abt. 1716. viii. IDA VANARSDALE. ix. PIETERNELLA VANARSDALE. x. URIAH VANARSDALE, b. Bet. January 20, 1719 - 1720. xi. SARA VANARSDALE.
Generation No. 4 5. SIMON4 VANARSDALLEN (CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Bet. November 16, 1697 - 1698 in Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY), and died April 07, 1789 in Conewago, York (now Adams) Co., PA. He married ANTJE DORLAND October 30, 1722 in New Amsterdam (NY), daughter of GERRIT JANSEN DORLAND/DORLANT and MARYTJE. She was born 1704 in Brooklyn, NY, and died Bef. 1787.Notes for SIMON VANARSDALLEN: from "The Low Dutch Colony of the Conewago," by Rev. J.J. Demarest, 1884: Simon VanArsdallen may have been one of the first to move from NY through NJ to east of the Gettysburg, PA, area to help form the Conewago Dutch Colony/Settlement. earliest emigrants were in 1765 and main movement occurred in 1771; location--the general region east of Gettysburg: 2 miles east of Hunterstown, PA, along "Low Dutch Road, southwest of Baltimore Pike, then south to Two Taverns, southeast of Gettysburg; congregation formed about 1769; The restored Conewago Dutch Reformed Church, Adams County, Pennsylvania is pictured at left. Simon VanArsdale's family is on the earliest records here. Now called the Great Conewago Presbyterian Church, it was used as a confederate infirmary during the Battle of Gettysburg, and is on the National Register of Historic Places. church was named "Reformed Dutch Church of Conewago"; an extension of the church in New Brunswick, NJ; about 150 families; the site of the church was on the York Pike, near the Duttera railway station; "...the Van Arsdales were blacksmiths...; The men, it is likely, gathered [during the week] in small groups on wet days around Van Arsdale's charcoal fire..." cemeteries still exist but are not generally marked with headstones; baptism records from 1769-1795 show "Abraham, Simon, Garret, Luke, John & Isaac Van Arsdale, along with Garret Dorlandand, Ammermans, Voorhies, and Wickoffs; "The first baptism recorded is that of Antje, a daughter of ??? Ammerman and ??? Van Arsdalen" (Christen names have been torn away.); "The...Van Arsdales came from Essex Co., NJ, hear Patterson"; "At York I found a deed of which a member of the Van Arsdale family was the granter, conveying property in Straban Township, 'adjoining lands of Henry Banta, Geroge Sebring, William Love, David Hunter, and Francis Coserto.' This is the oldest document preserved...throwing light on the history of this colony. It was to cover debts contracted in 1765. The deed was given in 1768"; as to the pews held by church family members assigned c. 1780, looking toward pulpit from back center aisle, the Van Arsdales were on the right in front of Brinkerhoffs and Demarees, near the Conovers; Garret and Isaac Van Arsdalen were listed among the deacons; building sold in 1817 and funds used to build permanent wall around burying ground; church congregation lasted until 1820; Dutch families emigrated from Adams Co., PA, in two directions west and north; (some Vanarsdales moved to Mercer Co., KY); the few Dutch families still in the area ceased to keep themselves separate through intermarriage; from Dorland family researcher Jackie Wells Lubinski's email: "About 1772...some of the interconnected families moved to the Conewago Colony in Pennsylvania--your Antje Corland and her husband Simon Van Arsdalen amongst them. Conewago did not meet their expectations as the land was very poor, something that was not obvious when the families staked their claims. After a few years of crop failures, many of the families moved on to Mercer Co., Kentucky, Ohio, and further parts west." Will of Simon Van Arsdalen, c. 1789, in Straban Twp., York (now Adams) Co., PA: "In the name of God Amen. The third day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven, I Simon Vanarsdalen the elder of Straban Township, York County, State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being sick and weak in body and of sound and perfect mind and memory and understanding. Thanks be given unto Almightiest God... "Item: I give and bequeath unto my grandson Simon, son of Cornelius, my Silver cup for his birthright... "Item: It is my will and I do order that the money arising from my whole Estate Real and personal to be equally divided among all my children, viz: my sons John, Abraham, Isaac, and Jannetey, and my sons Cornelious, Gerret, and Simon to share and share alike, but my sons Cornelius, Gerret, and Simon's share to be equally divided among their sons and daughters, share and share alike of their father's share which are deceased unto them and their heirs forever... "Lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint my sons John Vanarsdalen, Abraham Vanarsdalen and grandson Simon Vanarsdalen all of York be my executors of this my last will and testament... "In witness where of I the said Testor, Simon Vanarsdalen have set my hand and seal the day and year first above written [signed] Simon Vanarsdalen will probated April 29, 1789; will recorded in Book G, pp. 385-6, York Co., PA; on microfilm # 5285, Pt. 3, The Genealogical Society, Salt Lake; More About SIMON VANARSDALLEN: Fact 1: April 29, 1789, estate probated near Gettysburg, PA. Fact 2: moved from NY to York (now Adams) Co., PA; Fact 3: family members listed in history of 'Reformed Dutch Church of Conewago' in Demarestt's "The Low Dutch Reformed Church of Conewago"; Fact 4: occupation: yeoman (from his will): Fact 5: first marriage to Ann van Nuys, no issue; Fact 6: 91 year old when he died at Conewago Valley; Fact 7: moved to Bucks Co., PA after 1700; Fact 8: baptismal records for children from 1723 through 1746 found in New Brunswick, NJ and various Somerset Co., NJ, Dutch churches; Fact 9: around 1746-1768 he moved to Straban Township; left his will there December 3, 1787; probated in 1789 in Gettysburg (poss.); More about ANTJE DORLAND: Fact 1: baptism November 14, 1704, Old First Dutch Reformed Church, Breuckelen, NY; Fact 2: witnesses at baptism were Jan and Lena Dorland; Children of SIMON VANARSDALLEN and ANTJE DORLAND are: 11. i. CORNELIUS SIMON5 VANARSDALLEN, b. October 29, 1723, New Brunswick, NJ; d. Bef. 1787, Straban Twp., York (now Adams) Co., PA. ii. GERRET VANARSDALLEN. iii. DIRCK VANARSDALLEN. iv. ANN VANARSDALLEN. v. SIMON VANARSDALLEN. vi. MARIA VANARSDALLEN. vii. JOHANNIS VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1734. viii. ABRAHAM VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1736. ix. JANNETJE VANARSDALLEN, b. Abt. 1742. x. ISAAC VANARSDALLEN.
6. DIRK4 VANARSDALLEN (CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born 1694 in Flatlands, Kings Co., New York, and died in Somerset, NJ. He married GEYSBERTJE DE GRAUW 1735 in New Brunswick, Somerset Co., NJ. She was born 1715 in New York.More About DIRK VANARSDALLEN: Fact1: first marriage to Catalyntje Van Voorhees, 1731; children: Johannis; Children of DIRK VANARSDALLEN and GEYSBERTJE DE GRAUW are: i. DORTA5 VANARSDALLEN. ii. GERRIT VANARSDALLEN. iii. GARRET VANARSDALLEN.
7. JAN (JOHN) CORNELISZE4 VANARSDALLEN (CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born 1696 in Flatlands, Kings Co., New York, and died November 30, 1749 in Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ. He married JANNETJE DORLAND/DORLANT October 22, 1719 in Flatlands, L.I., NY. She was born October 27, 1704, and died Bef. 1740.More About JAN (JOHN) CORNELISZE VANARSDALLEN: Fact1: second marriage to Sarah Van Voorhes, children: Issac, Sara, Alte; Children of JAN VANARSDALLEN and JANNETJE DORLAND/DORLANT are: 12. i. CORNELIUS5 VANARSDALLEN. ii. GARRET VANARSDALLEN. iii. JOHANNIS VANARSDALLEN. iv. MARITIE VANARSDALLEN. v. JANNETJE VANARSDALLEN. vi. JOHANNA VANARSDALLEN.
9. ABRAHAM4 VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN (CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3 VANARSDALLEN, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born January 14, 1708 in Flatlands, Kings Co., New York, and died April 04, 1753 in Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ. He married MARYTIE (MARY) VAN NUYS February 07, 1740 in New Jersey.More About ABRAHAM VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN: Fact1: second marriage to Catreytje Wilhelmus; children: Issac, and Wilhelmus; Children of ABRAHAM VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN and MARYTIE VAN NUYS are: i. CATRIN5 VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN. ii. CORNELIUS A. VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN, b. July 05, 1748, Somerset, NJ; d. January 05, 1840, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., KY. More About CORNELIUS A. VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN: Fact 2: Married twice; Fact1: Moved to Mercer Co., KY, after desolution of Conewago Dutch Refomed Church; 13. iii. ABRAHAM VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN, ESQ., b. December 02, 1750, Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ; d. April 10, 1821. iv. MARIA VANARSDALLEN/VANARSDALEN.
10. JACOB4 VANARSDALLEN (CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born March 19, 1710, and died November 06, 1781. He married ALIDA HOAGLAND 1739 in Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY). She was born Abt. 1715.Children of JACOB VANARSDALLEN and ALIDA HOAGLAND are: i. HARMAN5 VANARSDALLEN. ii. JACOB VANARSDALLEN. iii. JACOB VANARSDALLEN.
This Pennsylvania map from 1791 shows York County outlined in yellow and pink at bottom center. Generation No. 5 11. CORNELIUS SIMON5 VANARSDALLEN (SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born October 29, 1723 in New Brunswick, NJ, and died Bef. 1787 in Straban Twp., York (now Adams) Co., PA. He married (1) LAMMETJE (VANARSALLEN) 1741 in Somerset Co., NJ. He married (2)![]() At right is a map of eastern Pennsylvania showing the areas of the VanArsdallens and Cornells: Adams, Conewago, and Gettysburg. Notes for CORNELIUS SIMON VANARSDALLEN: info on Cornelius from Van Arsdallen researcher Charles Vanorsdale at RootsWeb site in "Van Arsdale Archives"; will transcribed from the Old Dutch: "In the name of god amen the sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven I Cornelius Van Aersdalen of Straban Township in the county of York and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman,... "Item I give and bequeath unto my son Simon twenty pounds good lawfull money of said state in the birth right bewilled to me of my father for his birthright. "Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Jenne all the furniture and goods she has brought in my house of her father and first husband which shall be found in my possession after my decease together with two cows, one yearling and four sheep and fifty pounds for her douwery. "Item I give and bequeath unto my four??? children to wit my sons Simon and Luck and daughters Ida and Anne fifty pounds money aforesaid to be equaly divided among them. "Item I give and bequeath unto my son Willim twenty pounds of good money and it is my will that he shall have a outsat (?). As his brother Simon has had of me. It is my will that my daughter Marregriet shall have at her marriage a outset as my daughter Anne has had of me. "Item I give and bequeath unto my four sons Simon, Luck, Willim, and John my waring aparrel to be equally divided among them. It is my will that all my books shall be sold among my children. "Item It is my will and I do order that all the remainder of my whole personal estate shall be sold at auction... "Item It is my will that my real estate shall be rented by my executors after my decease to my beloved wife, the rent not to exceed twenty pounds per year... her marriage or decease my real estate shall be sold and the full sum...equally divided among all my children viz. My said son Simon and my son Luck, Willim, John and my daughters Ida, Anne, and Marregreta share and share alike... "Lastly, I do...appoint my loving son Simon Van Arsdalen and my trusted friend David Cosart and my loving son Willim Van Arsdalen all of them of Straban Township, York County..." More About CORNELIUS SIMON VANARSDALLEN: Fact 1: baptized at Dutch Reformed Church, New Brunswick, NJ; Fact 2: first wife was Femmetje produced son Jan baptized Feb. 1752 at Harlingen RDC; Jannetje was second wife; Fact 3: between 1765-1768 family (along with Cornelis Jansz and his family) moved to Conewago Valley east of Gettysburg, PA; Fact 4: died at Conewago; will on file and names Jenne and
children; Notes for JANNETJE CORNELL: The New Brunswick, New Jersey, Dutch Reformed Church, as it looks today, is where Jannetje was baptized. info on Jannetje Vanarsdale from Van Arsdallen researcher Charles Vanorsdale, et. al., at RootsWeb site in "VanArsadel Archives": "Will of Gennet Vanarsdalen written 6 June 1802 proven in court 29 Aug. 1805 by James Snowden & Peter Sunderland recorded in Book A, pages 1 & 1, 18 Feb. 1808 by B. Van Cleve, Clk. Montgomery Common Pleas-- "In the name of god Amen this sixth day of June one thousand eight hundred (&) two. Jennet Vanarsdallen of Hamilton County territory of the United States North West of the River Ohio, being sick in body but of good and perfect memory do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form, following: "First my body ???
(several words illegible) be buried at the discretion of my Executors
hereafter named and for the settling of any ??? estate and such goods,
chatals, and debts as it has pleased God to bestow upon me do order and
give and dispose the same in At left is the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church. Here Jannetje/Jenne/Gennetje Cornell was admitted as a member, married Cornelius VanArsdalen, and had their son baptized. (photo by Sharon Moore Colquhoun)
also from Charles: "...she was admitted to membership at the Harlingen Reformed Dutch Church. There she met Cornelius Simonsz Van Arsdalen and must have married in 1764, because in 1765 they baptized their son "Willum: at Harlingen. I believe Jannetje was born in 1727 to Willem and Grietje Cornel (baptized 1/7/1728 at New Brunswick)." More About JANNETJE CORNELL: Fact 1: January 07, 1728, baptized New Brunswick, NJ; Fact 2: will of 1802 produced in Hamilton County, Ohio, "Gennet Vannarsdallen"; states daughter "Margaret Dills"; will recorded 1802; first recorded will in Montgomery Co., OH; Fact 3: poss. 1772 baptism in Conewago Reformed Church, York, PA, as Maria Margarit; Fact 4: Margaret and brothers William & John migrated to Ohio from York (now Adams), PA; Fact 5: part of the Conewago Dutch Colony; Fact 6: first marriage to Johannes Nevius; Children of CORNELIUS VANARSDALLEN and JANNETJE CORNELL are: 14. i. MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, b. Bet. 1769 - 1771, Harlingen, Somerset Co., NJ; d. Montgomery Co., OH. ii. WILLIAM VANARSDALLEN. iii. JOHN VANARSDALLEN. iv. IDA VANARSDALLEN. v. ANN VANARSDALLEN. vi. LUCAS VANARSDALLEN.
Generation No. 6
14. MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN (CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Bet.![]() Notes for MARIA MARGARET VANARSDALLEN: additional information on VanArsdol, etc., family from; More About MARIA MARGARET VANARSDALLEN: Fact 1: VanArsdol/VanArsdale; Fact 2: predeceased Francis; Fact 3: of York (now Adams) Co., PA; Notes for FRANCIS DILTS: from Andy Peplow, Dilts researcher: "...I photocopied an index of Montgomery County, OH, Chancery records that include Francis Dilts [Jr.]-- "Thorn, Henry B. adms. of John Dils dec'd. vs. William, Stephen, Francis & Martha Dils of Allen Co., 11 Oct. 1839. John Dils dec'd. of Allen Co. had given power of attorney to Francis Dils to sell his interest in real estate of his dec'd. father Francis Dils part of S10 T1 R6-169.68 acres. He had agreed to sell before John Dils death and ask for deed to be made. To have 1/11th part. Names-1. William Dils & wife Jane, 2. Peter Dils & wife Mary (Polly), 3. Richard Dils & wife Mary, 4. Mary w/o Edward D. Carter of Madison Co., Ind., 5. Elizabeth w/o Stephen Taylor of Clinton Co., Ind., 6. John Dils & wife Ellen, 7. Adam Dills & wife Martha of Wood or Lucas Co., OH, 8. Margaret, w/o William Creager, 10. William T. Dills, 11. Mary Ann, Jane Dills (widow) of Mont. Co., OH, 9. Benjamin & Catherine Doty. Also mentions John & Jane Stokes. (p. 388) "Page 392-lot 11 Alexanderville, Mont. Co., OH, Francis Dils [Jr.] brought of brother John his 1/11th part. Defendants heirs of John Dils of Allen Co., OH, minors." from Dilts researcher Sally Gordon in San Jose, CA: "I researched the deed records in the recorder's office in Anderson, IN, a couple of summers ago, and copied out the deed, below. This is in settlement of Barbara's lawsuit. It shows who were Francis' heirs -- namely, his children and the children of son Cornelius Dils who had predeceased him. "However, this deed omits mention of Francis' son John, who d. Feb. 1838, leaving 4 children in the Wood/Lucas Co. area of OH; technically, John was an heir, too. He is mentioned in the OH records of the lawsuit, which Barbara filed after John Dils had died." also from Sally--Will of Francis Dilts from Book 6, p. 1-4: [Note: "Diltz" is used for Francis' Dils' children and "Dils" for Cornelius Dils' children). I italicize the names of Cornelius Dils' children.] "By this deed it is witnessed that Peter Diltz, William Diltz, Elizabeth Taylor (late Elizabeth Diltz) with Stephen Taylor, her husband, Mary Carter (late Mary Diltz) with Edmund Carter, her husband, Catherine Doty (late Catherine Diltz) with Benjamin Doty, her husband, Margaret Newman (late Margaret Diltz) with John Newman, her husband, all of the state of Indiana, also Adam Diltz of the county of Lucas, Ohio, Francis Diltz of the county of Miami, Ohio, Rich. Diltz of the county of Montgomery, Ohio, William T. Dils, Jane Dils, Joseph Dils, Mary Ann Dils (the last being children of Cornelius Dils, Deceased) of the county of Montgomery, Ohio, and Margaret Craig [sic] (late Margaret Dils) with William Creager, her husband, being another of the children of Cornelius Dils, deceased, of the county of Miami, Ohio (the above-named persons all being heirs at law of Francis Dils, late of Montgomery County, Ohio, and constituting the party of the first part, to this deed for the consideration of three hundred dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant, convey, and confirm to Barbara Dils and her heirs and assigns forever, all of that certain tract of land known as the East half of the North East quarter of Section number twenty-one (21) in Township number nineteen (19) North of Range number Eight (8) East, containing eighty acres lying and being in the State of Indiana and all claim and title in law or equity, of them (the said party of the first part) __ to the said premises, -- together with Jane Dils, wife of the said William Dils..." [the remainder is a description of the consideration for the property and $300, namely, the release of Barbara Dils' dower rights] Dated: Oct. 24, 1838. from "People and Sites of Red Lion by local historian Bogan: "Cholera, an unknown disease at the time, broke out in the community in 1835 with Samuel Gustin as the first fatality. Cause of the disease was presumably to have come from victims eating fish from the Miami Canal near Franklin. Apparently the water supply in the canal diminished and the fish soon perished. Folks from miles around took them home and used them for food. The doctors were unable to do much for the victims during this time." in book entitled "Official Roster of the Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the State of Ohio," Mrs. C.E. Gilliatt of Seymour, IN, records that Francis Dills/Dilts/Diltz, Sr., was Revolutionary War veteran, that he served on the PA line and that he was born in 1755 in PA. from Bob Dils: "My gggrandfather, a son of Henry Dils who was a brother of Francis, William Henry Dils was a co-executor of Francis' estate. William Henry then was a nephew of Francis. Up to and including Francis the surname was spelled Dils. However, at least several sons of Francis altered the spelling to "Dilts." More About FRANCIS DILTS: Francis Dilts' land grant on vellum signed by James Madison. For services during a military conflict, the land grant gave Francis acreage in Montgomery County, Ohio. Cause of Death: Asiatic Cholera Fact 1: 1835, 2nd wife 1835 Barbara Smith who had children from previous marriage; Fact 2: moved to Montgomery Co., Ohio before 1820; Fact 3: land owner in MC, Ohio-- deeds list 1817-1832 Dayton; Fact 4: in court records 30+ times either as jury member or for assault or non-payment& Fact 5: selling "brew" without a license;"Common Pleas Court Records" Fact 6: lawsuit filed in 1837 by BS after F's death; Fact 7: lawsuit filed in Madison Co., IN & Momtgomery Co., Ohio proves F's children; Fact 8: Asiatic cholera caused many deaths in southern Ohio in 1830's; Fact 9: Mary, Peter, William, Richard, Elizabeth, Margaret, & Catherine all moved to IN; Fact 10: "Early Settlers of Ohio" shows FD being taxed in 1811,1814 Dayton, Ohio; Fact 11: Miami Valley Genealogical Index shows FD taxed in MC, Ohio, in 1809 & 1816. Fact 12: 1820 census Francis Dilce Washington Twp., Montgomery Co., OH; 1830 census Miami Twp., Montgomery Co., OH; Fact 13: In Ohio land grants records for Cincinnati office: "Dilts, Francis Dec. 20, 1802, S1 T2 R6 B52"; Fact 14: nephew William Henry Dils was executor of Francis's will; Children of MARIA VANARSDALLEN and FRANCIS DILTS are: 16. i. RICHARD M.7 DILTS, b. 1790; d. June 14, 1856, Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN. 17. ii. WILLIAM DILTS, b. May 13, 1793, Lancaster, PA; d. February 10, 1874, Chesterfield, IN. iii. ELIZABETH DILTS, b. 1799; m. STEPHEN TAYLOR. More About STEPHEN TAYLOR: Fact 1: moved to Tippecanoe Co. IN Fact 2: had 4 children iv. ADAM DILTS, m. MARTHA WHITE. More About MARTHA WHITE: Fact 1: sister to Eleanor White Fact 2: 6 children died in infancy Fact 4: 1850 census Lake Co., Ohio 18. v. CATHERINE DILTS, b. Abt. 1808; d. Tippecanoe Co., IN. 19. vi. CORNELIUS DILTS. 20. vii. FRANCIS DILTZ, JR., b. August 09, 1807, Lebanon, OH; d. September 03, 1863. viii. JANE DILTS, m. ISSAC RICHARDSON. More About ISSAC RICHARDSON: Fact 1: 2nd marriage to John Acker 21. ix. JOHN DILTS. 22. x. MARGARET DILTS, b. Montgomery County, Ohio; d. Tippecanoe County, IN. xi. MARY DILTS, m. EDWARD CARTER. 23. xii. PETER DILTS, b. Abt. 1788; d. Abt. 1848, Abington, Wayne Co., IN.
Above are the descendants of Maria Margaret VanArsdallen and her husband Francis Dilts. This is a photo of members of the Dilts family at the 1897 Dilts reunion at Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. George, Lewis, Ethali Lemon Dilts, Elza (with mustache), and Addison on his lap are seated in the second row of chairs from front on left. Generation No. 7 16. RICHARD M.7 DILTS (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born 1790, and died June 14, 1856 in Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN. He married MARY GUSTIN January 20, 1833 in Warren Co., Ohio, daughter of JOHN GUSTIN and JANE HOWE. She was born April 19, 1814 in Warren Co., OH, and died September 21, 1875 in Madison Co., IN.Notes for RICHARD M. DILTS: information and copy of IN land deed; information on place and cause of death and burial location from genealogist Hazel Kendall's unpublished manuscript in Indiana Room, Anderson Public Library, Anderson, IN; from Preble Co., OH, records: 1836-1841 BK 20-27: March 8, 1838, Richard Dills of Montgomery Co., OH, for $150.00 to Lewis Larose, West Alexandria, lots 5 and 35. Mortgage. Witnesses: M. Huit, Philip Keller, recorded Dec. 16, 1838 (306) Preble Co., OH. 1839-1848 BK 28-33: February 23, 1839, Richard Dills of Montgomery Co., OH, for $100.00 to Adam Zeller of Preble Co., West Alexandria, lot 5. Witnesses: S.W. Morton, Philip Keller, recorded Dec. 16, 1839 (pg. 5). 1839-1843 BK 28-33: September 16, 1841, Preble Co., OH, Richard M. Dilts and Mary (Dills) Dilts of Preble Co., OH, for $250.00 to Michael Klinger of Preble Co., West Alexandria, OH, lot 35. Witnesses: James Taylor, I. Stephens, recorded October 27, 1841 (p. 229). also maybe Richard Dills Washington Twp., Preble Co., OH, 1840 census; More About RICHARD M. DILTS: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN Cause of Death: Heart attack Fact 1: died of a heart attack in the front yard of his brother William's home; Fact 2: buried in Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN; unmarked grave; sons Daniel and Simon on either side, also unmarked; Fact 3: still in Montgomery County, Ohio, in Oct. 1838; Fact 4: moved to IN after1840: son Lewis b. 1840 in Ohio; Fact 5: purchased 40 acres in Madison Co., IN, May 20,1837, S 21, Twp 19-N, R8-E (just south of Mounds State Park around Donnelly Rd.); Fact 6: daughter Elizabeth b. 1845 in IN; Fact 7: Richard's brother William and wife Jane (Gustin) were pioneers in Chesterfield; Fact 8: W & J built the first brick house/hotel in Union Twp.; Fact 9: William & Jane also buried at Otterbein; Fact 10: 1833 marriage license #4071 in Warren Co. Ohio; Notes for MARY GUSTIN: information on Mary Gustin from Gustin researcher Walter Neiber, California; & Sally Winkler; also Miami Valley Genealogical Index: marriage to Richard Dilts, 1833, Lic# 4071, Warren Co., OH; Hazel Kendall research; from "Gateway to the West," Vol. 2, compiled by Bowers & Short, p. 677, 'Common Pleas Court Records 1831-1832, Chancery Record book #4': "5-23-1831--John Snyder, et. al. Petition for Partition. Filed 11-15-1830. That Thomas Gustin of Warren Co., Ohio is adms. of estate of John Gustin, dec'd, who died 7-5-1829 seized of pt. SE1/4 Section 9 and NE1/4 Section 8, Township 3, Range 4. That Gustin left widow, Jane Gustin and children--Cynthia wife of John Snider, Bethana, MARY, Naomi and Renne Jane Gustin; the last four named being minors. (82)" buried at Walker Cemetery, Monroe Township, Madison County, IN, on
Ma "Mary wife of Wm Cunningham died Sept. 27, 1875 aged 61 yrs. 5m. 8da." More About MARY GUSTIN: Burial: Walker Cemetery, Monroe Township, Madison Co., IN Fact 1: Walker Cemetery - Monroe Twp. Fact 2: 2nd marriage to William Cunningham 1862; also testified by George L. Cunningham who stated that his father William married James R. Dilts's mother in 1862; Fact 3: her father John Gustin was the son of Bethany Fuller descendant of Edward Fuller who with brother Samuel came over on the 'Mayflower' 1620; Fact 4: 1860 census, Union Twp., Madison Co., IN " head of house; born in OH, 46 yrs old;" Fact 5: may have been living with her first son Simon by Richard Dilts with mother Jane Howe Gustin for 1830 Warren Co., OH census; Fact 6: in second marriage lived one mile west of Gilman, Monroe Twp.; Fact 7: 1870 census Monroe Twp., Madison Co., IN, shows Mary wife of William Cunningham; Curtis Dilts listed as such still living with mother; Fact 8: picture; Fact 9: gravestone reads: "Mary wife of Wm. Cunningham died September 27, 1874, aged 61 yrs 5m 8da"; Children of RICHARD DILTS and MARY GUSTIN are: i. LEWIS8 DILTS, b. 1840, Ohio; d. January 18,
1906, Madison Co., IN; m. Notes for LEWIS DILTS: Katherine Dilts Summers remembers her father Addison referring to "Uncle Billy's place" or "Uncle Billy's house." Addison probably remembers his grandfather, Lewis nephew of William (Billy) Dilts, using these phrases. More About LEWIS DILTS: Burial: West Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, IN; Fact 1: buried West Maplewood in unmarked grave next ot Ethali; Fact 2: 1870 & 1880 census Union Twp., Madison Co., IN; Fact 3: occupation: farmer, on Lindberg Road, just east of Rangeline Rd.; Fact 4: great-great grandson Monte Dean Summer, has Lewis's rifle; Fact 5: 2nd marriage to Margret J.; More About ETHALI LEMON: Burial: West Maplewood, Anderson, IN Fact 1: West Maplewood, on row closest to Alexandria Pike; with son George; Fact 2: Laura B. Lemmon, 18, on 1880 census, visiting family; Laura was niece, daughter of John; Fact 3: had a "hunched" back; ii. ELIZABETH DILTS, b. 1845, Union Township, Madison Co., IN; d. 1868, Monroe Township, Madison Co., IN; m. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, Abt. 1866; b. May 05, 1847, North Carolina; d. 1922, Madison Co., IN. More About GEORGE CUNNINGHAM: Burial: Vinson Cemetery, Summitville, Van Buren Twp., Madison Co., IN Occupation: School teacher; iii. SIMON DILTS, b. 1837; d. September 27, 1844, Chesterfield, Madison Co, IN. More About SIMON DILTS: Fact 1: Buried beside his father - Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN; iv. JOHN T. DILTS, b. November 1847, Indiana; d. August 15, 1905, Summitville, Madison Co., IN; m. ZORILDA RICHARDSON. More About JOHN T. DILTS: Fact 1: 1870 &'80 census living Lafayette Twp., MC., IN, wife Isarilda Richardson Fact 2: children: Mary, Charles Carey, Lewis, Clarence; Fact 3: 1900 census residing in Summitville; Fact 4: 1st marriage to Isarilda Richardson; 2nd marriage to a Martha Cox, February 26, 1887; a possible 3rd marriage to another Martha; Fact 5: On Indiana Marriages, 1845-1920 databas-- John records father as Richard and mother as Mary Gustin; John is 56 with a marriage date of Jan. 5, 19?3; v. MARY E. DILTS, b. 1850; d. Aft. 1880, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN; m. HENRY GARDNER, Bef. 1869; b. 1845, Indiana; d. 1880, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN. vi. CURTIS DILTS, b. September 1853, Indiana; d. August 7, 1943, Cleveland, OH; m. SARAH A. (LEE?). Notes for CURTIS DILTS: from "Anderson Daily Bulletin," Tuesday, August 10, 1943: Alexandria, Aug. 10.--Funeral rites for Curtis Perry Dilts, aged 90, a former resident of the community northeast of the city, who expired at the home of his son, Lee Dilts, in Cleveland, O., Saturday, were conducted this afternoon in the Davis-Stricler funeral home. rev. E.N. Rosler, pastor of the First Methodist Church, was in charge of the funeral. Burial followed in Park View cemetery." More About CURTIS DILTS: Burial: Park View Cemetery, Alexandria, IN Fact1: moved to Cass Co., MI (Kendall); vii. DANIEL DILTS, b. Abt. 1829, Warren County, Ohio. More About DANIEL DILTS: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN; Fact 1: Buried beside his father - Otterbein Cemetery; viii. JAMES R. DILTS, b. March 1842, West Alexandria, Preble County, OH; d. 1909, Fairmount, Grant County, IN; m. MARY E. MATTHEWS, August 1869, New Castle, Henry Co., IN; b. February 08, 1845, Fayette, Co., IN; d. December 23, 1923. Notes for JAMES R. DILTS: James fought in the Civil War. from 1901 deposition in Civil War pension file: "...I will say that I spent part of the winter of 1864-65 and the spring and summer of 1865 at Germantown, Ohio, with my brother-in-law James H. McCraner. He was in the army pretty nearly all that time and I made my home with his wife, my sister. They now live at Union, Cass Co., Michigan, and I would like to have the testimony of him and his wife..." also "Deposition, Case of James R. Dilts, #149917, October 8th 1901-- Deposition given by older brother Lewis Dilts for James Dilts's claim for pension; James living in Summitville, county of Madison, state of Indiana; "My age is 62; occupation farming, P.O. address Anderson, Ind. ...James R. Dilts is my ... brother... I was not in the army myself... ...after he came home he and I lived in the same neighborhood for several years. I think he...worked for me ...he has...suffering from a wound he claimed to have received in one of his shoulders, the left one I think. He has seemed to suffer from that a good deal... Then after he moved to Middletown, he got his foot mashed in a...and he still limps some from that. These are the main disabilities he has had that I know of. He is quite serious now; has been so all his life and is getting worse all the time. I don't know what causes this. He was oversensitive...him having any heart trouble of any kind or any... I don't know him ever being troubled with diarrhea...of stomach or bowel trouble... My answers have been correctly recorded--Lewis Dilts" More About JAMES R. DILTS: Burial: Fountain Park, Fairmount, Grant Co., IN Fact 1: in Civil War; Fact 2: lived in Middletown, Henry County, afterward; Fact 3: 1860 census in Elkhart Co., IN; 1870 census Madison Co., IN; 1880 & 1890 census Henry Co., IN; ix. MARGARET J. DILTS, b. December 1833; m. JAMES H. MCCRANER, August 1858, Elkhart Co., IN; b. February 1836, Ohio.
17. WILLIAM7 DILTS (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born May 13, 1793 in Lancaster, PA, and died February 10, 1874 in Chesterfield, IN. He married JANE GUSTIN March 01, 1815 in Red Lion, Warren Co., OH, daughter of BENAJAH GUSTIN and ELEANOR BUNTON. She was born September 1791 in Pennsylvania, and died April 04, 1876 in Chesterfield, Madison Co, IN.Notes for WILLIAM DILTS: The first white settler in Monroe Twp., Delaware Co., IN. 1 1/2 mile NE of Daleville. He came with Thomas Gustin. William Dilts (1793 - 1874), Richard was older brother. William married Jane; Gustin 1815 in Warren Co., OH. William & Jane were pioneers in Chesterfield, Madison Co., IN. (Richard and Mary probably moved to area because Dilts and Gustin families already here. Jane Howe, Mary's mother, may have come with them at this time=about 1840.)
info from: "The Pioneers of Madison and Hancock Counties," "History of Madison County," and "Anderson Daily Bulletin" November 21, 1956; from Anderson, IN, newspaper, series "Man About Town," Wednesday,
November 21, 1956 "Time has nearly ended the monument erected in memory of the first white pioneer settler of what is now Union Township. In fact he may have been the first white man to settle in Madison County, tradition to the contrary, and he was the first to live out his life here. "William Dilts lived to see the county change from a place where Indians yet were present to a place where thousands of people lived, from a time of uncertain dim trails to the age of the railroad. And he, himself, became a big owner of the lands and head of a family which now numbers hundreds in this area alone. "He died February 11, 1874, and was buried in the old Otterbein Cemetery just east of the county farm. He was buried as was the due of a man of means and his monument was tall. but in only the last few years vandals upset the upper portion of his stone, and now young trees are destroying the base, hereby shown, on which are inscribed the name of William Dilts that of his wife, Jane (Gustin) Dilts. "Wiliam was born in Lancaster
County, PA, May 13, 1793, the son of Francis Jr., [sic] and Marguerite
Dilts. The name then was spelled with a "z" as Diltz. The family probably
was numbered among the refugees from the Rhine Valley. He moved with his
parents to Warren County, Ohio, in the early 1800s. In Ohio he married
Jane Gustin. She was born in September 1791, in New Jersey and died in
Union Township April 4, 1876. Time has almost wiped her na "William Dilts is not listed in the Ohio records for 1820, and it may have been that he was in Union Township in 1819 or most certainly, the next year. Madison County was not formed as early as 1820, so he is not in the state census for year. He cleared land and established a home on Mill Creek where Chesterfield is now... "Jane Gustin whose daughter married a Makepeace, goes back in her ancestry to Lawrence Makepeace, purchaser of Sulgrave Manor from his relative Lawrence Washington, who goes back in family ties to about 1,000 A.D. She is directly related to Sir William de Hertburn, Norman knight, who became Sir William de Wesyngton, ancestor of the Washington family. "...About 1835, maybe somewhat earlier, he built the famous brick inn, now on the south side of Ind. 32, a short distance east of Chesterfield. This was the first brick structure in the township and the finest inn in the county. At that time it was at the forks of the road, one leading east and another since closed, to the southeast. The house yet stands, but Dilts' stone is nearly lost."
More About WILLIAM DILTS: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN Fact 1: first moved to Chesterfield, 1820, but couldn't purchase land; Fact 2: was in Delaware County, (Daleville?) for several years; Fact 3: returned to Chesterfield before 1829; Fact 4: built first brick house/hotel 1833 in Madison County on south side of SR 32 just east of Chesterfield; Fact 5: "Uncle Billy's place" & "Billy Dilts house" from family stories; Fact 6: member of United Brethern Church (Otterbein) in Chesterfield; Fact 7: buried in Otterbein Cemetery with wife Jane; have markers; More About JANE GUSTIN: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN Fact 1: mid-wife to area as in "The Pioneers of Madison & Hancock Co." by S. Harden; Fact 2: 1st marriage was to a Taffee; Children of WILLIAM DILTS and JANE GUSTIN are: i. ELEANOR8 DILTS, b. April 13, 1815, Ohio; d. August 01,
1896, Chesterfield, Madison Co, IN;; Stepchild; m. ED SHIMER. ii. JOHN MILTON DILTS, b. January 01, 1820, Warren Co., OH; d. June 20, 1872, Chesterfield, Madison Co, IN; Stepchild; m. MAHALA HATFIELD; b. December 13, 1820, Maryland; d. January 16, 1902, Indiana. More About JOHN MILTON DILTS: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN Fact 1: Merchant; More About MAHALA HATFIELD: Burial: Otterbein Cemetery, Chesterfield, IN iii. RACHEL EMALINE DILTS, b. April 03, 1825; d. 1916; m. BRADLEY MAKEPEACE/MAKEPIECE; b. 1815; d. 1891. iv. NANCY ELIZABETH DILTS, b. April 05, 1830, Indiana; Stepchild; m. JOHN A. HARRISON; b. January 02, 1829; d. October 12, 1863. More About JOHN A. HARRISON: Fact 1: Attorney Fact 2: Quaker v. BETHANY DILTS, b. March 19, 1832, Salem Twp., Delaware Co. IN; d. December 23, 1907, Anderson, Madison Co., IN; m. STEPHEN NOLAND; b. 1832. vi. MARGARET DILTS, b. October 06, 1817. vii. MAHALA DILTS, b. 1822, OH.. viii. WILLIAM TAYLOR DILTS, b. March 12, 1822; m. SARAH E. NOLAND. ix. MARTIN PERRY DILTS, b. June 17, 1827, Madison Co., IN; d. January 20, 1903, Anderson, Madison Co., IN; m. NANCY RUSSELL; b. 1830; d. July 29, 1902.
18. CATHERINE7 DILTS (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Abt. 1808, and died in Tippecanoe Co., IN. She married BENJAMIN DOTY. He was born Abt. 1806.More About CATHERINE DILTS: Fact 1: 1870 census for Washington Twp., Tippecanoe Co., IN; More About BENJAMIN DOTY: Fact 1: 5 children; Tippecanoe Co., IN 1850, 1860 census; Children of CATHERINE DILTS and BENJAMIN DOTY are: i. MARGARET8 DOTY. ii. HESTER DOTY. iii. RHUHANNAH DOTY. iv. LARENA DOTY. v. CATHARINE DOTY.
19. CORNELIUS7 DILTS (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) He married JANE WALKER.More About CORNELIUS DILTS: Fact 1: predeceased Francis in 1837 Fact 2: Some children moved to St. Joseph, Elkhart Co., IN Fact 3: 1820 census spelled Dilce in Washington Twp., Montgomery Co., OH; 1830 census spelled Dilts in Miami Twp., Montgomery Co., OH; Children of CORNELIUS DILTS and JANE WALKER are: i. ELISA8 DILTS. ii. SUSAN DILTS. iii. JOHN DILTS. iv. CORNELIUS DILTS. v. CATHERINE DILTS. vi. WILLIAM T. DILTS. vii. JANE DILTS. viii. JOSEPH DILTS. ix. MARGARET DILTS, m. WILLAM CREAGER. x. MARY ANN DILTS.
20. FRANCIS7 DILTZ, JR. (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born August 09, 1807 in Lebanon, OH, and died September 03, 1863. He married SARAH RHOADES 1836 in Warren Co., OH., daughter of HENRY RHODES and MARY. She was born Abt. 1813.More About FRANCIS DILTZ, JR.: Fact 1: 1829, married Mary Gustin d. 1835, daughter. of Benajah & Eleanor; Fact 2: 1 child: Eleanor 1834-1836; Fact 3: 1850 census Miami Co., Staunton Twp., Ohio; More About SARAH RHOADES: Fact 1: 2nd wife; "Sary" in will Fact 2: 1850 census Miami Co., Ohio Children of FRANCIS DILTZ and SARAH RHOADES are: i. WILLIAM8 DILTS. ii. JOHN DILTS. iii. FRANCIS DILTS. iv. HENRY DILTS. v. GEORGE W. DILTS. vi. MARY DILTS. vii. PERRY DILTS. viii. MELINDA DILTS. ix. NANCY DILTS.
23. PETER7 DILTS (MARIA MARGARET6 VANARSDALLEN, CORNELIUS SIMON5, SIMON4, CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3, SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born Abt. 1788, and died Abt. 1848 in Abington, Wayne Co., IN. He married MARY (MAYBE SARAH) RENFRO.Notes for PETER DILTS: from "History of Allen County [Ohio]": 'Peter Diltz arrived in January, 1817, and took up his residence in the small block-house on the northeast corner of the quadrangle or parade ground of Fort Amanda. On September 20, 1817, Francis Diltz was born in this log-house, and here the family continued to reside until the beginning of the summer of 1821, when Mr. and Mrs. Diltz and children returned to Dayton. Previous to his leaving the county, however, he erected a log-cabin for the Sunderland family in 1821.' More About PETER DILTS: Fact 1: had 7 children Fact 2: pioneer at Fort Amanda, Allen Co., Ohio 1817-1823 Fact 3: in Randolph Co., IN 1838; Fact 4: info from; Children of PETER DILTS and MARY RENFRO are: i. JEFFERSON8 DILTS, b. 1824, Ohio; d. 1864, North Dakota; m. SARAH; b. Abt. 1821. Notes for JEFFERSON DILTS: Jefferson Dilts was a corporal, Co. C, 1st MN Cavalry under Capt. James L. Fisk, US Quartermaster Corps. JD was helping escort ninety-seven wagons from Fort Ridgely, MN, through North Dakota to Montana gold fields in summer of 1864. On September 2, 1864, Sioux attacked the wagon train. Jefferson was among those injured. On September 4, the wagon train found a defensive point and built a sod fort, six and one-half feet high and 300 feet in diameter. It was christened Fort Dilts by members of the wagon train in honor of Jefferson who died from his wounds and was buried in the entrenchments. The site is now a North Dakota State Historic Site, and Jefferson Dilts has a military marker. (information from North Dakota State Parks Department) More About JEFFERSON DILTS: Burial: Fort Dilts, ND Fact 1: corporal, Co. C, 1st MN Cavalry; Fact 2: Fort Dilts, ND, named for Jefferson; escorting wagon train west; Fact 3: 1864, died from wounds at Fort Dilts, ND; Fact 4: 1850 census with family on Washington Twp., Wayne Co., IN; Fact 5: 1860 Newton Twp., Jasper Co., IN; Fact 6: May have had 2nd wife named America, aged 24 on 1860 census; ii. FRANCIS DILTS, b. October 02, 1816, Dayton, OH; d. May 08, 1876, Winamac, IN; m. SARAH WEAVER, November 20, 1838; b. March 23, 1820, Germantown, OH; d. December 27, 1897, Winamac, IN. More About FRANCIS DILTS: Fact 1: Wagon maker, butcher, head of plow manufactory; Fact 2: Lived in Farmersville, OH, Goshen, IN, Rochester, IN, Winamac, IN; Fact 3: in German Reformed Church; More About SARAH WEAVER: Fact 1: Father of Pennsylvania of German decent, soldier of War of 1812, was surrendered to General Hull; father died several years after he left army; iii. ENOS DILTS. iv. HENRY DILTS. v. LYMAN DILTS. vi. MARY DILTS. .For a continuation of the Dilts-VanArsdallen family, go to the Dilts genealogy page. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1 Descendants of Claes Cornelissen Van Schouw Northwest of Antwerp and in the western section of Zeeland, Holland, are the towns of Brouwershaven and Nuewekerk on what is now called the Schouwen-Duiveland. These places are associated with the immigrant Claes Cornelissen van Schouw (of Schouw).
Generation No. 1 1. Claes Cornelissen7 Van Schouw was born
1606 in Brouwershave, Schouw/Schouwen, Zeeland, Netherlands, and died Abt.
1674 and 1676 in Long Island, New York. He married Metje Harpentse March
21, 1632 in Sloterdijk, Amsterdam, Holland, daughter of Herpert Jansz and
Pieterje Jakobs. She was born Abt. 1610 in Amsterdam, Holland. Notes for Claes Cornelissen Van Schouw: from Charles Vanorsdale, his article which appeared both in
The Vanguard and at "Claes Cornelissen van Schouw,
father-in-law to our ancestor Sijmon Jansz van Aersdalen, has had a very
fanciful background in some published genealogies... Most of what we know
of Claes (the diminutive of Niklass or Nicholas) come from Charles Arthur
Hoppin. Hoppin's treatment of van Schouw appears to be sound, having
withstood scrutiny by several researchers. "Although no European records
have been discovered yet, Claes appears to have hailed from an island
called "Schouw or Schouwen, in the estuary of the Ooster-Schelde River,
off the west coast of the Netherlands." Claes was born about 1605, judging
from a deposition he gave on May 5, 1640: 'This, date underwritten, before
me Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary in New Netherland, at the request of
Hendrick Pieterson, personally appeared Claes Cornelissen van Schouw, aged
about 35 years...' "This is also the first known
use in New Nether land of his full name. There has been some dispute as to
the validity of this age estimate, as on February 19, 1664, Claes gives
his age as 67, consequently having been born in 1697. It was the consensus
of researchers Hoppin, Hoffman, and Peterson that Claes' memory was better
in 1640 and, so, he was better able to reckon his age. "Claes appears in Land Papers
concerning a land patent: 'We Willem Kieft, etc.,...have granted to Claes
Cornelisz van Schouw a certain piece of land lying upon Long Island
opposite Manhattan Island between the ferry and Andries Hudden... Done 14
November 1642 at fort Amsterdam in New Netherland.' This land is now part
of Brooklyn Heights. Goodwin states 'Southward from the Ferry and along
the present Heights and East River shore existed the farms of Claes
Cornelissen Van Schouw, Jan Manje, Andries Hudde, Jacob Wolphertse,
Frederic Lubbertsen; and ex-Govern van Twiller had himself taken a grant.'
The ferry would become a landmark of sorts toward identifying Claes'
family, as when daughter Geertie Claes 'from the ferry' and her husband
Hendrick Vockerssen baptised Jueriaen on November 6, 1661, witnessed by
Sijmen Janssen, Hermanus van Bossum, and Trijntie Claes. "Hoffman's article spells out,
in a very convincing manner, seven children of Claes, utilizing 'the
unfailing method where the genealogy of a family of Dutch descent is
concerned; that is, by paying close attention to the sponsors who appeared
at the baptisms of the children.' Pieterje Claes' baptism of October 28,
1640 shows her to be a daughter of Claes Cornelissen:
'Ouders/Patents...Claes Cornelis. Kinders/Children...Pieterje.
Getuygen/Witnesses...Jeurgie Hendricksz, Hester Simons.' Either Pieterje,
husband Symon Jansz, or one of their children attended the baptism of
several children of Geertje Claes and Gerbrandt Claes which, combined with
the patronymic "Claes--" signifies that Pieterje was probably a sister to
Geertje and Gerbrandt. the sponsors at the baptism of Gerbrandt's son,
Pieter, were Tryntie Claes and Joris Jacobsin, who themselves were married
and appear numerous times in the baptismal record. Tryntje Claes appears
as a sponsor (along with Simon Jansen) at the baptism of Geergje Claes'
son Jeuriaen, and so must be another sister to Pieterje. finally Arien
Klaessen appears as a sponsor to the baptism of Gerbrandt's son Myndert,
and Hoffman points out that an Adreaen Claesz, unmarried brother of
Gerbrandt Claesz, died in 1703 in Bergen NJ, thus affixing him as another
brother to Pieterje. Two other children of Claes Cornelissen are offered
but have less substantive proof. Breukelen/Brooklyn, where Claes first lived after arriving
in the New World, is shown on this map from the 1660s as across the East
River from New Amsterdam (New York). South of Beukelen are Midwout
(Flatbush) and Niew Amersfoort (Flatlands) where he lived and later
life. "So from this we have
established the immediate family of Claes Cornelissen van Schouw,
particularly as it relates to his daughter, Pieterje Claes, and
Son-in-law, Symon Jansz van Aersdalen. The name of his wife (or wives)
remains unknown; however, Bryn suggests that her name may have been Metje
'Harpentse.' Peterson expounds on this, noting the occurrence of the name
Harpert in subsequent generations of descendants. Additionally, Metje
'Harperszen,' on Mary 20, 1652, witnesses the baptism of one of Claes'
grandchildren, hilew on August 15, 1655 Metje 'Herberts' and Claes
Corneliszen serve as sponsors of another grandchild of Claes.' "According to Peterson, 'the
last record of Claes Cornelissen van Schouw is believed to be listing in
1671 in the venue book of Adreiaen Hegeman, sheriff of Flatlands, which
the historian Teunis Bergen claims to have seen about 1881. Claes is
believed to have died about 1674.' "Frick notes that 'Claes was
living on Bergen's Island near Flatlands on 1671. ...On March 13, 1675,
Claes made a donation to the church. This was the last record of him.' CRV
notes that, in 'Kings Co., Wills', the will of Swaentie Janse, widow of
Cornelius Depotter' written March 31, 1676 includes, as a witness, a
'Claes Cornelinssen.' If this is Claes Cornelissen van Schouw, this may be
the last known record of Claes, then about 71 years old. Claes does not
appear on the Roll of Allegiance taken in 1687. "Claes apparently left behind
an island which bore his nickname, 'Mutelaer' or 'grumbler.' It was
recorded as such on several occasions. such as on May 8, 1697, on Book 2
conveyances: '...a lot on Mutilaer's Island (This is now Bergen
Island)...' "[Sources are given in original article.] from Margaret Scheffler,, at RootsWeb's
WorldConnect Project: 'From Edward Bowman on
"Coryn Cornelissen who lives near Amsterdam in the Netherlands had
provided me with some documents which tend to show that Claes Cornelissen,
the father of the Tryntje Claessen who married Joris Jacobsen, was born at
Brouwershaven on the island of Shouwen. The baptism record that Coryn
provided to me shows a Claes Corneliussen who was born february 12, 1606,
as the son of Cornelius Jans and and unknown wife. That record came from a
book called Doopboek Brouwershaven or Doopboek; Baptism Book. The witness
for the baptism of Claes Cornelissen were Crynen Clese, Lysbeth Jansdr,
and Adriaentgen Claes. I've seen it reported that his birth record is also
mentioned in James Riker's "Revised History of Harlem..." published in
"Coryn also provided me with a copy of a marriage record which shows that
a Claes Cornelissen married Metje Harperts on March 21, 1632 at Slterdijck
which is now part of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Coryn's translation of
the record reads: 'Appeared before me as before Class Corneliss of
Brouwershaven and Metgie Harpers from Amsterdam 20 years old assisted by
Pieterje Jacobs and living as before in the Haerlemmerstraat.' In the
margin there is also writing which translates to 'The banns have been read
in Brouwershaven without hindrance. This persons have been married on the
21st of March 1632 in Sloterdijk by Mathijas Mursius, vicar.' I would
assume that Pieterje Jacobs was the mother of Metje Harpers.
"Coryn located the baptism record of Metje Herpertsen. Metje was baptized
at Neuwe Kerk (New Church) in Amsterdam on either the 7th or 9th of
November 1610. Her parents were Herpert Jansz and Pieterje Jakobs who were
married on November 1, 1609 in the Oude Kerk (Old Church) in Amsterdam. An
email from Cyntha Middough Zuber informed me that a Herbert Jansz of
Hassellumem (Germany) and a Pieterjen Jacobdr, widow of Tjaling Cornelius
filed a record marriage intentions on October 17, 1609 in Amsterdam.
Pieterjen Jacobdr was indicated to have been from Ameland, a Friesian
"Coryn also found record of the baptisms of two children of Claes
Cornelissen and Metje Herperts, namely Tryntje Claesen baptized on June
12, 1633 and Herpert Claesen baptized on August 14, 1635. Thus Herpert or
Harpert was born in 1635, rather than 1631 as some have reported. Further,
this tends to indicate that Claes Corneliussen was still in Holland at
least about 9 months prior to the baptism of Herpert. The witness for the
baptism of Tryntje was Gerbis Teunisen and the witness for the baptism of
Harpert was Pieterje Jacobs, probably his grandmother... 'In another email...Ed Bowman
"On November 14, 1642 Willem Kieft granted a patent to Claes Cornelisz van
Schouw for 16 morgens of land on Long Island opposite Manhattan Island
between the ferry and the land of Andries Hudde. that land is apparently
within what is now known as Brooklyn Heights. Others owning land near
there were Jan Manje, Jacob Wolphertsen, Frederic Lubbertsen, and
ex-governor van Twiller.
"...he later disposed of this land near the ferry and bought a farm at
Amersfoort about six miles away. Between 1650 and 1660, he was owner of at
least one team of horses, a wagon, and some cattle..." ' from Jerry, jlbruhn at, at RootsWeb's WorldConnect
Project: "On Nov. 24, 1642 Claes
received a grant of 33 acres of land at Gowanus. Today the Brooklyn
Borough Hall and the Brooklyn Civic Center are located on this land. There
Claes operated a tobacco chop until after 1653. From the Brooklyn web site, Brooklyn Borough Hall, right,
sits on the site of Claes's 1650s tobacco shop. "Prior to Sep. 30 1660, Claes
pledged a donation to build a new church at Midwout. "Claes was living on
Bergen's Island near Flatlands in 1671." from Lori MacPherson, lori.macphersonat disney.con, at RootsWeb's
WorldConnect Project: "There is considerable debate
about whether a Claes Cornelissen of Boda, Sweden, born in 1597 is the
same person as Claes Cornelius/Cornellissen Van Schouw (Brouwershaven,
Zeeland, Netherland). This debate has been particularly advocated by the
Wychoff descendants; however, even they adnit that there is no proof of
such a connection, and several well-known Dutch researchers discount this
theory including William Hoffman, Harriet Striker-Rodda, Claes van Schouw
descendant, William Peterson, and Edward Lee Hoppin. The latter writes: 'a
study of the records and associations of the two men reveal them to have
had nothing in common and to have been unlike in characters, social
positions and material circumstances. They never appear in any public
record in any way suggesting that they were related. Their homes in the
Old World were widely separated." More About Claes Cornelissen Van Schouw: Fact 1: Claes has no relationship to Wyckoffs, as given by some
Wyckoff genealogists; Fact 2: grant of land November 14, 1642, on LI between ferry and
property of Andreis Hudden which is now Brooklyn Heights (old residences
and city hall); Fact 3: later sold land and lived in Flatland, now the 32nd Ward of
Brooklyn, known then as Amersfoort; Fact 4: "meutelaer" sometimes added as surname; it translates as
"grumbler, whiner"; did live on Meutelaer's Island later known as Bergen's
Island; Notes for Metje Harpentse: from Lori MacPherson, lori.macpherson at, RootsWeb's
WorldConnect Project: "William Peterson [researcher]
indicates that Metje Harpentse was more likely Claes's wife.. This name
explains the Harpert name in three generations of ancestors. Metje
Herpertsen was a witness 20 May 1652 at the baptism of Claes' grandchild
and Metje Herbers was a sponsor of another grandchild, Volckert, baptized
in the New York Dutch Church in 1655. Charles Hoppin is another
well-respected researcher and author of Dutch ancestry. He also concludes
that Metje Harpentse was likely the wife of Claes Cornelissen. "In support of Metje Harpentse
as the wife of Claes is the reseach of Dutch reseracher, Chris Brooks, who
found the marriage intention of Claes and Metje in 1632 Brouwershaven
records as well as Metje's batpism and Het parents' marriage. It is likely
that the 'marten Harbersen' in the Declaration by Claes Cornelissen and
Marten Harbersen about the sale of Maryn Adreaensen's plnatation was
Metjer's brother and Claes' brother-in-law..." Children of Claes Van Schouw and Metje Harpentse
are: 2 i. Pieterje Claessen8 Van Schouw/Schouwen, born October 28, 1640 in Harlem, New Amsterdam, (NY);; died Abt. 1698 in Flatlands, Long Island, New York. She married Sijmon (Simon) Janzen VanArsdallen Abt. 1659 in New Amsterdam (NY); born Bet. February 27, 1627 - 1628 in Nukerke, Oost Vlanderen (East Flanders), Belgium; died October 29, 1710 in Flatlands, L.I., New York. ***See Van Aersdalen genealogy, generation 2, above.***
Notes for Pieterje Claessen Van Schouw/Schouwen: from NYGBR, Vol. V, p. 29: Pieterje Claes' baptism of October 28, 1649, shows her to be a daughter of Claes Conelissen. More About Pieterje Claessen Van Schouw/Schouwen: Fact 1: October 28, 1640, baptised Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam (NY); 3 ii. Gerbrant/Gaerbrant Van Schouw, born April 04, 1649 in New Amsterdam (NYC); died 1703. He married Marritje Cos. 4 iii. Herpert Claesen Van Schouw, born August 14, 1635 in Amsterdam, Holland. 5 iv. Tryntje Claesen Van Schouw, born June 12, 1633 in Brouwershaven, Schouwen, Zeeland, Netherlands. She married Joris Jacobszen. 6 v. Geertje Claesen Van Schouw, born Bef. 1636 in Brouwershaven, Schouwen, Zeeland, Netherlands. She married Hendirck Folkers (Volkersz) Bries. 7 vi. Cornelius Van Schouw, born October 04, 1643 in New Amsterdam (NYC). 8 vii. Floris/Joris Van Schouw, born Bet. January 20, 1647 - 1648 in New Amsterdam (NYC). ========================================================================================= Section 2
Descendants of Dirck Janse
Ammerman Generation No. 1 1. Dirck Janse2 Ammerman (Jan Dirckse1
Amerman) was born Bet. 1645 - 1650 in Flatbush, NY, and died 1723 in
New York. He married Adeltje (Aeltje) VanderBeeck 1668 in New York,
daughter of Paulus Beeck and Maria Badie. She was born May 30, 1649 in
Flatlands, Kings, NY, and died Bet. May 30, 1709 - 1710 in Flatlands, Long
Island, NY. ***For more info on the
VanderBeeck family, go to section 2A below.*** Notes for Dirck Janse Ammerman: from Constance Bailey, Olympia, Washington, at LDS's Ancestral File
at and RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: "Derick, Janse Amerman, the
progenitor of this most prolific family tree, (b. ca. 1649, Holland,
prob., d. ?, living in 1724 in Flatlands, Kings County, Long Island, New
York). He settled in Flatlands about three miles beyond Flatbush.
Descendants claim his home was constructed with loopholes in the walls for
the purpose of firing guns outward. They also claim Derick acted as an
interpreter in transactions with the Indians. It is also claimed he
piloted the first ferry across the Hudson River from Manhattan to Long
Island (Nassau). "Derick Janse Amerman married
1665-1670 to Aeltje Paulus van der Beek, (bap. 30 May 1649, New York, d.
30 May 1710 Flatlands, New York), daughter of Paulus van der Beek, ( b.
1623, Bremen, Bremen, d. Flatbush, Long Island, New York), and Mary
Thomase Baddie, (b. Holland, d. ?), 10 children:
1. Paulus Derckse Amerman, (aka Powel Amberman, Pouel Ammerman, Emberman),
(b. 1668-1672, Flatlands, Kings County, Long Island, New York, d. 1757).
Paulus was elder at the Dutch Reformed Church at Jamaica, Long Island in
1753, 1754, and 1755. Married two times. Married 1st to Aliena (b.? d.
1689-99) One known child.
2. Aliena Amerman, (b.? d.?) transcribed will from Dutch Colonies Mail List @ "September 20, 1709--In the
name of God, Amen. I, Dirch Amertman, of Flatlands town in Kings County,
being of good and perfect mind, I leave all my lands, orchards, and
gardens to my wife Meelkie, during her live, and after her decease to my
children, Paulus, John, Albert, Isaac, Jacobus, Maritie, Catharine, Anke,
Grabrach, and Alkie. My eldest son Paulus is to have L3 above his
share. Witnesses, Henry Filkins, Feritt Stoothoff, C. Hoaglandt,
Proved, February 1, 1723-1724" from Barbara L. Van "If Dirck or Derick Janse was
born c. 1645 or 1649 as other genealogists have, and came to his country,
in 1650, the odds are that he was accompanying his parents or at least one
parent. One genealogist, Theodore Ammerman, had his father as Jan Dirchse
Amerman, sailor sailing out of Holland. C. Theordore, 'Ted' Ammerman wrote
a 309 page book titled 'The Descendants of Derick Janse Amerman.' It
should be noted that other researchers have him being born in Flatbush in
about 1645, which means that his parents would have had to immigrate prior
to that time. It should also be noted that a Jan Dirckse from Bremen
arrived aboard the "Wapen van Rensselaerswijck; that sailed from Amsterdam
Sept. 1643 and arrived in New Amsterdam in March 1644... However,
according to the list of those who took the Oath of Allegiance to the
British Crown, In September 1657, it was recorded that Dirch had been in
the province 37 years. So he was either born in 1650 or arrived by boat in
1650. "When Dirch grew into manhood
he became a land speculator, a fisherman, and an elder in the Dutch
Church. In 1691, Dirck was a captain of the British Militia in the
Canadian Expedition. He settled in Flatlands about three miles beyond
Flatbush. Descendants claim he home was constructed with loopholes in the
walls for purpose of firing guns outward... "He lived in Flatlands and was
a member of the Dutch Reformed Church there as early as 1677, serving as
deacon in 1682 and elder in 1703. "Herick Janse Amerman
married Aeltje Paulus VanDerBeek May 2, 1691 in Flatbush, Kings County,
New York... In the census of 1698 his family at Flatlands consisted of a
man, a woman, and seven children. "In June 1694 Dirck and Aeltje
conveyed their farm in the township of Amersford or Flatlands to Hendrick
Wychkoff, in exchange for other lands there, and thereafter his name was
seen in connection with numerous land transfers." Children of Dirck Ammerman and Adeltje VanderBeeck are: 2 i. Marretje Dirksdochter3 Ammerman, born 1672 in Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY); died Aft. 1738. She married Cornelius Simonszen VanArsdallen Bet. May 02 - June 14, 1691 in Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY); born 1665 in Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY); died Bet. April 19 - 25, 1745 in Flatlands, Long Island, Kings Co., NY. ***For Ammerman-VanArsdallen connection, go above to VanArsdallen generation 3.***
3 ii. Paulus Ammerman, born Abt. 1675. He married Aliena. More About Paulus Ammerman: Fact 1: elder at Dutch Reformed Church, Jamaica, LI, NY; 4 iii. Jan (John) Ammerman. 5 iv. Albert Ammerman. 6 v. Catherine Ammerman. 7 vi. Auke Ammerman. 8 vii. Isaac Ammerman. 9 viii. Gerbrecht Ammerman. 10 ix. Jacobus Ammerman. 11 x. Alkie Ammerman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2A
Descendants of Paulus Vender Beeck Generation No. 1 ***For more on the Badie and Braconie family, go below to Section
2B.*** Paulus VanderBeek married Maria Thomas Badie in the Dutch
Reformed Church in New Amsterdam (NYC) in 1644. The first protestant
church in America, the photo at left shows how it looks today. From the map above, Bremen, Germany, where Paulus "a young
unmarried man" was from, is east of Amsterdam, Holland. Next is a picture
of the old government house "Radhaus" in Bremen. Notes for Paulus VenderBeeck: info from Brooke Family @
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry. com, who sites www., NYC church records, NYG&B Records, History of New
Amersrdam: "Paulus Van Der Beek, her third
husband, was originally a farmer from Bremen, went to Curacao, then to New
Netherland, and became a farmer on Long Island. He was also a surgeon for
the Dutch West Indies Company. He served in Curacao and on the company's
ships. He was granted the rights of small burgher April 11, 1657. Maria
and Paulus later moved to the Bennet house, in Brooklyn. He was the first
physician or surgeon in the small settlement of Brooklyn, where he
maintained a large and prosperous farm and practiced his
profession." From the Brooklyn genealogy site, here are two views of
the Wychoff-Bennett house on 22nd Street in Brooklyn. Paulus's wife
Marie Thomas Badie's second husband was William Adriaense Bennet (de
Cuyper/the cooper). William had immigrated before 1636, purchased
land bordering upper New York Bay from the Indians (what would be called
"Gowanus" in honor of the tribe), lived here, and had six children with
Marie. He died prior to 1644, and Marie then inherited the house in
which she and her third husband Paulus lived. from Barbara L. Van Norsdall, who cites Robert Protzman at the
Dutch-Colonies Mail Listing at RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: "Paulus was originally a farmer
from Bremen, Germany. He went to Curacao, Netherlands Antilles in the
Caribbean, on 'DeVerguid Shoeck' (The Gilded Pike) and then on to New
Netherlands around 1643. Paulus had been a ship's surgeon for the
Dutch West India Company. He served in Curacao and on the company's
ships. He became a farmer on Long Island. It seems that he
also continued his practice of medicine. He was the first physician
or surgeon in the small settlement of Gowanus (Breuckelen or
Brooklyn). He maintained a large and prosperous farm. At that
time in 1660 there were 31 families and 134 people living in
Gowanus. "May 12, 1646 he bought lot 14
with a house and garden next to the lot of William Bredenbent (his
step-father-in-law). He was one of 19 members of the Convention in
1653 which petitioned Gov. Stuyvesant for more rights for the
colonists. "Paulus and Maria married
October 9, 1644. They lived in New Amsterdam until about 1655.
They later lived in the Bennet house in Brooklyn. They then moved to
Gowanus. On February 23, 1662, Paulus hired carpenters to build a
house in Gowanus. More About Paulus VanderBeek Fact 1: Dutch Reformed Church Fact 2: listed as a young unmarried man from Bremen in the marriage
records; Fact 3: delegate to the 1663 convention which had to do with
fortifying Long Island to protect the settlers from British invasion
(BLVN); More About Maria Thomas Badie: ***For more on the
Badie-Braconie family, go to Section 2B
below.*** Children of Paulus VanderBeeck and Maria Badie
are: 2 i. Adeltje (Aeltje)2 VanderBeeck, born May 30, 1649 in Flatlands, Kings, NY; died Bet. May 30, 1709 - 1710 in Flatlands, Long Island, NY. She married Dirck Janse Ammerman 1668 in New York; born Bet. 1645 - 1650 in Flatbush, NY; died 1723 in New York. ***For the Ammerman-VanderBeek connection, go to Section 2, generation 1, above.*** 3 ii. Catharyn VanderBeeck, born 1645 in New Amsterdam (NYC). She married Daniel Ruychou August 26, 1661 in New Amsterdam (NYC). 4 iii. Conrad VanderBeeck, born Abt. 1647 in New Amsterdam (NYC); died January 09, 1707 in New York. He married Elsje Jans Staats/Schaers 1670. 5 iv. Paulus VanderBeeck, born Abt. 1650 in New Amsterdam (NYC); died Bef. October 08, 1691. He married Sara Schouten June 13, 1677 in New York. 6 v. Hester VanderBeeck, born Abt. 1652 in New Amsterdam (NYC). She married Juriaen Blanck, Jr. November 25, 1673 in New York. 7 vi. Isaac VanderBeeck, born Abt. 1656 in New Amsterdam (NYC).
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 2B
New Amsterdam (NYC) as it looked in 1660--this is where many of our Dutch ancestors landed after sailing for two to three months to cross the Atlantic from the Netherlands. It is also where the VanderBeek, Badie, and Braconie members of the family lived for a time. "The Wall" on the right is the area now called Wall Street. Descendants of Eli Braconie and Thomas Baddie
Generation No. 1 1. Eli1 Braconie was born 1563 in Netherlands. Notes for Eli Braconie: info on Braconie family from Bruce Harrison and Marie MacDonnell, both at RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project; from MacDonnell: alternate spellings--Brackhonge; Child of Eli Braconie is: + 2 i. Aeltie (Aeitje)2 Braconie, born Bet. 1589 - 1590 in Netherlands; died June 22, 1670 in Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY.
Generation No. 2 2. Aeltie (Aeitje)2 Braconie (Eli1) was born Bet. 1589 - 1590 in Netherlands, and died June 22, 1670 in Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY. She married Thomas Badie/Baddia Bet. 1605 - 1607 in Netherlands. He was born Bet. 1585 - 1587 in Noord, Holland or Amsterdam, Netherlands, and died 1670 in Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY. More About Aeltie (Aeitje) Braconie: Fact 1: 1660, Dutch Reformed Church; Fact 2: Bet. January 22, 1669 - 1670, will: "Everything to Mary Thomas Baddie"; Fact 3: residence bet. 1627-1637 New Amsterdam; Fact 4: aft. 1637 residence Gowanus, Brooklyn, New Amsterdam; Fact 5: 1670 record as richest person in New Amsterdam; Fact 6: 2nd marriage to Cornelius Lambertszen Cool; children Ailtje, Pieterje, Lambert; Fact 7: 3rd marriage to Willem Brederben; Immigration: Abt. 1637, New Amsterdam (NYC); Notes for Thomas Badie/Baddia: info from Brooke Family @ http:// "Treasurer of the Dutch West India Company" More About Thomas Badie/Baddia: Fact 1: Treasurer of Dutch West India Co. Fact 2: 1623-1637 resided in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands Child of Aeltie Braconie and Thomas Badie/Baddia is: 3 i. Maria Thomas3 Badie, born Bet. 1604 - 1608 in Utrecht, Holland; died Bet. January 1696 - 1697 in Gowanes, Breukelen (Brooklyn), NY. She married Paulus Vender Beeck (see above) October 09, 1644 in Dutch Reformed Church; born Bet. 1622 - 1624 in Bremen, Germany; died 1680 in Gowanes, Brooklyn, Kings County, NY. Notes for Maria Thomas Badie: info on Baddie/Badie family from Bruce Harrison at RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project, etc.; from Marie McDonnel at RootsWeb...: "Emigrated with 1st husband between 1635 and 1638 to New
Netherlands, probably pregnant; 9 Sep 1644 as widow of Adriaense, she
obtained a patent on at least 2 farms from Gov. Kieft at Gowanus; gave a
silver communion service to the Brooklyn Dutch Reformed Church; signed her
name with a mark." More About Maria Thomas Badie: Fact 1: 1st marriage to Jacob Verdon/Farden b. 1600 France, d. 1635 New Amsterdam; two children Magdalena and Thomas; Fact 2: 2nd marriage to Willem Bennet de Cuyper; Adrian, Willem, Christiaen, Christiaen, Marritje; Fact 3: May 12, 1639, receipt for twenty guilders; Fact 4: 1662, Dutch Reformed Church; Begun in 1654 with the first edifice built in 1666, Brooklyn's First Dutch Reformed Church's location has changed several times through the centuries. The last edifice in stone is pictured at right. Marie Badie VanderBeek gave a silver communion service to this church's ancestor. Fact 5: October 03, 1684, donated 2 silver beakers to Breukelen Church; Fact 6: Bet. February 28, 1693 - 1694, signed a deed; Fact 7: inherited money from mother, step-father, and 2 husbands; Fact 8: total of 13 children; Immigration: Abt. 1627, New Amsterdam (NYC)
The watercolor "Christmas Model T," used for the background of this genealogy page, is by John Phillip Summers of Anderson, Indiana.